

Silver Baron of the Realm
How can anyone hate on Spartacus.
Since this is directed at me I suppose; Crixusand his wench, Crixus and Spartacus "breaking up" and getting back together several times in predictable fashion. The gratuitous sex scenes that are more boring than anything else, If I wanted porn I could find better elsewhere (though I will admit that it was interesting to see Lucy Lawless in that scenario). The fight scenes that consist of nothing much more than a bunch of half naked men and women who looked like they escaped from a fashion catalog jumping around in slow motion while screaming every episode. The consistent and utterly pathetic helplessness of fully armed & armored Roman legionaries in battle formation against disorganized hordes; the real Spartacus won through superior tactics and being under estimated not because every gladiator and freed slave was a duel wielding demigod.

All of that aside the show can still be fun and entertaining at times... sort of like the Walking Dead. I just prefer more believable TV dramas, which Vikings has so far at any rate been. Anyway I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, just answering your question.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Since this is directed at me I suppose; Crixusand his wench, Crixus and Spartacus "breaking up" and getting back together several times in predictable fashion. The gratuitous sex scenes that are more boring than anything else, If I wanted porn I could find better elsewhere (though I will admit that it was interesting to see Lucy Lawless in that scenario). The fight scenes that consist of nothing much more than a bunch of half naked men and women who looked like they escaped from a fashion catalog jumping around in slow motion while screaming every episode. The consistent and utterly pathetic helplessness of fully armed & armored Roman legionaries in battle formation against disorganized hordes; the real Spartacus won through superior tactics and being under estimated not because every gladiator and freed slave was a duel wielding demigod.

All of that aside the show can still be fun and entertaining at times... sort of like the Walking Dead. I just prefer more believable TV dramas, which Vikings has so far at any rate been. Anyway I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, just answering your question.
Whats funny is I agree with you completely about every gripe. The show has just transcended these shortcomings though, with the last few episodes. Gannicus being a god, and RAPE. I could go on ad on, but I wont because its a Vikings thread.


Silver Baron of the Realm
Gannicus is the man.

Anyway on to topic: That shield wall scene on the beach was probably the most memorable moment of the series thus far for me. It felt very authentic and it was funny how the confidence of their opponents leaders slowly melted away while they sat their horses completely useless.


I haven't seen Spartacus the show but Spartacus has already been done and I seriously doubt that it can be done better than Kubrick already did it.

Does anyone else think that Gabriel Byrne is doing a poor job in this show? Maybe it's just because he's a famous actor surrounded by lesser known actors, or maybe my view of good acting is way off and he is doing a great job and everyone else is terrible. Something just seems a bit off with him and/or his character, he doesn't seem to fit as well as the others. That's my only gripe with the show, other than that I've found it extremely entertaining.


Silver Baron of the Realm
Does anyone else think that Gabriel Byrne is doing a poor job in this show?
Well the Jarl does play only a supporting role at this point; hes the foil that Ragnar plays off of to be heroic and entertaining. He lacks depth as he is just the bad guy doing stuff to the hero in a typically villainous manner, there isn't much to work with. His boys were horribly murdered and mutilated but how that factors in is anyone's guess unless Ragnar's brother or someone else we know did it. But as the writers seem fixated on bringing it up almost every episode I suppose we will find out soon enough.


Millie's Staff Member
yay, they better stock up on more eyeliner for Floki.


Silver Baron of the Realm
Well, this week is the first episode that I did not like at all and that preview for next... lord... why bother to film the thing if they are going to spoil it completely in a minutes time.

I did not like or "get" what they did with the Jarl; what was the point of having a decent actor in the role if they only use him as speed bump for Ragnar? They could have hired anyone to do that and to make it worse I cannot recall a single scene that was memorable due to his presence in it, it's a shame.

Also a big lol at the "venomous" python pit... in Britain of all places. The place has 3 native species of snake, only one is mildly venomous and they go with exotic constrictors


Millie's Staff Member
the snake scene made me laugh too. i was like, this is northern europe, where did they get those boas, rattlers and anacondas from? overall was an enjoyable episode, lots of nitpicky stuff, but becuase the show is fun, im giving it a pass.


Trakanon Raider
The villians in this show are a little too one dimensional for me, first he evil JARL who steals from his men and is greedy for no reason, and now the English King who is an evil heartless fat king, Like could it get any more Clich??


Trakanon Raider
I do like how Ragnar is shown not to be some monster like Spartacus lol, he actually gets hurt.


Buzzfeed Editor
Also a big lol at the "venomous" python pit... in Britain of all places. The place has 3 native species of snake, only one is mildly venomous and they go with exotic constrictors
This is actually part of the original tales about the character, which the show is based on.


Silver Baron of the Realm
This is actually part of the original tales about the character, which the show is based on.
Point me to the source material if you would be so kind but it still makes no sense.

I agree about the one dimensional villains, the only slight curve ball is the brother. We all know something is going to happen they are just making him bide his time despite the few opportunities that have come about already.


<Prior Amod>
Middle age kings are fat and obsessed with power and keeping it? What sort of fiction is this?!

EDIT - Somewhat a spoiler if you don't know history and the saga of Ragnar regarding the whole snake issue above. I dunno that this will be used in the show but I assume it would be.

Also for people complaining about venomous snakes, considering it's said Ragnar died from a venomous snake bite in England in the original stories about him, I fail to see the reasoning behind your nitpicking.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Middle age kings are fat and obsessed with power and keeping it? What sort of fiction is this?!

EDIT - Somewhat a spoiler if you don't know history and the saga of Ragnar regarding the whole snake issue above. I dunno that this will be used in the show but I assume it would be.

Also for people complaining about venomous snakes, considering it's said Ragnar died from a venomous snake bite in England in the original stories about him, I fail to see the reasoning behind your nitpicking.
The wiki article covers it too. One of the stories of his death is that a king captured him and threw him into a pit full of poisonous snakes where he was bitten to death.


Yeah I liked the episode. It was sort of a half-season finale with some major plot points being concluded and closed off. The earl went on a battle of redemption and Svein got what everyone wanted him to get: An Axe in the chest.

The funeral was pretty nice, it follows ibn Fadlan's descriptions to the letter, including the slave girl, so it was pretty authentic. The Ragnarok sequence was a bit weird and druggy, but interesting. I also liked that they jumped straight into "next summer raid" in the very same episode. RIP random Saxon general by means of snakepit though. I kinda liked him, if only for the way he said "Siyahh" all the time. Also king Aelle is funny, I look forward to seeing more of him.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Svein got what everyone wanted him to get: An Axe in the chest.
That was pretty great and loved how they handled it, like putting a hatchet in to a slab of meat. No cartoony shit.

The Jarl/Earl pronunciation shit is bugging me still=P I know they mean the same thing, but either have all the vikings say it like vikings or have everyone say it in English.

I thought they were done with the transparent Rollo betrayal shit, but at least after the last few episodes he's not some generic shit bad guy.


Millie's Staff Member
i took rollo's words to mean that he isnt going to betray ragnar, hes going to take his place as Jarl once ragnar leaves to plunder the west. i did have one question though. when they had ragnarok, did everyone see that vision, or just the priest?