I wouldn't worry about that too much, the quest itself is probably the easiest thing they've ever added. (Non-crit Vay Hek build though?)
Getting the rest of the parts via bounties is another story. The easiest one feels like a mid-tier mission, second one feels like Sedna level, and the third is already like soloing a sortie. I think they're all vastly overtuned for the level the bounties claim to be, and if you get the drone escort as part of your series you're just fucked. I'm actually planning to try Loki Prime today using a hybrid invis/irrad. disarm build, but I still doubt escorts will be doable beyond the lowest level of bounty. I also don't know how the hell I'll sustain energy without Zenurik either.
I've been using Sybaris Prime (75% crit/78% status), Akstiletto Prime (95% status/33% crit) , and Atterax (Maiming Strike spin to win) mainly. I feel like Akstiletto's status is getting the job done way better than Sybaris, so I'm thinking about swapping to a 100% status Tigris Prime setup for when I need to drop something really annoying. Everything else I can just bullet hose. Atterax I've barely gotten to use, too easy to die trying to get into melee range.
Other random complaints:
Focus system. It's just terrible (still). So much operator stuff, Naramon and Zenurik both look useless and those are the ones I have greater lenses (and a bunch of refunded xp) for, and the grind is worse than ever. Daily cap got raised because everything costs more. Not sure how the new tier of lens works since it just says eidolon lens on it and doesn't specify a school. Also don't know how many greater lenses it takes to craft one, so I'm unwilling to re-install any of mine. As far as I can tell, the actual xp gain is still as obtuse and counterintuitive as ever.
Having to run back to the door every. goddamn. time. is already getting on my nerves, as does every time I see the next waypoint for a bounty pop up and it's 1500m away. It almost makes me want to play Destiny 2 for a couple days and come back when the Archwing research is done... except they're pretty expensive in PoE materials to build so I need to go fishing and collecting other stuff so I can start building them right away. I'm also hoping that being able to hop into Amesha or Itzal will make some of the really overtuned stuff easier to deal with. I think I need to build a Grattler though; neither Fluctus nor Velocitus seem ideal for air-to-ground combat.
Escorts. Reddit is on fire about these--and rightly so--so I assume they'll get changed in an early hotfix.
Frost Prime is usually my frame of choice, and I even bought the smoke palette that allows me to set my energy color to the blackest black and make it super easy to see out of the snow globe.... but something about the lighting in PoE has ruined that. Snow globe is almost completely opaque and I can only shoot at stuff out of it by getting a vague idea of where shots are coming from and moving the mouse around until I see a nameplate. Also, I get killed *through the globe* all the time because it's apparently not stopping the splash damage from explosions. Mortar turrets and bombards are the two most overtuned things, and when you combine that with not being able to see out the bubble I just can't play Frost at all.
For as big an update as this is supposed to be it's already feeling same-y. Possibly because I'm just doing the "easy" three bounties over and over since I've yet to get a single Gara part as reward, but I wasn't expecting the caves to be inaccessible/empty unless they're part of a bounty or incursion (which is just a mini-bounty). In fact, the whole map feels kind of dead aside from the places you're sent to to complete tasks. Nighttime just shuts off incursions and adds in sentients to kill with the operator (but Quills rep is bugged atm according to reddit, so don't try to hand in the cores).
Hopefully with a few hotfixes they'll clean up a lot of the issues, but I still think I'll be back doing normal missions quickly anyway since what I need most is endo and there's not really any source of that on PoE at all.