

SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
What King is a dick? They haven't shown any of the Kings in England yet that I am aware of?

I swear, if you're talking about anything in episode 4 I'm going slap the hell out of you.
He's obviously talking about the Jarl/Earl. I agree he is quite a dick. I think someone else already mentioned it, but he's the weak point of the show. His acting is great, but the character itself is just too stereotypical evil-badguy.

I would really like to learn more about what happened to his sons, because he could use a bit more dimension.


<Prior Amod>
Oh...well obviously.

My favorite character is Frank, I really like how he stuck it to the king and still sailed west to England and proved him wrong.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Oh...well obviously.

My favorite character is Frank, I really like how he stuck it to the king and still sailed west to England and proved him wrong.
Oh, come on. The Jarl/Earl is basically "King" of the Vikings in that region. He wears a crown, holds court, etc. It's hardly the same as calling someone by a completely different name.


<Prior Amod>
The hell? Would you call a Duke a King? Because that's what a Jarl was. It was a Jarls job to make sure the lands he oversaw were maintained, farmed and it's warriors were trained to support the king in times they were needed. They are most certainly not the same thing.

A Jarl is the same thing as a European Earl/Duke, (which is why the name translates to Earl) to call him a King is not only retarded....nope, I was wrong. It's just retarded.


Can anyone explain the makeout scene between the jarl and his wife after the jarl took all the loot from the first mission west? Is just ended wierd, was it suggesting the jarl can't get it up anymore, which is part of the reason he is such a dick and has no more sons (his wife doesn't look too old for it).

I agree the jarl feels a bit over-the-top evil but they keep hinting at reasons for it. Which is odd because everything else in the show is so un-subtle, why be coy with this?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
The hell? Would you call a Duke a King? Because that's what a Jarl was. It was a Jarls job to make sure the lands he oversaw were maintained, farmed and it's warriors were trained to support the king in times they were needed. They are most certainly not the same thing.

A Jarl is the same thing as a European Earl/Duke, (which is why the name translates to Earl) to call him a King is not only retarded....nope, I was wrong. It's just retarded.
Yeah, because everyone is well-versed in the different ranks of medieval royalty. I'm not saying it's "correct" to call the Jarl a king, but come on, the guy who is in every episode, wears a crown, is rich, and holds court being referred to as a king shouldn't confuse you. If it does, then you are the retarded one.

Can anyone explain the makeout scene between the jarl and his wife after the jarl took all the loot from the first mission west? Is just ended wierd, was it suggesting the jarl can't get it up anymore, which is part of the reason he is such a dick and has no more sons (his wife doesn't look too old for it).
I was a bit confused by that as well. I'm actually not quite sure what role his wife is supposed to be playing. Is she the behind-the-scenes manipulator? Is she an uncontrollable force? I wish they had replaced some of the "Look at how evil I am!" stuff with a bit more interaction between him and his wife.


<Prior Amod>
Yeah, because everyone is well-versed in the different ranks of medieval royalty. I'm not saying it's "correct" to call the Jarl a king, but come on, the guy who is in every episode, wears a crown, is rich, and holds court being referred to as a king shouldn't confuse you. If it does, then you are the retarded one.
Well versed? My 10 year old could tell you the difference between a King and an Earl/Duke. you were wrong, which is fine but stop defending it with some lame excuse, all you do is look stupid by doing so. You didn't know, fine...but stop getting all butt hurt over it dude, seriously. All I did was correct you when you came at me with a "Well -OBVIOUSLY- he meant blah blah blah" when I was confused about the guys post.

Can anyone explain the makeout scene between the jarl and his wife after the jarl took all the loot from the first mission west? Is just ended wierd, was it suggesting the jarl can't get it up anymore, which is part of the reason he is such a dick and has no more sons (his wife doesn't look too old for it).
I'm sure it's forshadowing something that we will find out later. They had mentioned his son was killed in another episode too and I kinda wondered why he didn't just have another one. Combined with the scene we saw that you mention and I'm sure they will talk about it again. Perhaps he's unable to have kids or I wouldn't even doubt he had his son killed in order to not have his position challanged by him in the future. We've seen he's a jerk, I wouldn't put it past him.


Trakanon Raider
Its pretty obvious he cant get it up. Also where have I seen the JARLS wife before?


Trakanon Raider
Friday Night Lights, Heroes, Glee...

I like this show alright so far, but all the wife swapping is a little weird.


<Prior Amod>
Hey, the Vikings were a free loving people man!

Except the Jarl, just another thing to add to the list that makes him a jerk.


As much as I hate to agree with EVIL NAZI MOD TARRANT when whoever said "king" I also said to myself "There has been a king in this show? Is he an episode ahead of us and they showed the king of Northenglandstan or whatever?" before I thought about the jarl.


<Prior Amod>
As much as I hate to agree with EVIL NAZI MOD TARRANT when whoever said "king" I also said to myself "There has been a king in this show? Is he an episode ahead of us and they showed the king of Northenglandstan or whatever?" before I thought about the jarl.
Careful, you'll make McCheese mad.


Millie's Staff Member
i thought the king he referred to was the name of the actor playing the earl or the guy who wants to take the kids away. i didnt think he could mix up an earl with a king. but there it is


As much as I hate to agree with EVIL NAZI MOD TARRANT when whoever said "king" I also said to myself "There has been a king in this show? Is he an episode ahead of us and they showed the king of Northenglandstan or whatever?" before I thought about the jarl.
I can just see down the line, the Jarl has nightmare about ragnar taking his place, but in his nightmare, he says to ragnar do you want to be Jarl, and ragnar says to Jarl no wanna be fucking King.


<Prior Amod>
i thought the king he referred to was the name of the actor playing the earl or the guy who wants to take the kids away. i didnt think he could mix up an earl with a king. but there it is
Damn it Astro, we aren't allowed to agree on things!

Wait, this is the TV forum, nevermind we're good.

And yeah, I thought it was weird too but after McCheese neg'ed me for it and still got all butt hurt about it, I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who was thrown off by the whole King/Jarl thing.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Damn it Astro, we aren't allowed to agree on things!

Wait, this is the TV forum, nevermind we're good.

And yeah, I thought it was weird too but after McCheese neg'ed me for it and still got all butt hurt about it, I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who was thrown off by the whole King/Jarl thing.
Well I still think you're retarded, but I negged you so it wouldn't derail the thread anymore (which is what I wrote in your neg).


Millie's Staff Member
to be fair, depending on your age and geographical location can depend on how well you know the ranks of royalty.


<Prior Amod>
Well I still think you're retarded, but I negged you so it wouldn't derail the thread anymore (which is what I wrote in your neg).
LoL, keep on keeping on McCheese. You can think I'm retarded all you want, at least I know 5th grade history questions and dont get all pissy when corrected about it.