This movie had better have Metzen levels of corruption and Orc circlejerking or this isn't Warcraft as we know, it looks awesome!
And space elves with lots of fucked up, retconned lore.This movie had better have Metzen levels of corruption and Orc circlejerking or this isn't Warcraft as we know it.
Kind of looks like a digital version of those old cut-out doll scenes. There's the backdrop and then some characters randomly scattered in front that just don't fit very well. But, that's a still, so who knows. It really looks janky though.
If nothing else it will be worth watching to see how many locations and incidental characters you can recognize from the game itself.Those fucking horde are raiding sentinel hill in the movie? Epic.
3 High Elves and a Dwarf in one of the screenshots.We know if there are going to be any of the superior races in the movie? (ie Trolls)
I've never been a Warcraft fan, but you're totally right about the story. I found the Arthas stuff really cool. It's all clich? and everyone from Tennyson to Creative Assembly has drawn upon the same inspirations, but it's tried and true. I'm a sucker for those stories.Looks promising. Story is already written for them, all they have to do is follow Warcraft 1 semi faithfully retconning the groundwork for Warcraft 2/3 movies and WoW references in.
Forshadowing for the sequels (ahaha there's never going to be any sequels)3 High Elves and a Dwarf in one of the screenshots.