WarCraft (2016)


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I think it's"earth" as the element. Not the planet. If they wanted azeroth on there they'd have to have draenor, Argus, etc on there too


Avatar of War Slayer
Neat. but makes no sense.
Old gods tied to elements. Elements predate ordering. Elements are chaotic.
Elements are also natural, hence shaman.

Elune is Arcane and Light. Nature as well. but, probably mostly due to her lovers being nature gods.
Demons want to corrupt Arcane power. Arcane and fel are not opposed to each other. Hence, blue dragonflight, hence Medivh.

the powers in Warcraft just dont have any hierarchy or links like that.


Avatar of War Slayer
anyway, ended up going to see this last night.

Goofy has hell. Kept laughing at dumb things like the location title cards, which only a few places had. Some of the obvious game homages. Pretty enjoyable though.

Biggest lolore issue, is more of a tactical one, not lore. Fucking gryphons. This movie is 90% warcraft 1 orcs vs humans. It asserts the alliance already exists, but then just has the Elves, Dwarves and other human kingdoms refuse aide. ok sure.. But, Stormwind has Gryphons already. gul'dan took 200 or so of his best orcs, and some frost wolves. no Seige weapons, nothing. They kindof make the humans look like shit, using only footmen. Knights on horses are totally ineffective, except lothar. (and guns.) But, Apparently humans have Gryphons at this point. soo... how the hell are the orcs a problem? Fly around and shoot them with your guns, bow and arrows, drop rocks on them, fire spells.. Humans having Gryphons in this movie, and Orcs have zero defense vs them was a bad plot choice.

Sequal has a similar setup problem. Game, Orc won Warcraft 1. Humans lead by Lothar had to retreat. allowing the Horde to get stronger, then start forming allies with Trolls, goblins, and enslaving Red dragons. humans then had to form new alliances with Elves, dwarves, and gnomes, to create the Alliance.
If the Alliance already exists, how does Warcraft the movie 2, not start out with the fully formed alliance, who knows home much of a threat the Orcs are, after the death of the Stormwind king, not just go down and exterminate them.


Avatar of War Slayer
Has Legendary ever been attached to something that wasn't a weird video game/comic movie or at least a decent film? Seems like I remember their logo on nothing but goofy shit.
dude what?

Legendary Entertainment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Like all of Nolans films(Batman, Incpetion, Interstellar). all of Snyders.(like or hate) most of Del toro's. Daughtrery's (trick r treat, Krampus), Jurassic world. Beerfest. The hangover. The Town
Sure, its all quirky, nerdy stuff. But, bad? lol no man. no.

They also produce The Expance, and Colony on TV.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
They zipped past a lot of stuff so it wasn't clear, but it didn't look like there was an "alliance." It looked a bunch of nearby kingdoms got together for a conversation that happened to take place in stormwind. Was there more than one gryphon? I assumed that the dwarves just gifted one to the general of stormwind, the same way he gifted a gun to him.


Neat. but makes no sense.
Old gods tied to elements. Elements predate ordering. Elements are chaotic.
Elements are also natural, hence shaman.

Elune is Arcane and Light. Nature as well. but, probably mostly due to her lovers being nature gods.
Demons want to corrupt Arcane power. Arcane and fel are not opposed to each other. Hence, blue dragonflight, hence Medivh.

the powers in Warcraft just dont have any hierarchy or links like that.
Get(/borrow) the book - you're missing alotof context.


Get(/borrow) the book - you're missing alotof context.
Give the guy a break, it's hard to keep up with Metzen's perpetual retconning/dogshit explanations for the universe he has created. The real context this guy needs to learn is that after 2007 everyone with a shred of sanity stopped following/caring about Warcraft lore because they still had the mental capacities to detect the obscene amount of red-flags that were set off by Metzen's (and everyone else at Blizzard) constant lore train wrecks and carelessness.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I can definitely understand why they'd want to rewrite the lore and backstory of the first couple of WarCraft games since it was basically tacked on and wasn't that terribly compelling. I don't think anyone told him that you should only do that once though, not every couple years lol.


Went to see this since it's in cheap seats now... I was actually surprised that I enjoyed it. Possibly because I went into it with zero expectations, however, I was actually entertained! It could be the nostalgia too though...


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I keep forgetting to mention this... while I didn't like gul'dan's voice sounding synthesized, I really loved the voice actor's take on him. In the beginning when the dranei is asking him to let the children go, the way he just dismisses her out of hand, "But I need them." I just love how almost... bored he was with the question from someone he so obviously feels is beneath him. It was great


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
South Park had the WoW episode on last night and it reminded me of this movie. I've yet to see it, but are there any SP nods, real or imagined? Maybe some boars in the woods someone is slaughtering?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
South Park had the WoW episode on last night and it reminded me of this movie. I've yet to see it, but are there any SP nods, real or imagined? Maybe some boars in the woods someone is slaughtering?
For awhile there was a Sword of a Thousand Truths in the database, but AFAIK they never added it into the game. They did add human hunters to the game after the show, though, which didn't exist at the time the episode came out.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Was going to post this. It boggles my mind that in Hollywood, a movie with a budget of $160 million can make $450 million and still be $15 million in the red.


It could have made 3 billion dollars and it would still be $15 million in the red. No movie in the history of Hollywood has ever made a profit.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Pretty much. Creative accounting is a surefire way to get a high paying job in Hollywood lol


Mr. Poopybutthole
Just watched it. You guys wildly exaggerated how bad it was. I mean, it still wasn't great, but it was enjoyable. You fucking nerds made it sound like it was even worse than Dungeons and Dragons.

Quite frankly, the mrglglglglgl made the whole goddamn movie worth it.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Saw it last night. The graphics were cheesy but I thought the story was good. Never played wow, but I was watching it with some wow players. I never realized how much the designs of wow and eq2 had in common. They would say that looks like XXX and I'm thinking "Yeah that was in eq2 too". But I kept that shit to myself cause I'm not an asshole movie watcher.

If they make a sequel (and according to the wow nerds I was with, it's a certainty) I will watch it.