I gave this a shot the other day. I didn't know it was ftp. or much about it in the past really. heard about it. but saw a vid talking about it.
no work, so played it pretty silly the last few days.
I found it to be a bit of a mixed bag. Great base game. amazing art design. Heavymetal/euro/mobius style sci-fi captured in a game. amazing. Better then destiny in about every way...
I had a few problems, though.
shitty f2p design. Just everywhere... Pick a warframe, pick a primary, secondary, melee weapon, in the tutorial. as a noob, you are just picking this shit at random, based on a name mostly. weapons at least you can try, and swap to the others. But after the tutorial, you can't just buy/try the others. weapons are fairly cheap at least, at 15,000 credits. but worse, they use up a weapon slot. the other warframes, have to be fully unlocked like any other warframe.. that is ridiculous.
The weapon, wing, warframe slots. 34 warframes. 2 slots. ffs? like 300 weapons, and 9 weapon slots.. holy shit this is retarded. This is like if dota or LoL, had champion slots you had to buy.
Its not as if the game isn't littered with cosmetics, and other avenues for plat, or direct cash purchases.
the cash shop was the second quest...
Hiding shit in the marketplace. things like the codex scanner, credit based purchases, etc.
I see people saying you can trade for plat with players. but I have doubts, how I a new player, can have access to things people want. would know the value of said things, have access or understanding of the trading system... etc. I did a few of those void runs, cause you needed them for mars relay. seriously, no clue what the rewards were really. the game is shit at telling you things like that. I may have passed on a super rare/valuable drop, because I dont know what anything is.
I used my starter plat to buy 1 warframe slot, and 2 weapon slots. And, I suppose I can sell the starter weapons I bought, and leveled, but dont like anyway. But I did already run out of weapon slots. I was having fun, till I did that. and, then was really turned off by it.
I got a bit sidetracked in Cestus, and plains. (before the event ended) And largely confused by the leveling system.
What even do the 1-60 rankings represent? the player has 1-30 mastery, the warframes/weapons 1-30 right? I failed a few capture missions, where I couldnt even touch the dude. did so little dps, they just ran away. their level 15, my warframe level 20 or so. ended up just joining pugs, where everyone else is in endgame gear, and everything was dying instantly.. mostly just following around, as they ran 100mph, and picking up their loot.. I had turned off matchmaking initially because that was also happening in normal missions. the level 1-5 earth missions, and I was getting people much much, higher, just running to the objective, skipping trash, and getting to the extraction, while I was still like 50ft from the start.. by the end of Earth, and onto mercury, that hasnt been nearly as bad. a few equal level players have shown up, and less blitz type high levels, as well as I keep up better.
Super frustrated with the slot limits atm. (build timers are a bit silly as well.)