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Trump's Staff
Took me a bit to realize that there had been a time skip. Thoughts on whats gonna happen to the priest next episode?


Trakanon Raider
Sending back the King's brother dead tied to a horse AND getting all the loot? Fuck yes for Vikings!


Millie's Staff Member
that was a fucking great episode, they didnt puss out. too bad they killed old viking dude, they could have kept him around another episode or 2, but heh he at least got his wish.

the one nitpick i had was why when the northhumbrians had their forces above the viking encampment, why not just blitz them with arrows? seemed like a a good way to flush them out of their battlements


Silver Baron of the Realm
Took me a bit to realize that there had been a time skip. Thoughts on whats gonna happen to the priest next episode?
I wish he had died instead of the old guy. It's a pity that they didn't build him up at all, it made his death kind of pointless and shrug worthy. Rollo in the river was hilarious.


The gulf between Ragnar and the next most capable/intelligent Viking is unbelievably large. Loved Loki being all pissed off about Rollo.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The gulf between Ragnar and the next most capable/intelligent Viking is unbelievably large. Loved Loki being all pissed off about Rollo.
Floki being pissed off I found kind of strange, especially when he's named after a trickster god. I honestly don't think the god Loki would blink an eye at somebody pretending to be Christian to get a couple thousand pounds of gold and silver.

Though Rollo ends up the king of Normandy, so I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up taking his conversion seriously.


<Prior Amod>
Floki being pissed off I found kind of strange, especially when he's named after a trickster god. I honestly don't think the god Loki would blink an eye at somebody pretending to be Christian to get a couple thousand pounds of gold and silver.

Though Rollo ends up the king of Normandy, so I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up taking his conversion seriously.
Spoiler on the boosk the show is based off of and actual history. The two kinda mesh together. Don't read if you don't want spoilers. This is also in resposne to the spoiler in Tripamang's post.

He was the 1st Duke of Normandy, he was never a king. This happens also when Ragnar (from the books this is based on) ends up doing things no Viking had ever done in the past and actually sacks a capital city with over 5000 Viking warriors, this capital was Paris. In the books this is based off of, Rollo is then appointed the duke of Normandy (He more so stays behind actually and just takes over the lands that were negotiated in the terms of getting the Vikings to leave them alone causing that area became the first Viking principality.) Rollo himself never became a King but his grand children after the Norman invasions of England eventually did.

It gets a bit confusing when talking about things because a lot of what the sagas offer is based on actual history. It meshs myth and fact so well it's sometimes hard to tell where facts and myths begin and end. It's probably what makes the sagas so good really. I think the show is trying to expand on the sagas with more hard facts and expand on things only mentioned in passing or even not at all in the original stories, which I'm a fan of.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Kinda shitty spot for the priest: One the one hand, he didn't want to die for some pagan religion. On the other hand, someone else he knew died in his place, and he couldn't volunteer at that point.


Trakanon Raider
I was hoping he would have a mushroom induced sex scene with the old JARLS daughter... alas.


Silver Baron of the Realm
They seem really determined to kill off most of Ragnar's cool yet mostly silent companions
. Does anyone actually like the priest? So far he just takes up time while looking put out by everything around him in every single scene. He's also completely devoid of any personality or screen presence, WTB deer in headlights emoticon.


Not really, I would have been fine with it had he been sacrificed (although Ragnar's line about his god finally coming through for him was good), he's just a cheap reason for them to have an explanation of their ways when they feel the viewer needs one.
I really hope the drug use doesn't end with magic mushies. Berzerkers were not chompin on boomers.. more like some kind of cocaine.


Trump's Staff
I really hope the drug use doesn't end with magic mushies. Berzerkers were not chompin on boomers.. more like some kind of cocaine.
Wikipedia_sl said:
Some scholars believe certain examples of berserker rage to have been induced voluntarily by the consumption of drugs such as the hallucinogenic mushroom Amanita muscaria or massive amounts of alcohol. While such practices would fit in with ritual usages, other explanations for the berserker's madness have been put forward, including self-induced hysteria, epilepsy, mental illness or genetics.
Sounds like the show is pretty accurate.
Well unlike most world events, things, people - I cannot speak directly toward contradicting what's found in regard to them on Wikipedia.

However, I can with mushrooms. No, no they weren't using mushrooms.