Bad outcomes aren't malpractice. People have bad outcomes. Malpractice is when you do something that falls below the standard of care. If they performed the procedure exactly as they're supposed to and the patient had a bad outcome, that is not malpractice.
Thats why I want to see some MRI's of these people who are having pain so we can see what they did and start trying to figure out whats causing the pain. If you stay silent and don't investigate, nothing will change and more guys will have the same outcome.
The thing is though, I wasn't silent - I just wasn't getting any help. I got slapped on antibiotics and Vicodin, and when that didn't work, I got told to take more. And when that didn't work, they told me "sometimes it just takes more time." And when more time didn't work, I tried to find someone else to talk to and no one would, because they didn't do the procedure, so they didn't wanna take on someone else's trash. Which is understandable.
And when I found someone to talk to, they said "we don't really know, and we don't know how to fix it.". And that's actually the second time I've been told that in my life. In the LASIK thread, I stated I had a viral infection that left permanent scars on my retinas. I went to the doctor and they were like "holy shit, we gotta get some pictures of this." And then they said to come back next week, and they took more pictures. And the next week. And the week after.
And back then, (this wouldda been 99 or early 00), in order to take pictures of your retina, they shine a fuckin million watt halogen bulb into your eye. One day, after all the pictures they wanted to do, I remember they turned the room lights on and I asked "when did you guys get the red light in this room?" The nurse told me "uhh, it's not a red light, it's the same light it's always been." That's when I flipped my shit and asked the doctor "alright, enough of this shit, when am I gonna get over this?" And he said "oh, we can't cure this. But we see so few cases of it that we've gotta study it."
First time he ever told me that, in the months I had been going there. At no point did they ever have plans to fucking help me, they just wanted more data, and were billing me for it the entire time.
At some point, you just get tired of doctors and their bullshit. Don't even get me started on the pieces of shit down at the U and my daughter's birthmark.