Eomer and merlin together on one side
Fitting really
That hurts bro.
Arbitrary_sl said:
So what kind of forces can we expect Canada to put forth for this particular police action?
First of all, what does that have to do with whether action is warranted or not?
Second of all, outside of the US and Britain, no other country gave more of it's lives for the effort in Afghanistan. Fuck you cunt.
Arbitrary_sl said:
And fuck you for dismissing the skepticism that people have as "conspiracy theory bullshit. No really. Fuck. You. I don't know if you remember when Colin Powell testified before Congress about how the United States had direct intel about Iraq's WMD programs but I do. That just fucking happened a few years ago. The "intel" ended up being one liar and one guy we tortured the everliving shit out of. I'm glad there are a whole bunch of people who aren't automatically hoping on board with this. Getting involved in a civil war in Syria is a big fucking deal. It should have the involvement of Congress.
I do remember, just fine. The differences are like night and day. Everyone knew Syria had chemical weapons for decades. No one tried to use that as a pretext to attack them after the uprising began. However the world did wag it's finger and say to Assad "don't touch that shit man, if you do, there's going to be consequences." Now that there has finally been a widespread use of them after several smaller, rumored ones, we're seeing many people/countries openly question whether or not it was even done by the regime, or if it was done by Al Qaeda or god knows who else. Obama is if anything well behind Hollande and Cameron on this, much like in Libya. He's treading carefully, like he should.
Yes, I too am glad that questions are being asked about who actually used them. Those are legitimate questions to be asked. I just think it's fucking ridiculous to say that Obama or anyone else has been biding their time, patiently waiting for this shit to happen to provide an excuse to invade or start the bombing. He quite obviously doesn't want a fucking thing to do with Syria, any more than he did continuing fucking around in Iraq or Afghanistan. But unfortunately circumstances are dictating that something has to be done. What's the point of drawing a line in the sand, one that only Saddam Fucking Hussein himself has crossed, if there's no consequences to follow?
Again, this is all predicated on there being some actual decent proof that it was the regime that did it, and not the rebels. For all I know, that may prove to be impossible. In which case, then I honestly don't know where to go from there.
Elurin_sl said:
Why does it have to be the west that responds?
Because no one else will, and it was the West that drew the line in the sand in the first place. If we want to send a message to every asshole dictator that there will be no consequences for using WMD on their own civilians, by all means, let's just let Assad skate here (if indeed the regime is responsible).
Chaos_sl said:
There is a difference between demanding more evidence before jumping on board and just going along with whatever crackpot theory people come up with. Sure, Assad could have done it, or the rebels, or the CIA or my mom. I am hoping that we will see more before any action is taken. Skepticism is fine, but some of the shit people are coming up with is eye-rollingly bad. Too much 24 bad.
That's pretty much what I am getting at.
Beef Supreme_sl said:
Imagine how much oil from the ME would cost if it came from true democratic countries, with strong middle classes...
Last I checked, oil from Alberta, Mexico, Britain, Norway and so on isn't any more expensive than Middle Eastern oil, to any significant degree anyways. You could well argue that overall oil prices would decline if democratic, market-based societies controlled most of the world's oil, because they'd likely be producing more. Shitholes like Venezuela, Iran, and others are actually seeing declining oil production not because of a lack of reserves, but because their economies and oil industries are such mismanaged fucking disasters.
Tuco_sl said:
Yeah I don't get this bullshit about Pres. Obama being powerless to stop war with Syria. I cut the potus a lot of slack for not being able to control the legislative branch but what we do with Syria is entirely up to him.
Who is saying he's powerless? What I'm saying is that if it's proven that Assad gassed his own people, that the world at large should not stand idly by. And unfortunately, "the world" largely means the US when it comes to this sort of shit. Again, not responding sets an ugly precedent for the future. It's certainly his choice to not respond militarily, and he might well make that choice. But I don't know if history will be kind to him if that's what happens. Then again, if it turns out that it WAS the rebels after he dumps a few tomahawks in to Damascus, history won't be kind either. Obama's facing a situation with virtually no upside, and unknowable downsides. But that's his problem, he wanted the job.