Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread

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Tranny Chaser
I don't know any parent that forces any child to play with any toy. In fact, most parents prefer their children not play with toys at all, and instead do something more constructive.
Uh, what? Toys are an integral part of learning motoric and social skills. Not sure if serious.gif.
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Buzzfeed Editor
What the hell happened up in h ere?

But with there being so much transtrenderism right now I do worry that some parents want a trans child so that they can automatically fit in with a group, because they are lonely and sad and have always wanted to belong to a group, and if they have a trans child they get to join a group of LGBT parents and "SJW liberators" and feel like they belong. Thus when their child exhibits something they deem as "trans", they latch onto it and possibly feed the child ideas and then that leads down a dangerous path

Well, two things worry me with this. First, it's that puberty is another round of hormones on a still very plastic brain. At 13 the brain is still able to change quite a bit, and there is precious little research on the rate of reversal after childhood due to puberty. We know from twin studies at least part of transgenderism is biological, and we believe it mostly has to do with hormones (According to the research from UoC that specializes in children transitioning). And one of the things that is affected by puberty is brain structure.

The existing studies suggest that physical and hormonal changes during puberty are linked with unique patterns of structural brain maturation in humans. Furthermore, pubertal related changes seem to have differing effects on cortical versus subcortical limbic regions. The emerging evidence also suggests that future studies can help us to improve our understanding by designing studies aimed at better capturing hormone variance and individual differences in timing and progression of both physical and hormonal changes across adolescence.

So my question is this. If the premise is that transgender people have structural differences in their brains which creates associations with different sexual characteristics than their current body, then how can we determine they are trans if their brain still has significant changes to make (Changes literally induced by a hormone dose meant to instill sexual characteristics)? The most worrying thing about this is the little evidence we do have indicates puberty does reverse the effects of dysphoria in some cases (I'll try to dig up the study, but they all have so few participants that the sample sizes don't really inspire confidence.) Regardless though, we have a lot of evidence indicating profound changes in the brain from that second dose of hormons a child gets (The first being exposure to hormones in the uterus). It seems like no amount of training could accurately predict how a child will turn out when even the best experts can't know all the variables.

My second concern is pretty much what you said. We have documented evidence of children going along with complex lies just to please authority figures who weren't even trying to 'lead them' to an answer. In fact, evidence of this is constantly used to prove implicit bias is a real phenomenon. But somehow we expect children to be able to resist attempting to please a bunch of people who are most likely very profound advocates for the issue or whose career depends on it (Talking gender psychologists/sociologists, rather that psychiatrists/neuroscientists/endocrinologists, who will be fine with or without this field.)

That said, properly trained gender dysphoria doctors will be able to spot this miles away and filter said children out of treatment. They really are very good at doing this, and it's much harder to get past that gatekeeper than many people seem to think it is. You don't get to just show up with your son and show the doctor your son's favorite barbie and favorite pink skirt and walk away with a prescription for puberty blockers. It takes a really long fucking time. I don't know the right answer here.

I don't totally disagree with you here (Save for the above variable). I've spoken to one (A medical doctor, not some gender psychologist loon but a neurologist specializing in gender dysphoria). Their consistency requirement is pretty strict for children, requiring a pretty long period of consistent views even when challenged (To attempt to account for bias I spoke about above.) The issue is, though--that even if these doctors earnestly care about doing the best possible thing for their patients, and I do believe that they do, they are still human.

And many of these programs are absolutely infested with people who are not doctors, but there to teach doctors how to "work with trans people". Many hospitals have entire departments now for transitioning and they are staffed pretty heavily by "gender sociologists and psychologists"--which are quacks, typically. And their careers rely on ensuring this field remains legitimate. Just what I've watched these people do to researchers who disagree with them makes me wary. (Researchers who, btw, were pioneers of the field--so not people who are 'against' Trans people, the two people I'm speaking of worked with intersex and gender confused kids all the way back when the field of gender sociology was young, the 70's and 80's. But they began having issues with the kind of 'pop culture' view of trans issues pressuring doctors to potentially misdiagnose other issues as trans issues, and they were just burned at the stake for it.)

So on one hand, yeah, I agree, the actual DOCTORS doing this I think are trying to only do what has the best efficacy for a better life for their patients and they try to go where the science takes them. The issue is, again, the political and social pressure on them is immense, and that pressure doesn't come from a very scientific place (A lot of the psychology behind gender dysphoria is pay for play journals, and other just junk science. Not saying dysphoria is all junk science, some of it is absolutely concrete but this particular vein has a lot of terrible studies) When I see doctors making choices with huge unkowns like brain maturation, it sets off a lot of alarm bells.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
And yeah, cmon now, of course being trans is a mental disorder. It's like I said a few pages back, let's be real here. You have to really detach yourself from logic and reality to proclaim that being trans is not a mental illness, when it is so abnormal and affects your life so drastically. However, my problem comes when people take the idea of being trans as a mental illness as an argument against transitioning and as an argument for them just needing talk therapy and conversion therapy, which has been shown to not only not work, but cause serious, serious damage. The best treatment we have happens to be transitioning, and it's pretty damn effective when applied properly and accurately.

this is such an absolutely backwards idea of "treatment"

you're ready willing and able to admit that trans is a mental disorder, and in the same breath you say the TREATMENT for the mental disorder IS THE DISORDER itself.

that's like saying the best treatment for depression is teaching people to clear your schedule so you can just sleep all day.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I don't know any parent that forces any child to play with any toy. In fact, most parents prefer their children not play with toys at all, and instead do something more constructive.
yeah unless you live in japan or something, that is absolutely false. there ARE times when, as a parent, i want my kids to clean, or help cook or whatever. but the vast majority of the time i want them to play with toys or blocks or draw or whatever. i WANT them to do that. there are TIMES when i, and i think most parents, lose track of what they are thinking and want their kids to be WAY older than they are, but then we come to our senses and want them to BE kids.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wait, what? You got back with your ex? Picture please.

Even though, this is bad news. I just found out I can bone you and not feel gay or a tranny chaser. Why now of all times?


Tranny Chaser


How about Goliath / Morrow? What do you think, Vanessa Vanessa ? Passable? CD?
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Uncle Tanya
Morrow Morrow is the only VanessaApproved™ legit tranny up in this piece.

Literally just this morning dude... c'mon. I hope to meet Morrow if she ever decides to come out to the east-coast FoH meet-up, whenever and wherever that may be! We'd have a lot of fun I bet!
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Trakanon Raider
I've had a couple of teenagers come into our clinic (psychiatry) and demand that my collaborating doctor give them a prescription for testosterone or estrogen that day. The big research hospital has opened a "gender clinic" and we've referred them there. I find it difficult to diagnose teens with gender dysphoria because they are unreliable narrators. Typically, mom or dad will say the kid never expressed gender dysphoria when they were very young and the kid really can't effectively describe how they meet the criteria for gender dysphoria. In my limited experience, most of the kid/adults I run into who claim to be transgender have other underlying mental health issues (typically mood or trauma). I can't help but wonder if a lot of these teens feel powerless over life circumstances or feel ignored or otherwise not special and use this as a way to regain some control of their life. I get the impression some people working in gender clinics have an agenda to push, which is worrisome. To a hammer, everything looks like a nail and I think a lot of kids that are getting treated for gender dysphoria may not meet the criteria for the diagnosis but are shuffled along into treatment because psychologists/counselors frequently have difficulty maintaining appropriate boundary and have a poor understanding of a "gender affirming approach".

That being said, if an adult can convince an appropriate clinician to provide them treatment, that is their choice. I think my primary issue is the social pressure to give anyone who walks into the clinic whatever they want or else be labeled a bigot.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
yeah i'm with you. it's such a slippery slope between someone who is GENUINELY experiencing body dysphoria and someone looking for an answer, ANY answer. i hate to say something as fundamental as personal identity is a fad, but it is. we're in a position where we have systemically taught our children that feeling anything less than amazing at all times is unacceptable and we have, generation by generation, lost our ability to cope with life on life's terms.

don't get me wrong, there are clearly people out there who need some serious assistance in working out their gender identity issues, but there is a grossly enlarged relevancy placed on this issue. understand that i'm not saying the issue itself is not important, i'm saying that the AMOUNT OF CASES is absolutely inflated.

take scarjo for example. she signs on to play a trans man. a bunch of people lose their mind because she's taking the job of an actual trans person. this is nonsense and let me tell you why. firstly, the percentage of the world population that is trans is like, less than 1%. less than 1% of the population is demanding more than 1% of the movies being made, should be made for and by that less than 1%. secondly, i'm not saying that scarjo is some top tier actress or anything, but she gets the job done. you find me a trans person who can draw as much money as scarjo and they will get all the trans roles they want.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Before my grandmother died, she used to think indians were attacking the nursing home. Stupid doctors just gave her pills. Now we know the right answer was that we shoulda circled the wagons and started shooting.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Before my grandmother died, she used to think indians were attacking the nursing home. Stupid doctors just gave her pills. Now we know the right answer was that we shoulda circled the wagons and started shooting.
My end of life plan and something I think should be a national policy putting old people to use.... is to basically parachute into North Korea/Aghanistant/whatever with as much weapons as they can carry and just allowed to go rambo in an enemy state seeing how many terrorists they can take with themselves.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I've been down this road before :p

Erronious, I agree those were some Tigoles... if you like pulling out a pile of padding from a FF cup size bra. The ironic humor of a tranny with fake tits calling out another tranny (CD is more apropos imho) with fake faker tits is not lost on me, trust me. I'm in absolute compliance with being labeled petty or catty when it comes to MsBehavn but y'all got duped by a crossdresser back in the day, not a tranny in the purest sense of the word. Look, if they/she were something else that I'm not respecting and they/she want to retort or call me out, that's fine... I'd have no qualms apologizing to them if more evidence or facts presented themselves. Until that day happens, I'm staunch on the idea that they were a trap with a stuffed bra and a wig i.e. a crossdresser.

Morrow Morrow is the only VanessaApproved™ legit tranny up in this piece. I think poor Jerle was legit, but damn... that's a rough topic to rehash. Secrets (not linking name because idk if they want to be associated with this shit) is or was a crossdresser as far as I know. I suspect one other stealthy tranny is here but wishes to remain anonymous or at the very most somewhat distanced from this thread... who knows, who cares really I guess.

I try my best to edify anyone and everyone willing to post... I think the reason this thread has garnered the traction it has is because I'm a tranny that is nigh impervious to being offended, I answer any/all questions, and am open to dialogues. Nothing's off limits (except maybe discussing my dick size on a public forum; RIGHT SLYMINXY?). Oh and tits.

If we are splitting hairs, then yes, he's incorrect that "trans" is a mental illness but I assumed (based on his kinda coming out of nowhere post) that he may have meant Gender Dysphoria and the whole big fucking umbrella of it all as laypeople see it. I'm more than happy to clarify if it is needed on a specific point.

Thanks for the response.
Yes I meant Gender Dysphoria is the mental illness, but of course I never looked up the term prior to your response.
I also meant to say "Subject kids to", rather than "Subjugate". As per another comment.
Maybe I'll respond again after digesting the post fully, but I think Morrow & Lithose have answered & said a lot of stuff I can agree with.

Only thing I am disappointed with is that you refused to answer the more personal questions. You give a sarcastic answer instead, as if Trans people don't go through any big developmental stages. Very disappointing tbh. I feel like you are downplaying some of the things that a lot of others would consider big deals. I clearly remember seeing a video posted somewhere on these forums, probably in Politics, where a MtF guy just had his dick chopped and was super excited about it. Also, if bathrooms isn't a big deal, why has the trans community made it a big deal. I gotta believe there were SOME big moments for you. But if you don't feel like sharing, that's cool. I like to hear the personal stories more than the science though tbh.
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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I've been down this road before :p

Erronious, I agree those were some Tigoles... if you like pulling out a pile of padding from a FF cup size bra. The ironic humor of a tranny with fake tits calling out another tranny (CD is more apropos imho) with fake faker tits is not lost on me, trust me. I'm in absolute compliance with being labeled petty or catty when it comes to MsBehavn but y'all got duped by a crossdresser back in the day, not a tranny in the purest sense of the word. Look, if they/she were something else that I'm not respecting and they/she want to retort or call me out, that's fine... I'd have no qualms apologizing to them if more evidence or facts presented themselves. Until that day happens, I'm staunch on the idea that they were a trap with a stuffed bra and a wig i.e. a crossdresser.

I don't mean this in an offensive way, but the distinction between CD/Trans never really made much of a difference to me in this case. That isn't to say that that the distinction doesn't matter in general, but for me it was something of a distinction without a difference.


Trakanon Raider
this is such an absolutely backwards idea of "treatment"

you're ready willing and able to admit that trans is a mental disorder, and in the same breath you say the TREATMENT for the mental disorder IS THE DISORDER itself.

that's like saying the best treatment for depression is teaching people to clear your schedule so you can just sleep all day.

You've completely confused mental state with physical state. I can't even really educate you here because you are so clearly confused.

Edit: Also I don't care to argue this shit. As I said before, I don't give two fucks. Believe whatever you want to believe; it does not matter to me. I believe in personal freedom and autonomy, end of story.
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Trakanon Raider


How about Goliath / Morrow? What do you think, Vanessa Vanessa ? Passable? CD?

Those pictures are several years old you creeper. Where the hell did you even get those from lol. I don't remember posting those here? Actually I probably did, knowing me from 4 years ago. Do some of you have folders on your desktop with all FoH drama saved haha? Some of you have pictures of me I don't even have anymore. I'm also not a crossdresser you cockgobbler. I mean you can call me whatever the hell you want to call me and believe whatever you want to believe - I don't give two shits, but I'm just correcting you the first time. Also if you paid attention you'd see that Vanessa already saw me when I posted recent pics a few pages back via youtube.

Literally just this morning dude... c'mon. I hope to meet Morrow if she ever decides to come out to the east-coast FoH meet-up, whenever and wherever that may be! We'd have a lot of fun I bet!

Perhaps one day!
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Not quite in *that* way but I can share one weekend: I had a meetup of locals at a bowling alley. A 22 year old girl came down from a 2-hr drive up north where I live and stayed the weekend with me. She was bi. We got a bit tipsy and played around then ended up making out. Before it progressed further than just kissing/feeling each other up, I had to tell her. She was blown away and said that she was always curious about a tranny so we fucked a bunch, next afternoon a bunch too. This was my handywork:

View attachment 169981

The next day we had the meetup and she started flirting with an older dude so I talked to another guy there (this was before I made the choice to be celibate with men). He was around my age, nice looking but short (like 5'5 rofl). Was very sweet to me; said I looked better in the flesh vs. my pictures. I asked what he meant. He said just seeing the whole package, me from head to toe, was something pics couldn't really capture. We had a nice time... I told him he was fun to be around and told him the same spiel; that I didn't want to lead him on or anything before progressing further and told him. Here's a straight dude that was a Christian (we talked about the cross ring he had on but at the same time; one could argue how devoted must he be to be drinking out with a bunch of heathens like us but that's another thread heh) and even after I told him, he said it's fine and continued to ask me out again. I just never saw it through for one reason or another.

I may have shared this story previously in the thread; sorry if so, my life is boring guys... that's why I'm here instead of slaying pussy on the daily like Hatorade, Johnny, and Iannis.
Celibate with men? Why’s that?

Edit: oh my bad, I see someone ask you, a very understandable answer too
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I’m guessing this was around 2007-2010, Fedor was posting his tranny pics. I was pretty naive about this tranny bullshit. Didn’t realize the extent some guys went to look like a chick. Anyways, Fedor has posted a string of pics that were chicks and trannies mixed together. One was a waist up shot of Bailey Jay. I beat it furiously to that pic. Pretty face and a nice set of fake floaters. After I found out it was a dude, I never found him attractive again. I can see the beauty. He’s pretty convincing. I would say more so than Blair White, but I have no interest in that person as a fantasy.

As for a post op tranny, I’m willing to bet I could tell the difference in an Arby’s sammich and a QT hotdog bun without the dog. Plus, I’m into the thicker girls and I have never seen a tranny pull off a convibcible, well built thick girl.


I’m not one to move the goal posts. If that day were to happen, I would admit that I am bisexual under the right circumstances, but I seriously doubt that would happen. I like my mates to be X and Y.
Thick tgirl, we should talk about black trannies lol


Lord Nagafen Raider
So reading though the last few days of the thread(and sorry for lingering on this) but being just attractive to trans women isn’t as black and white as people think
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