Tried them again recently after years of bareback. Sure, it wasn't nothing, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I remember. I get the finishing inside aspect, but condoms offer that as well.
I think I'm going pass on the operation. The rare horror stories presented in this thread are just that, but still hard to entirely dismiss. What's more concerning is the amount of inconsistency in the procedure itself. Even within the same practice itself, I've found providers will do the vasectomy differently. Ligation, clips, sutures, cautery, interfacial positioning, etc. It's a lot and I know I'm not qualified to make that decision.
As Cutlery mentioned, the consultation(at least mine) didn't discuss complications nor the possibility of post vasectomy pain syndrome. Is it X% of guys have complications or X% of guys that are willing to talk/do something about it? That, combined with what seems like a medical field that's still undergoing significant maturation, makes me hesitant.
Sperm granuloma is a pair of words I'd rather not know.