I had a Quest 2 for about 3 hours before I boxed it up and sent it back. This was 3 years ago.
I bought a Quest 3 today. I've been playing with it for about 4 hours. Well, 2 hours playing, 2 hours charging. This thing eats batteries and charges SLOW.
Quest 2 vs 3. 3 has slightly higher res, but it is still firmly stuck in 1998 era resolution for games. Yes, the GPU on the SOC is 2x faster, but it was slow and wildly outdated on the Q2, and doubling it does exactly fuck all three years later because it was shit to begin with by about 5 years.
The Q2 has Fresnel lenses which are trash. This one has non Fresnel lenses, but they are still trash. On this model, the light from the LCD shines on the lenses which gives them a foggy effect and is usually very distracting. Even worse, I can't get them dialed in at all for pupillary distance and focus which means that everything is soft and a big cross-eyed or wall-eyed effect. I didn't have this problem with the Q2.
Yeah, Q3 does have higher res, but it is still very low res and not quite useful. Further, the FOV still sucks. Find an Amazon box roughly the size of your head. Poke two tiny holes in the front with a ball point pen. Put the box on your head. <<<<<<<<<<<- this is Meta's VR experience. A normal human has 200+ degrees horizontal FOV and 130 degrees vertical FOV. This cuts it down by
easily 98%. The ole pinhole in an Amazon box trick! Sure, you can get a 100 inch big screen on VR, but you can only see 10 inches of it at a time...what's the fucking point?
Software still sucks, and it is still by accident that Steam VR shit works at all on it. Speaking of software, it still sucks and the best games you could get on the Q2 in 2020 are still the best games you can get on the Q3 in 2023. I thought that Alyx sucked in 2020 and I still think it sucks in 2023....and it is still their headline game.
Sure, they have a Mixed Reality free game, but it is only fun for 5 minutes, and no one will be using this for AR unless they like broken ankles, knees, and necks.
Further, the Q2 was uncomfortable wear, which they
kinda solved by selling you $70 headbands and face units....that for some reason no longer work on the Q3. The Q3 is 40% thinner than the Q2, but it
weighs exactly the same. A 1.1 lb brick resting in your nose is still a 1.1 brick resting on your nose.
Also, yeah...this thing smokes batteries. Expect a 1:1 use/charge cycle on this pile of shit. 1 minute of use, 1 minute of charge. Seriously, WTF are these asshole smoking?
I forgot what I paid for the Q2. $300 seems to ring a bell. The smallest price for the Q3 is $500 which is laughable because for every small upgrade it has, it has equal downsides....which in terms of progress makes it a much worse product because this little pile of shit costs a lot more and delivers no improvements at all.
Q2 was a 0/10...and this is a 0/10. Save your receipts! Don't buy one from a place that doesn't have an easy return policy.
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