To be clear there, status is the chance to proc the elemental effect, like cold's slow, viral cutting hp in half, corrosive reducing armor by 30%, etc. The elemental damage always happens regardless of status. Also, which proc you get is random, but weighted by how much damage each element has in it. An Akstiletto with a ton of corrosive dmg and a little bit of cold is going to do corrosive procs far more often than cold. There's also the normal slash/puncture/impact procs to consider too.
Shotguns get real weird too, if you can get them to 100% status. At that point, suddenly every single pellet procs a status effect, guaranteed. There's a whole world of difference between 98.5% (Sancti Tigris) and 100% (Tigris Prime).
Stalker/Shadow Stalker? Killing bosses puts players on his hunted list and there's a 5% (cumulative, so 20% in a group if all are hunted) chance per mission that he'll spawn. He goes nearly immune to the damage types you use, forcing you to switch it up, and is a real pain in the ass to kill when you're new. Once you complete a main story quest and unlock focus, he's pretty trivial to take down.
And reminder: I have shitloads of relics for almost all of the current prime stuff and a lot of vaulted ones. I did all of Helios Prime's parts last night in about 90 minutes solo and Oberon P the night before. I don't mind dragging people along to get parts they need whenever there's good missions up, but no one's taken me up on the offer so far.