Does the orbtaker heist give you access to your archgun when you first run it? I'm not seeing a way to set it up before trying the heist. Orb-taker kill is a weekly for nightwave. It doesn't look that much harder than Eidolon hunts from the vids I've watched.
Got it done last night after a little exploring. I maxed out solaris united faction then put fortuna on the backburner to farm eidolons for operator focus and farm relics for prime parts. First kill was really rough since the host I joined was really laggy from my end, but we got it done. I like nightwave because it's making me do things that I don't normally do, or haven't done yet because I'm busy with other things.The Gravimag (unlocks an archgun on regular missions) is given from the Profit Taker bounties which unlock when you reach rank 5 with Solaris United.
Once you get furthur into the Fortuna progression there'll be a NPC in that spot that lets you get bounty quests.
I do the same thing. Wear two nullifier arcanes to negate the magnetic procs. If you have hunters adrenaline and adaption equipped the damage is manageable and gives you energy instead of drains it. I said this previously, best PUG group is two volts, trinity and either rhino or chroma. Two volts garantee a very quick drop of the eidolon's shield.For pugging regular eidolon I run 100% magnetic resist from an 80% arcane nullifier paired with a 20% arcane nullifier so no energy loss. Still need to hide to avoid damage unless you're running chroma. I was using chroma, but I just started using volt. Sounds like I need to stop being lazy and farm harrow.
The one booster I always buy from the store for 30 days is the resource booster. Gives you double everything for 30 days for 200p. Well worth it since I'm still crafting a lot of stuff. I got a bunch of plastids lastnight running Helene-Saturn trying to take advantage of a resource chance booster I got from a sortie coupled with my resource booster. Ended up with maybe 2-6 cells per round and a bunch of plastids. For control modules, anything void. I have more than I'll never need just from running missions there for other stuff.Got all the plans for a Rhino but need a couple components still. What's the quickest way to farm Plastids and a Control Module?
Also, if I already have the weapon/warframe, is there any reason to keep the blueprints of that same weap/warframe? Or should I just sell them.