There are slots open in the Rerolled clan - just shoot a message to Fiftyfour or Aevry in game and we can invite. There are about 10 of us that play every night now.Oh shit there's a rerolled warframe clan? I need to drop mine and get in that. Still love warframe and prior to D2 was logging in every night. Really excited for the update.
Sorties have a chance to give you the new shiny riven mods introduced in TWW, which can sell pretty well both veiled and unveiled, fissure farming is still the same, you just don't have to recreate the endless levels every 5 minutes, for the relics you still run excavations n shit. Nidus makes Inaros look like a wimp, he has CC, endlessly scaling nuke, ally buff and zoning ulti on top self ress if you have enough mutation stacks ... His only weakness is that he needs to hit shit with his nukes, so he sees the most use vs infested.Hm, not entirely sure what you mean; I never really did sorties beyond the daily 3 when the modifiers weren't ass or syndicate missions for anything but rep. I was in the middle of forma-ing all the stuff I use all the time so that I could max out my mods finally so I still need a ton of xp (and endo).
Void fissure thing sounds weird, we used to always run one person with a refined relic and the others just brought junk along, and then you'd rotate the person with the refined one until the rare shit dropped.
Nidus does look interesting, kind of like Inaros on crack? I definitely want Banshee Prime too, and I've collected every prime frame except Ember so I'll get the rest too eventually. Any weapons a must have? I still need one more piece to finish my Tigris P and I know I want Sybaris P and Euphona P as well.
I guess the first thing I need to do is TWW?
The focus nerfs are going to turn ivara into trash unless you can sustain it via drops or kills,You have to recast it every X seconds, but sustaining the energy for it is trivial. If you want true permanent invis, you need Ivara.
I generally had one slot dedicated to weapon leveling on me and just went on doing my business, Akkad is still sort of doable, but I just took them along on anything but sorties. Infested salvage on Akkad isn't that bad, people farm it for Nidus and if you have a decent weapon anyway, nobody gives a shit. Really the system is stupid, since you can't really judge a weapon until it's 30/potato'd/forma'd. Another option are stealth vault runs, if you get completely undetected, the xp is really nice and you get relics on top.I'm still wondering if there's a map where you can roll in with freshly built/forma'ed everything-but-one-weapon and nobody will care (for at least 4 full rotations like old school Akkad). I've got an affinity booster going and a bunch of stuff I want leveled up.
Ah, well on the bright side I just read that they are dumping all our lenses back into inventory with the release of PoE. Not sure if there will be a way to [efficiently] upgrade greater lenses to whatever the new 2.25% ones are called though. I sure as hell won't be starting that horrific grind without the best possible lens setup. Might try to find someone else interested in doing a killframe + EV Trinity duo/swap just to get it done with minimal hassle.They also fucked with the AI, now if they spot a body, they become alert and you get shit XP, so stealth runs are really obtuse.
Will do. I've been spending all my time trying to get Nidus parts, but I'm down to just needing the chassis so hopefully it will be over soon. And I just realized that I need an assload of polymer and orokin cells to build all this stuff I've been buying/farming.Vorph- just shoot a message in clan chat and we’d be happy to carry you with shitty gear on. We usually run 2 full groups in the evenings