i remember the last time i bought a cam'd video, it was probably around 1998-99 my gf and i were walking around ny somewhere, who remembers what college kids do. it was 5bucks a vhs tape, which seemed like a deal since it cost 3.99 from blockbuster... heck it was probably more, and they crazy charged you an arm and leg for being late. bought 2 movies we were gonna watch anyway, came back, 1 was blank, the other was barely viewable.
as far as i know, these guys still sell the same videos on the streets, only they actually try with HD-cams and they burn it to dvd's, probably for 5 bucks still.
you know, some ppl... really can't tell the difference between SD and HD, some ppl don't even know that you can hear sound from 2 speakers instead of 1, much less 5.
i'm under the assumption that these street guys have a source in the movie theatres that just lets them record at night for 50bucks, why not.
movie theatres are probably the last safe haven for an enjoyable viewing experience... i mean what's the last concert any of you guys went to, fricking 90% of the ppl have a smartphone out and all i end up see are lcd screens waving about, trying to record.