War with Syria


Molten Core Raider
You said the adminstration was all talk, were they all talk with Osama or just with Syria? If they are all talk you should be happy then since you don't want us to attack Syria. Sounds pretty passive aggressive to me.

You talked a good game about how easy it was to get on food stamps, yet you passed up the opportunity to show us all up, I say your adminstration is all talk as well.
Of course they're all talk. Obl had no talking involved except after the fact to say how bold and genius of a move it was. Hey pres, obl is in Pakistan, want us to kill him? It'll be great press about how you're such a great leader and make hard decisions. The whole world knows obl has gotta go, the Pakistanis have condemned him while mildly playin to the tribal leaders, so there won't be any backlash. What are they gonna say? How dare you kill a mass murderer we ourselves have condemned and the whole world is looking to kill? ...uuuh, ya go ahead and try...it's win-win, right? Yup. Cool.

It's not even remotely the same as here. Obama has never had to back up anything he's said because its all been rhetoric up until his red line, which they never thought they'd have to back up, and now they're caught, and he doesn't know what to do. The rest of the world knows the public is against any military action but he got caught the one time he tries to put his foot down instead of his typical diplomacy can solve everything because I'm awesome bs.

The point I'm making is he tries to carry a big stick, but everyone knows he won't ever use it. The one time he says I will use it, it's in a fucked up situation he should have never opened his mouth about.

And ya, I'm a loser for not appeasing Internet peeps I don't know by exploiting a program I think needs checks against being exploited.


Of course they're all talk. Obl had no talking involved except after the fact to say how bold and genius of a move it was. Hey pres, obl is in Pakistan, want us to kill him? It'll be great press about how you're such a great leader and make hard decisions. The whole world knows obl has gotta go, the Pakistanis have condemned him while mildly playin to the tribal leaders, so there won't be any backlash. What are they gonna say? How dare you kill a mass murderer we ourselves have condemned and the whole world is looking to kill? ...uuuh, ya go ahead and try...it's win-win, right? Yup. Cool.

It's not even remotely the same as here. Obama has never had to back up anything he's said because its all been rhetoric up until his red line, which they never thought they'd have to back up, and now they're caught, and he doesn't know what to do. The rest of the world knows the public is against any military action but he got caught the one time he tries to put his foot down instead of his typical diplomacy can solve everything because I'm awesome bs.

The point I'm making is he tries to carry a big stick, but everyone knows he won't ever use it. The one time he says I will use it, it's in a fucked up situation he should have never opened his mouth about.

And ya, I'm a loser for not appeasing Internet peeps I don't know by exploiting a program I think needs checks against being exploited.
I disagree, what would have happened if somehow the Osama raid got screwed up, we crashed a copter, lost men, I'm sure Pakistan would have been overjoyed in helping us out. I understand you don't want to give Obama any credit, that's fine, it's your line in the sand.

Hey I get it, you talk a good game on the Internet. I personally think you could have fixed the food stamp problem all by yourself.


Shit Lord Supreme
How many US citizens want to deal with another conflict? Do we get any fucking say in this I don't know one US civilian that actively wants to deal with this shit. God I hope we just drop strategic missiles.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>

There must be a democrat in office.


Hey, is anyone thinking about the ramifications of just the threat of strikes alone? Assad has had several buildings evacuated and people are going under ground. I bet they don't all have a safety stock of food. The longer Obama takes to make a decision, the higher the likelihood he may just starve a few people to death.

Also, another thing that came to mind is, remember when there were protests in Shia dominated Bahrain and Saudi Arabia sent troops to crush them? Do you think one of the consequences of inaction here would be a more aggressive Saudi Arabia that will launch a ground war against Syria?

Saudi Arabia could be like, "Okay... U.S. doesn't want to get involved but they need our oil [mana] Let's go pull a train [Attack Syria], park ourselves next to the U.S. and force them to cast a damage shield on us [give us air support as we roll our tanks into Damascus via Jordan].

I think things are absolute crazy right now because I could see things going in many different ways. I think if Obama takes a soft approach or takes inaction, Saudi Arabia will become more assertive and draw us into the conflict.

Even if Tuco is right and U.S. doesn't attack it's only a matter of time before an all out Sunni/ Shia conflict.

Also consider Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood is anti-Assad. Right now, they are getting crushed by the secular military industrial complex within Egypt. If Syria falls.. to be continued...


Registered Hutt
I don't see Saudi Arabia doing shit.

It's hard to determine if we'll do shit either. Chemical weapons and cluster bombs have been used, but Assad is basically threatening to unleash suicide bombers, kamikaze aircraft, and larger gas attacks if NATO does more than we are (sending food and medicine to the rebels). Considering the president's rhetoric, the administration must be feeling a lot of pressure to act on the guarantees it has apparently provided against the use of such weapons. And the republicans are salivating at the prospect of a potential quagmire to sink democrat presidential hopefuls in 2016.

The Syrian National Coalition (rebels) has received international recognition from everyone that's important, and has been granted membership in the Arab League from which the Assad regime has been suspended. The Arab League of course doesn't care for Iran, and Assad's connection to Iran and their collective influence in Lebanon is something it would appreciate coming to a close.

Save for the threat of scorched earth from Assad, everything points to intervention. The administration must be seriously considering whether Assad can deliver on that threat.


Elisha Dushku
Where did SA reference come from? Did I miss something?

I think if Assad thinks he and/or his family is going to get killed all bets are off.


Registered Hutt
Where did SA reference come from? Did I miss something?

I think if Assad thinks he and/or his family is going to get killed all bets are off.
was in response to this

Also, another thing that came to mind is, remember when there were protests in Shia dominated Bahrain and Saudi Arabia sent troops to crush them? Do you think one of the consequences of inaction here would be a more aggressiveSaudi Arabia that will launch a ground war against Syria?


Elisha Dushku
I think SA's too afraid of Iran. Half the reason we're interested in Syria is because SA is pushing is to destablize the country. Weakens Iran.


Elisha Dushku
Lol. V for Vendetta is on. I forget they referenced a Syrian War. Iraq, Afghanistan. Syria. Before and After.


By the way, thanks for the posturing if not any actual war-type stuff.

Oil is up and Xmas bonuses are looking better than ever!


Molten Core Raider
BBC News just reporting that Germany's foreign minister says it has ruled out taking part in Syria military strike. Poland also declines involvement.

Obama really might have to start considering a unilateral campaign if he presses ahead. France still seems to back him up though but his available allies are dropping by the day.

Running Dog_sl

BBC News just reporting that Germany's foreign minister says it has ruled out taking part in Syria military strike. Poland also declines involvement.

Obama really might have to start considering a unilateral campaign if he presses ahead. France still seems to back him up though but his available allies are dropping by the day.
It's pretty funny seeing some of the government reaction to the vote. It's almost like they had forgotten we're supposed to be a democracy...


BBC News just reporting that Germany's foreign minister says it has ruled out taking part in Syria military strike. Poland also declines involvement.

Obama really might have to start considering a unilateral campaign if he presses ahead. France still seems to back him up though but his available allies are dropping by the day.
As an aside, do any of you actually remember how anemic the coalition **was** when you went into Iraq? It isn't like a mandate is needed to declare a mandate.

I'd laugh my head off (and possibly sub to Fan's newsletter) if France is the only ally you get this time around.


Bronze Squire
I honestly don't think we will either, Hollande is very low in the poll it would be suicide for him unless there is strong conviction that assad used the gaz and we dont go in there too much for too long.