Vanguard of the Fallen - My EQ Based RPG Project


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<Nazi Janitors>
People could download the client from your github. You could link it from the header in your forum or a top sticky thread.
Correct, and that's likely what I'll do but that doesn't leave any control over its distribution once you do that, which is the key validation issue


<Gold Donor>
Correct, and that's likely what I'll do but that doesn't leave any control over its distribution once you do that, which is the key validation issue

You’re not using a framework that helps w that?

I know rails has several gems that streamline that process.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
You’re not using a framework that helps w that?

I know rails has several gems that streamline that process.
If I was using EOS or steam it wouldnt be an issue but I can't do that because of using EQ assets

Can you elaborate? Rais, I am not familiar

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Thank you, I'm looking at the AWS Lambda now.
What Palum said. Lambda would be the most cost efficient. Lambda runtimes are limited to 15 minutes which should be plenty of time for you. Only downside will be that you may encounter lambda cold starts due to how infrequent this may be used. Tbh I don’t think that’s something you should be concerned about as you’re not pinned to an SLA on latency.

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
If I was using EOS or steam it wouldnt be an issue but I can't do that because of using EQ assets

Can you elaborate? Rais, I am not familiar
He’s referring to Ruby on Rails. I’ve never used rails before so can’t say what gems are available. A gem is pretty much a library in RoR

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Can anyone give me some advice on setting up a website, setting up webserver and database system to manage distribution, key registration and management? I have been out of this realm for too long and apparently a geo cities site isn't the right approach. Or do you guys know a poster here who this is their field? I obviously don't mind learning new things I just overwhelmed by the options and no first hand experience with them to make a decision.

Flask vs Django? for framework?
Apache for web server?

Database MySQL?

Any advice is appreciated.
You’re thinking way too low level/granular than what you need, I think. I’d look at Wordpress as others have mentioned and utilize cloud services like s3, lambda, DynamoDb etc. You’ll eat some cost by not self hosting but you’ll also save a lot of time and headache offloading what you can to a cloud provider.


<Gold Donor>
If I was using EOS or steam it wouldnt be an issue but I can't do that because of using EQ assets

Can you elaborate? Rais, I am not familiar

Some web languages have frameworks like Rails with Ruby. These frameworks are like pre-fabs of functionality since most apps require the same general functionality.

Rails has different “gems” for things like validation and security tokens, so people don’t have to continue reinventing the wheel.

Something like what you’re describing would be an example. Have you tried asking OpenAI? Thats going to be a great resource for you.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Thanks guys appreciate the advice, I keep trying to push to the v0.1 that I want use as the first testing and will spend the last bit of time prior to that trying to put this together. Around that time I might be able to ask more pertinent questions.

I do have GPT4o to lean on but just like the web there is just too many choices, everything I ask it about gives "That would be a great choice!" Given my needs lots of it seems way overkill.
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Vyemm Raider
That can be done , it’s not really the issue , there is no move to location client side I can only apply force in a direction. I’ll play with it again next week and maybe post a video of what it looks like .
Could you have the server provide location points periodically, then use client side movement via NavMesh + Spline component ingesting points from the server? Probably where I would start at least. Bonus being that if for whatever reason the server gives points on either side of an obstacle the Spline can compensate for that.

Throwing in a really simple autorun I was using for a bit for click to move. I think it would be functionally quite similar with server providing CachedDestination from the follow target's previous position. I'm sure you could make something a lot more robust
void PlayerController::AutoRun()
    if (!bAutoRunning) return;
    if (APawn* ControlledPawn = GetPawn())
        const FVector LocationOnSpline = Spline->FindLocationClosestToWorldLocation(ControlledPawn->GetActorLocation(), ESplineCoordinateSpace::World);
        const FVector Direction = Spline->FindDirectionClosestToWorldLocation(LocationOnSpline, ESplineCoordinateSpace::World);

        const float DistanceToDestination = (LocationOnSpline - CachedDestination).Length();
        if (DistanceToDestination <= AutoRunAcceptanceRadius)
            bAutoRunning = false;

Since I'm re-reading the code anyway, here is the block for setting spline locations, using the supplied CachedDestination. Sorry if you don't care, just figured I'd share

if (UNavigationPath* NavPath = UNavigationSystemV1::FindPathToLocationSynchronously(this, ControlledPawn->GetActorLocation(), CachedDestination))
                for (const FVector& PointLoc : NavPath->PathPoints)
                    Spline->AddSplinePoint(PointLoc, ESplineCoordinateSpace::World);
                    //DrawDebugSphere(GetWorld(), PointLoc, 8.f, 8, FColor::Green, false, 5.f); //Creates debug speheres to show SplinePoints

                if (NavPath->PathPoints.Num() > 0)
                    CachedDestination = NavPath->PathPoints[NavPath->PathPoints.Num() -1]; // Added if to fix out of bound error
                    bAutoRunning = true;
Last edit on this but I was thinking maybe to deal with stutter on autofollow you could scale down movement speed as follower approaches their destination point and combine that with a separate camera mode for the follower that instead of locking the camera position lerps from current position to the normal locked position. I dunno for sure but I suspect that would make the jitteryness a lot more bearable
Last edited:


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Man Friday's come up fast.

New Playable Races: Half Elves and Dwarves
Named mobs now have a Heroic effect this makes it easier for me to adjust their attributes individually and they now reward bonus XP over generic mobs.
New NPCs - Giants and all their variants (Hill Giants, Ice Giants, Sand Giants, and Fire Giants)
Humanoid Badgers (I'm calling Burunin) Ghouls, and Goblins, more snake variants
Added an Assist Key (T)
Left Click hold now enables free camera
Server zone transition messages
Worked again on Follow AND still not pushing it in this update
The PlayerTarget (Defensive Target) will now show effects
Implemented a Day/Night cycle and adjusted ambient sounds to the new system
Added a ZEM system to award higher XP in more challenging zones.
Adjusted door logic and NPCs crossing door thresholds in outdoor zones. Doors will now open for NPCs and no longer have collision while opening and closing. Doors will not automatically shut if there are pawns nearby.
Fixed some issues with the application of hate values at the initial start of combat when the hate list had not yet initialized to receive updates.
New Zone: The Greenway

Spent a lot of time on out of engine planning this week as I'm starting Tier II part of game and just lots I have to layout first. Zone Maps, full tier II item list , and first pass at NPC/Player stat levels through the tier. I would say this was the first week where I really felt the weight of how much work there is to do. I think looking at the full zone connection map is what gets me. I'll just keep plugging away at it.

Hopefully have time later for a quick video for update.
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Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>

25th wedding anniv this week and I had to do a ton of work rebuilding ability system back end stuff so going to be down to the wire for showable progress this week. Working on new dungeon.
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Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>

V.06 Update
New Dungeon off of The Greenway with a new enemy (Drachnids)
Update Combat Log
Raised Level Cap to 20
Added more Tier 2 items and Named Heroics
The games first Event
Backend rebuild of Ability system that should help production and reduce bugs going forward
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Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>

I'm going with a few specific references to EQ here and there but mostly new, doing the same with items. I want to have some of the iconic classic gear out of respect and nostalgia.


what Suineg set it to
View attachment 537669

I'm going with a few specific references to EQ here and there but mostly new, doing the same with items. I want to have some of the iconic classic gear out of respect and nostalgia.
How are you being so productive? Is it all tooling and reusing models and textures?

I'm just trying to square the circle of modern game dev.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
How are you being so productive? Is it all tooling and reusing models and textures?

I'm just trying to square the circle of modern game dev.
Saving on art has certainly helped with time. The more it goes on the more assets I just make myself but the textures are rather valuable to me. There was nothing from EQ that I could just slap in there, what took a while was coming up with a pipeline for how I do it then I was able to write (some of the first python code of my life) some basic scripts for Blender that helped me automate creating the materials and textures I needed.

As far as the game itself not one bit of it is EQ, it's 100% created by me in UE. I'm moving past that initial hurdle of learning and am able to spend more time building/creating.

Now most problems I know how to think through and implement the solution, in the beginning it was a real PITA because with no prior programming experience I had no framework for how to solve problems. As far as overall game making pace. I'm borderline obsessive with things (my wife would say there is no border) I work about 70hrs a week on this, I have not taken a day off from it since March.

The thoughts are just beginning to creep in for me thinking about the next project. Largely because I can't do anything with this because of the rights issue. There are things I'm not happy with, movement animations as an example, but since those models aren't mine I'm not going to dump the hundreds of hours into it to resolve. They aren't horrible but they aren't where I would want things for something that was truly mine.

My #1 goal with this project is to learn and second hopefully create a fun game play experience that some people could enjoy. I feel the need to get this into more hands soon because if someone does like it that is fuel to keep at it. I can't do anything about someone just not wanting this type of play experience. I think of my own gaming experience and the games I've paid good money for that I uninstall at hour 5 made by huge studios and then look at what I have here and I don't know if its my own creator bias but I feel like I'm making something that people could get 50+hrs out of rather easily. It's not dark souls, I'm just a guy and a neophyte at that. It's the kind of game you can play and maybe do some work or post here while you wait for a spawn. The group play has been fun and I'm working on pacing I'm not going to ask anyone to Korean MMO grind their way through this my hope is someone plays it and says "Yeah that was a cool Classic EQ type of experience" not something I would expect them to be poop socking 10 months later.

There are several games that I would love to make but I need the experience to learn to properly make them and hopefully just enough people to help motivate me to make things for. I have an advantage over many in that I don't care about financial success, this is doing something because I love it. I'd be on cloud nine to someday release a game on steam and 3000 people play it. With this project I know there are people who share a similar gaming experience to me (this forum is full of them) that have some nostalgia for this type of game.
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Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>

Weekends I tend to spend more time on world building creative side of things and less on functions/blueprints/coding etc. Today I'm laying out the framework for all of the outdoor zones. I was finding building one zone at a time makes it hard for me to properly plan out where I'm headed so I need to spend more time taking my idea sheets and just laying out a basic framework because if I'm going to hit my year end goal I really have to keep the pace of production moving. I might spend the time after this just working on all of the NPCs in the game just so I can cross that off the list. Get their ABPs and montages, blend spaces etc all done (animation shit) . I already have a rough plan for how every zone is populated but once I start with a zone can end up wanting to take things a different direction than maybe what I first thought.

I find dungeons harder because I'm still at the basics of using UE modeling tools and my lack of proficiency slows things down. I build dungeons as a large static mesh, outdoor zones are built with landscaping tools. I'd love nothing more than to spend a month on a model, which I certainly could but I'm trying to stick to 99 EQ graphic level otherwise I'll never get done and I'm looking for consistency plus trying to match that feel of early EQ.


what Suineg set it to
Saving on art has certainly helped with time. The more it goes on the more assets I just make myself but the textures are rather valuable to me. There was nothing from EQ that I could just slap in there, what took a while was coming up with a pipeline for how I do it then I was able to write (some of the first python code of my life) some basic scripts for Blender that helped me automate creating the materials and textures I needed.

As far as the game itself not one bit of it is EQ, it's 100% created by me in UE. I'm moving past that initial hurdle of learning and am able to spend more time building/creating.

Now most problems I know how to think through and implement the solution, in the beginning it was a real PITA because with no prior programming experience I had no framework for how to solve problems. As far as overall game making pace. I'm borderline obsessive with things (my wife would say there is no border) I work about 70hrs a week on this, I have not taken a day off from it since March.

The thoughts are just beginning to creep in for me thinking about the next project. Largely because I can't do anything with this because of the rights issue. There are things I'm not happy with, movement animations as an example, but since those models aren't mine I'm not going to dump the hundreds of hours into it to resolve. They aren't horrible but they aren't where I would want things for something that was truly mine.

My #1 goal with this project is to learn and second hopefully create a fun game play experience that some people could enjoy. I feel the need to get this into more hands soon because if someone does like it that is fuel to keep at it. I can't do anything about someone just not wanting this type of play experience. I think of my own gaming experience and the games I've paid good money for that I uninstall at hour 5 made by huge studios and then look at what I have here and I don't know if its my own creator bias but I feel like I'm making something that people could get 50+hrs out of rather easily. It's not dark souls, I'm just a guy and a neophyte at that. It's the kind of game you can play and maybe do some work or post here while you wait for a spawn. The group play has been fun and I'm working on pacing I'm not going to ask anyone to Korean MMO grind their way through this my hope is someone plays it and says "Yeah that was a cool Classic EQ type of experience" not something I would expect them to be poop socking 10 months later.

There are several games that I would love to make but I need the experience to learn to properly make them and hopefully just enough people to help motivate me to make things for. I have an advantage over many in that I don't care about financial success, this is doing something because I love it. I'd be on cloud nine to someday release a game on steam and 3000 people play it. With this project I know there are people who share a similar gaming experience to me (this forum is full of them) that have some nostalgia for this type of game.
I just want an old school dungeon crawler that's not tied to extraction pvp.

I feel like there's a huge gap for that area of RPGs that exists between traditional tab target MMOs and ARPGs. Multiplayer but more distributed lobby (e.g towns) based and focused on tight gameplay and exploration. Medieval looter shooter I guess.

I feel like with modern infrastructure you can get 90% of an MMO experience with 1/10th the investment of even the most barebones MMO that just wastes hundreds and hundreds of hours on story adjacent content and and gimmicky exp delivery systems (e.g. quests) that get done once and ignored. FFXIV aside, that stuff can be done thematically and super streamlined D1 style, rather than 850 quests.
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Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>

Been just working on a bunch of zones at the same time just trying to get biome transitions situated. After today will probably go back to just focusing from here on one zone a week. I need to make a lava material which I haven't yet so that should be a fun challenge.
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Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Been thinking a lot about the timing of how I handle this and I think I'm going to hold off my initial releasing it date a little longer because I want to at least use any attention I can garner from this to be ready to direct towards my first commercial project. On the off chance it gains any traction at all I want to be able to at least capitalize on that somewhat with a name/website/upcoming project to direct people towards. It will probably be better anyway for people's first impression to be a largely completed project. I still think I need to get some more testers though prior to that
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