Ditto on the keeping up with the Joneses part so I probably stuck my foot in my mouth talking about rape like I did if that's not even the allegation. So.. if it's not even rape, to me that seems even MORE a publicity & smearing campaign than anything else. I just thought it was like "Oh this girl from like 2-3 decades ago claimed she was raped". If anyone wants to give me the ELI5 terse version, I'm all ears. I doubt I'd come out enlightened because, again, even with just the very very little info I've gleaned it seems like a bunch of cockamamie bullshit, and I'd be a little more prone to err on the side of a sexual assault victim's claim that most of you guys to be frank.I'm not keeping up, but at one time I did hear that in the jurisdiction they lived in, there is no statute of limitations on rape. One of the few places in the country where that's true. But she's not alleging rape, so there might be a time limit on whatever she claimed happened if it was even illegal.
The first game I ever played was Dragon Warrior.
I had no idea that I was going to be sucked into fantasy gaming for the rest of my life.
Glad I did tho, I love this stuff so much.
I was a pretty big fan of DW7. Wish I still had it.
Thread brought back some really good memories. +1
I'm fully aware that this is a 1st world problem of the highest order; but in my head it's like "well... that's fucking $400 for one game... one game you psycho!"
I'm fully aware that this is a 1st world problem of the highest order; but in my head it's like "well... that's fucking $400 for one game... one game you psycho!"
Why ps4? not pc?
If anyone wants to give me the ELI5 terse version, I'm all ears
First off, I don't think she's said anything other than what was in a letter that I'm not even sure we've seen. That's why the stories are running so crazy. The only thing I have heard her allege is that he pushed her on a bed, tried to forcefully kiss her, groped her breast outside her clothes and stopped because she was yelling. Oh yeah and put his hand over her mouth when she started yelling. There was something about the other dude in the room plopping down on the Ned too but I never got how that fit into the story. Then they left her alone and she claimed she locked herself in the bathroom the rest of the night and 30 years later she finally told someone during marriage counseling.
I tried to not interject my own opinions into that.
Okay thanks... yeah that's definitely sexual assault. What's interesting as I think about it is where is the HARD LINE of what rape is? Is it as cut and dry as "If the peen is forced in the vajayjay, it is rape and then and only then do you call this rape" ? That's fine. If that's the line between rape and sexual assault, so be it. He didn't rape her, he sexually assaulted her. I think I would call it rape if a man physically battered and overpowered me (vast majority of men could) and forced himself on me sexually, yes, to include "just" grabbing my tits and kissing me and covering my mouth to stifle my verbal protests but no penetration. I would be fucking terrified if that happened... TERRIFIED. Not being dramatic here my dudes, that would fuck me up bad as a -woman- now. But I also feel definitions are extremely important and especially so with serious cases and issues such as sexual assault and rape.First off, I don't think she's said anything other than what was in a letter that I'm not even sure we've seen. That's why the stories are running so crazy. The only thing I have heard her allege is that he pushed her on a bed, tried to forcefully kiss her, groped her breast outside her clothes and stopped because she was yelling. Oh yeah and put his hand over her mouth when she started yelling. There was something about the other dude in the room plopping down on the Ned too but I never got how that fit into the story. Then they left her alone and she claimed she locked herself in the bathroom the rest of the night and 30 years later she finally told someone during marriage counseling.
I tried to not interject my own opinions into that.
3. You're trying to get me killed IRL aren't you? Fuck Allah and fuck Islam. Any religion where I cannot say what I literally just said due to receiving death threats is a shit religion. Say what I said but replace Allah and Islam with God and The Bible... I would literally feel sorry for you for saying that, not want to MURDER you for it. That is the flashing beacon of what an evil religion is... a religion of violence and murder, and Sharia Law demands this for non-believers.
Example: That Harvey Weinstein vid of that cute girl with dark hair that she filmed pitching some script (?) or something and she got fat 7 years later... most of you I think were like, "yeah he's a creepy fuck but she was totally flirting back" or "she was awfully comfortable, laid back and smiling for then later claiming she was sexually harassed at the time". What a lot of you may not realize is that is precisely the reaction of a female who is uncomfortable as shit but desperately trying to keep it together. I see it in her words and mannerisms and a lot of other women could probably see it too... and y'all should know (I hope) I'm not a man-hater or feminist or anything like that (just a rational truth-seeker) and I also think #metoo has went too far in some situations. There are subtleties to a woman's discomfort that may not be as apparent due to the difference of the sexes and the inherent power that men have over women (sorry feminists... it's true). Harvey Weinstein had that shit coming for a looong time I'm pretty sure.
Okay guys, this is getting somewhat Johnny53 esque
Basically I met my SO's brother for the first time today at her house today. I also met his girlfriend. I liked them, she especially seemed chill, sweet and relatable. The brother was a bundle of energy I couldn't be around for long periods of time. You know those types? We chatted a bit, ate tacos, smoked, hung out and did the usual. The SO was going to come stay the night but plans fell through so I went on home and fired up my shiny new PS4 for the evening. I was all excited that I was finally alone with DQ11 for the night, then I got these texts:
View attachment 177564
Pink = my girl's name, Blue = Her brother. No other way to interpret this other than my GF's brother who has a GF of his own wants to fuck me.
Around 12:30pm I get a normal text from the SO telling me goodnight so she has no clue he stole her phone and sent me that shit.
View attachment 177563
I can't even make this shit up...
LoL! Well I got up and was having my cherished morning coffee and read this and it's taken me a few hours to pull away from the PS4 this morning, so a few things:Okay . . .
I don't even know what to write here.
I Jonesing(ed) your post as I kinda wanted to put a reaction. It's kinda only a part of how I felt, we don't really have a reaction icon for this sort of situation.