

Just crushed all 3 episodes, I like it. Not enough rape for sure, and I'm not really liking the whole evil JARL thing either. the actor reminds me of Denethor from LOTR.

Also I dunno if its the pacing or the way it jumps around, but they don't show the passage of time very well. One minute the boat is a frame, 2 shots later its built. One minute hes asking to learn English, the next scene he is having a full conversation with the English Dude.

Everyone needs to stop calling it rape back then jeez!

It was not rape untill it was done the 20th time in the same day. As posted Earlier.


Trakanon Raider
He's not speaking English, the monk knows his language and they are able to talk because of that.
I meant with the OTHER English dude, the one they meet at the end of episode 3 and he talks about trading/meeting the king etc. Seemed pretty good for a week of lessons.


Oh you mean the episode thats on right fucking now and hasn't had what you're talking about happen yet?

im talking to Khalan that posted he just crushed all 3 Ep.

that posted about rape.

Episode is on replay already here on the east coast its showing again at 11pm.


Ep3 been on torrents for about a week. When is it first on? Next episode should be within 24 hours yes?
Ep 3 was 1st on offically at 10 pm EST time tonight with replay at 11pm EST in my time zone.

However they had Earlier showing of week, 2 and 3 on next day in the afternoon on the website ok for limited time only think like day or 2 max till the offical showing next week.

However dont know if they keep doing that shit for week 4 Episode ahead of not, if they do it be sometime around noon monday if they dont not till next sunday ok.

I am no expert but alot of us assumed they were just doing it cause new show, and this show and Bible 10 hour mini series is bringing alot new viewers to history channel, also the website so we see.

This is what Game of thrones did season 1 to promote the new show and new site etc.


<Prior Amod>
Ep3 been on torrents for about a week. When is it first on? Next episode should be within 24 hours yes?
It was on TV for the first time tonight at 9pm CST, they put the episode online on Historys web site 24 hours after the previous airs.

Don't post about shows before they air on Television.


Trakanon Raider
I only discovered this show about 6 hours ago, downloaded/watched all available episodes and posted.

I wouldn't check this thread before your caught up!


<Prior Amod>
I was caught up with the television airing of the show, that's like when Game of Thrones had their episodes up for a brief time on HBO to go and thinking it was okay to talk about them here.

It's not. And if you for some reason feel you need to, spoiler it, like you're supposed to.


Trakanon Raider
Ok, Sorry I ruined the episode since I mentioned a conversation with an Englishman, when your done watching come back and we can discuss it without fear of spoilering anything for you.


Millie's Staff Member
i caught the replay and made sure i didnt check this thread til i saw it. that being said. if you watched the show on torrent before it was originally broadcast, even if you're posting shit thats going to be on TV 5 minutes from now, spoiler that shit or KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT.

great episode, the hour flew right by. their timeline is a lil wonky, but who cares. they are vikings and they got shit to do. northhumbrians do not speak proper english so maybe it was easier to teach ragnar some quick words.
they needed to show ragnar's wife kicking some ass. looked like her action was caught off camera.


i caught the replay and made sure i didnt check this thread til i saw it. that being said. if you watched the show on torrent before it was originally broadcast, even if you're posting shit thats going to be on TV 5 minutes from now, spoiler that shit or KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT.

great episode, the hour flew right by. their timeline is a lil wonky, but who cares. they are vikings and they got shit to do. northhumbrians do not speak proper english so maybe it was easier to teach ragnar some quick words.
they needed to show ragnar's wife kicking some ass. looked like her action was caught off camera.
Also we need to make a Poll Chuck.

Is Priest really that much with God or is he just really fucking Gayer then Elton John for not wanting to fuck Ragnar's wife when they offered to let him join in. Rofl Good God man he never had any, he refuses that.

I actually thought they show him resisting for while, then being like fuck it, need to hit that.


Millie's Staff Member
Also we need to make a Poll Chuck.

Is Priest really that much with God or is he just really fucking Gayer then Elton John for not wanting to fuck Ragnar's wife when they offered to let him join in. Rofl Good God man he never had any, he refuses that.

I actually thought they show him resisting for while, then being like fuck it, need to hit that.
he devoted his whole life to the church, if he fucked that chick or any chick for that matter he would no longer be a priest/monk. i guess its also possible he was castrated when he entered his priesthood. so he literally may not have the balls.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Priest is going to end up killing someone while Ragnarr and his wife are gone on their voyage.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This show is amazing. The fights are good without being cheesy and consuming too much air time. I like the characters, Ragnar is one of the first characters in a TV series that I like.

King is a dick, but if there is a character you hate, that is a good thing. Floki is totally Loki egging on the Vikings to combat Christianity as a joke or some such thing.

Just.. Vikings, man.


<Prior Amod>
This show is amazing. The fights are good without being cheesy and consuming too much air time. I like the characters, Ragnar is one of the first characters in a TV series that I like.

King is a dick, but if there is a character you hate, that is a good thing. Floki is totally Loki egging on the Vikings to combat Christianity as a joke or some such thing.

Just.. Vikings, man.
What King is a dick? They haven't shown any of the Kings in England yet that I am aware of?

I swear, if you're talking about anything in episode 4 I'm going slap the hell out of you.