Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader (CRPG)


<Gold Donor>
Sniper chick was badass but squishy as fuck. Nevertheless if specked right she can burst down 3-4 enemies with proper set up in one turn. I ended up respecting Heinrich into a tank. And although could not burst like the sniper alien chick, it was good steady damage with nice board movement and he basically could not be killed. One of his talents was to retaliate after a parry or some shit. So when he was surrounded by a few enemies it was over for them. Pasquale was a monster later with his plasma gun build but didn’t really get online till later acts I didn’t use him much.
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I keep swapping between dogmatic and iconoclast. Initially was going to do iconoclast, but a ton of these options are just naive. so its iconoclast on small things, and dogmatic on big things often.
handed idira over to the inquisition.

respecced mc and hienrix. I was doing the tank hienrix, but that was just doubling up with ableard. hienrix was mostly just standing around. my MC was ALSO a santic/biomancer sanctioned pysker. word of the emp stacks, but none of the other santic buffs do. so I had my MC as the buff bot with very high resolve. So, I swapped things around, made hienrix the buff/healbot. giving him shield/word/hammer of emp, and targeted heal. while my MC is now santic/telepath.

argenta sniper is really falling behind atm. she started as my carry mostly. long range hits with that longlas. but now does like 20 damage, versus foes with 50-200 hp.. can't chain attacks like cassia, doesnt have the aoe of mc, or single target burst of mc.
not sure if its just the longlas is falling behind, or something else. def considering swapping her to a burst fire build. cassia and mc both do the long range better now.

argenta's second archtypes don't impress me. They all seem to suck. went bounty hunter.
like, officer is godly. but then you can follow it up with either grand tactician or grand strategist.
grand tactician is passively a massive damage boost. you can pop, "press the advantage" for a double, triple or more damage boost. Grand strategist, has insane 0 ap, ground aoe buffs/debuffs, AND automatically makes you go first in combat. all the other, "extra turn", "go first" stuff was nerfed.


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one thing I noticed.

I think this is the first Warhammer games that feels properly Grimdark. every other one is a hero fantasy. Dawn of war 1-3, space marine, even darktide, etc.
This one really feels like you are putting a bandaid on a bleeding out corpse. like every single quest ends with, "well I guess the Emperors mercy is the best option here"
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A nice asshole.
I keep swapping between dogmatic and iconoclast. Initially was going to do iconoclast, but a ton of these options are just naive. so its iconoclast on small things, and dogmatic on big things often.
handed idira over to the inquisition.

respecced mc and hienrix. I was doing the tank hienrix, but that was just doubling up with ableard. hienrix was mostly just standing around. my MC was ALSO a santic/biomancer sanctioned pysker. word of the emp stacks, but none of the other santic buffs do. so I had my MC as the buff bot with very high resolve. So, I swapped things around, made hienrix the buff/healbot. giving him shield/word/hammer of emp, and targeted heal. while my MC is now santic/telepath.

argenta sniper is really falling behind atm. she started as my carry mostly. long range hits with that longlas. but now does like 20 damage, versus foes with 50-200 hp.. can't chain attacks like cassia, doesnt have the aoe of mc, or single target burst of mc.
not sure if its just the longlas is falling behind, or something else. def considering swapping her to a burst fire build. cassia and mc both do the long range better now.

argenta's second archtypes don't impress me. They all seem to suck. went bounty hunter.
like, officer is godly. but then you can follow it up with either grand tactician or grand strategist.
grand tactician is passively a massive damage boost. you can pop, "press the advantage" for a double, triple or more damage boost. Grand strategist, has insane 0 ap, ground aoe buffs/debuffs, AND automatically makes you go first in combat. all the other, "extra turn", "go first" stuff was nerfed.
ableard was my third best character and my first choice for free extra turn, good 2hander and movement he runs to the back and Melee AoEs everything down.
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
ha, I keep shifting back and forth between dogmatic and iconoclast. is this one of those games where doing half/half just fucks you over? the tree makes it seem that way. reaching 500 is going to take focusing on it purely.

and just found heinrix. hes got the same build as my pc... had to test to see what stacks and doesnt. I suppose I'll respec my mc to be santic/telepathy pysker. since, Ill likely be putting a bullet into Idira asap, for her own good.
These iconoclast options in this act 1 tech priest sanctum seem terrible.

dont love pasqual, but it'll be hard to not bring him along just for his tech based skillchecks.
sniper argenta gets 90-50% of my kills. except when cassia decides to just kill everyone herself with pull and eye. Abelard is mostly there just to be there. nice enough, but doesn't do much. he'd be really useless if my MC had a better initiative, and could cast her defensive spells before the enemies get a turn reliably.
not sure about future party. space marine replacing abelard likely. heinrix himself also does that though. and maybe the Aeldari as another sniper, or respec argenta.
I see the burst argenta's, but its hard to argue with the longer range and shoot through of snipers..

I left Heinrix behind because he was dual specced instead of really useful in one thing. Pasqual was my buff/debuff monkey and if you focus his levels on the non-tech based skill checks you need he can be a beast. One accessory you can get turns all perception checks into INT checks and he becomes godlike.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
ableard was my third best character and my first choice for free extra turn, good 2hander and movement he runs to the back and Melee AoEs everything down.

Abelard and my main character were both 2 hand tanks and it pretty much broke the game. I divided every battle into two teams, one tank to get up close and AOE, the rest to deal damage and buff.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah, abelard pretty solid. have him as proper tank. takes no damage. but, can get in the way of aoe attacks. into the break ult is very solid, almost as good as officers finest hour. mp recharge on kill, lets him run around and murder.
officer regular ability extra turn is only 2 ap though, no movement. so that goes to ranged.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
yeah, abelard pretty solid. have him as proper tank. takes no damage. but, can get in the way of aoe attacks. into the break ult is very solid, almost as good as officers finest hour. mp recharge on kill, lets him run around and murder.
officer regular ability extra turn is only 2 ap though, no movement. so that goes to ranged.

There is a talent that allows you to avoid 50-100% of friendly AOE, but I think it is a talent for the AOE-er and not the Tank.

You can get the Charge talent that takes it down to 1AP and then use the officer extra turn to charge attack + regular attack. This is especially good with 2 handers.
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I think the aoe friendly fire was the iconoclast capstone. but I'd have to check.


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yeah. Seize the init was nerfed into the ground. no longer gives a free turn at the start.
most of the "give or gain an extra turn" stuff is nerfed to no longer give a turn.

officers ult still gives a targeted free turn with mp and AP, and negates attack count. into the breach warrior ult restores mp and ap, and negates attack count. firearm mastery restores mp/ap, and negates attack count.

officers regular abilities give limited extra turns, do not negate attack count.

I think thats about it now.

A ton of the stacking buffs were also nerfed, capped, or reworked. no longer get cassia +500 wp.
and many of the AP recharge talents were also nerfed. once per combat/round, or gone entirely.


Mr. Poopybutthole
argenta sniper is really falling behind atm. she started as my carry mostly. long range hits with that longlas. but now does like 20 damage, versus foes with 50-200 hp.. can't chain attacks like cassia, doesnt have the aoe of mc, or single target burst of mc.
not sure if its just the longlas is falling behind, or something else. def considering swapping her to a burst fire build. cassia and mc both do the long range better now.
I wonder if you're building her wrong or if she was nerfed that hard because I remember some vids of her in action after release and she was a killing machine.


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I wonder if you're building her wrong or if she was nerfed that hard because I remember some vids of her in action after release and she was a killing machine.
yeah, was basing the build on crpgbros. But lots of stuff changed so of course had to make adjustments.

1.run and gun-unchanged.
3. revel in slaughter-unchanged.
4. comradarie-unchanged. I suppose I've not been making best use of this. but, getting argenta into loS, and also having her surrounded by allies is counter productive.
12 I grabbed shielf of faith. +1resolve, and armor.
13. unpredictable/it will not die.
14. swift movment instead of skill check. +2mp.

so no alacrity yet.

honestly looks like nothing was directly change for her really. the nerfs were to officer.

finest hour nerf. he was making use of finest hour to give AP on kill. which it no longer does. Now its, "during the extra turn, all their non-attacking abilities cost -1ap." still useful for cassia. and lesser so argenta. revel in slaughter etc are 1 ap.

alot of these talents are based on 100% crit chance and building many hits to stack damage. which I think he was using other stacking officer skills to get extra attacks and buffs, which aren't there anymore.


<Gold Donor>
Nahh, shes got her versatility generation nerfed, which was a huge part of her dmg stacking before. Unless youre building her different, which im not sure why you would since versatility was, and prob still is, they way to scale her dmg. Wildfire got nerfed too which was her free turn.


Avatar of War Slayer
sniper didnt use versatility/arch militant, since shoot and deadeye shot don't count as two separate attacks from what I can tell. this build uses bounty hunter.
shoot and burst fire are counted as separate for burst fire/arch militant.

bounty hunter has nothing useful for base... but, "claim the bounty" is a 1ap free attack at reduced damage. but, useful for those, "add a stack on crit/damage" buffs.
a bunch of talents that do good stuff on crits.
all falls apart if your not critting or one shotting.

for a burst fire build yeah, Versitility was nerfed.
used to be +5 weapon and ballistic skill per stack, now is +3.
Also, used to be, if the AM has 4 or more stacks the, the AM deals an additional +(weapon skill bonus/2 ) or Ballistic skill, which ever is highest.
now, its +(10+ws bonus)% or bs.
flat added swapped to % increase. which is better depends on other sources of added damage versus %.
for the record atm, unbuffed she has +5 Ws. so it would have been +3 damage, and is now +15%.,


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah I used the alien chick