Weight Loss Thread


Silver Knight of the Realm
Somehow I think this thead moved from people losing weight to body building and getting ripped. I don't think that's what most people who come to this thread are interested in. If they were, I think they would go to thebody buildingthread instead.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Wait you're telling me we have a body building thread and you still have ppl posting in here that an obese person can't lose weight because they ate a banana before working out?


Log Wizard
No this way it's better. I love especially when people in here balk at people doing cardio. "Cardio? HOWS THAT GOING TO GET YOU SWEET TRAPS, NERD?!?"

Do cardio. Do it at whatever level gets you breathing hard, but not gasping. Do it a lot. Do it until you get the endorphine rush. Then as you get better at cycling, jogging, rowing, whatever, just keep going every time until you hit that rush. Couple that with eating better and you lose weight. That's how you lose weight. That's not saying it's simple, but that's how you do it. The eating better is definitely a hard part to nail down, but that's where the niggling Broscience, PhD's come out.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Somehow I think this thead moved from people losing weight to body building and getting ripped. I don't think that's what most people who come to this thread are interested in. If they were, I think they would go to thebody buildingthread instead.
Dont you know theres only one way to lose weight?!


Trakanon Raider
I'm in the Army and ever since getting to my first duty station back in June of 2014 I've lost like 25 lbs. I guess that's not really that bad, but I thought that my run time or sit-ups and push-ups would improve from dropping weight. The only thing I can attribute it to is getting married and not eating at the DFAC anymore. All three events (2 mile run, push-ups, and sit-ups) have decreased since I got here. I'm not sure if I'm losing muscle mass or what's up. I was 200 when I got here and I'm 174 now. Just wondering if that is something that's normal or if anyone has any suggestions. Thanks.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Felt like I'd chime in with some progress I've had lately with losing weight, especially since there's a tie-in with gaming. I'm six feet and was up to about 360 pounds not very long ago. However, over the past month, I've been losing almost five pounds a week in a way that I doubt very few people would recommend (especially in this thread) but works really well for me and maybe it'd work for someone else who hates the drudgery of exercise but enjoys gaming.

Willpower to exercise and to exercise regularly has always been an issue with me. So, exercising is kind of boring but... gaming is kind of fun. Thinking about that, I bought a stationary recumbent bike, chopped the top of it off, then built a table over top of it (using terribly warped wood). So, I PC game while cycling; it can be a little sloppy so I wouldn't play anything you're seriously competitive about but I can get by with most games. It can be easy to lack in intensity if you don't pay attention but I found if I remained cognizant of that, I was able to keep a good intensity while having the time go by pretty quickly since I was playing a game.

Naturally, I'm also eating responsibly now without going into a super restrictive diet that I wouldn't want to maintain for life.

Recently I bought a heart rate monitor to keep me more honest about maintaining a consistent intensity. It will alert me when I go under a certain threshold. I do this for about 15-20 hours a week and it doesn't feel like a huge burden because I'm gaming. I don't know that I could physically or mentally keep up with a proportionate amount of HIIT in terms of calories burned (I'm down to 304 pounds now). The last four weeks have been 5, 5, 4.6, and 4.8 pounds lost and I think there's the possibility of doing better now that I have the monitor.

Of course, when I get closer to my goal weight, I will likely stop doing this (certainly the volume of it) and do HIIT and strength training, but this has allowed me to make fast progress without feeling like quitting.


Trakanon Raider
That's pretty awesome, I considered doing something similar to that back in my heavy mmo days but never got around to it.

Fifteen to twenty hours a week seems pretty high but if it works, it works.
That is neat.

Like I mentioned in the married thread I went from 315 to 205 in just under two years. It was pretty simple honestly. Altered my eating habits to the point where I basically only eat actual home prepared foods and drinking mostly water.

For the exercise portion it mostly consists of running, biking, and lap swimming. Swimming gave the best results early on when I was a gigantic fat fuck. It felt easier then my biking or running days but I could tell it was working because I would be much more sore or tired after the swimming sessions. Eventually I mixed in some light weight lifting which has helped to tone myself up after the large amount of weight loss. I don't really go overboard on the weight lifting though. It isn't very enjoyable for me honestly. I would rather knockout more miles biking outside or getting a good lap session in most days.

So nothing earthshaking or trendy, but it worked well for me.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Felt like I'd chime in with some progress I've had lately with losing weight, especially since there's a tie-in with gaming. I'm six feet and was up to about 360 pounds not very long ago. However, over the past month, I've been losing almost five pounds a week in a way that I doubt very few people would recommend (especially in this thread) but works really well for me and maybe it'd work for someone else who hates the drudgery of exercise but enjoys gaming.

Willpower to exercise and to exercise regularly has always been an issue with me. So, exercising is kind of boring but... gaming is kind of fun. Thinking about that, I bought a stationary recumbent bike, chopped the top of it off, then built a table over top of it (using terribly warped wood). So, I PC game while cycling; it can be a little sloppy so I wouldn't play anything you're seriously competitive about but I can get by with most games. It can be easy to lack in intensity if you don't pay attention but I found if I remained cognizant of that, I was able to keep a good intensity while having the time go by pretty quickly since I was playing a game.

Naturally, I'm also eating responsibly now without going into a super restrictive diet that I wouldn't want to maintain for life.

Recently I bought a heart rate monitor to keep me more honest about maintaining a consistent intensity. It will alert me when I go under a certain threshold. I do this for about 15-20 hours a week and it doesn't feel like a huge burden because I'm gaming. I don't know that I could physically or mentally keep up with a proportionate amount of HIIT in terms of calories burned (I'm down to 304 pounds now). The last four weeks have been 5, 5, 4.6, and 4.8 pounds lost and I think there's the possibility of doing better now that I have the monitor.

Of course, when I get closer to my goal weight, I will likely stop doing this (certainly the volume of it) and do HIIT and strength training, but this has allowed me to make fast progress without feeling like quitting.
Well done sir.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That's bad ass, and nice job on the progress. Won't be long now and you'll be slathering yourself in cocoa butter lotion to try and tighten that skin up. haha!


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Somehow I think this thead moved from people losing weight to body building and getting ripped. I don't think that's what most people who come to this thread are interested in. If they were, I think they would go to thebody buildingthread instead.
fat loss is fat loss whether you are 30% body fat or 13%


Got something right about marriage
I get a pretty bad case of what I call seasonal laziness every winter. I didn't realize I had gotten it so bad this year though... stepped on the scale Sunday and had gained 15 lbs since the holidays so I decided to kick it back into gear.

Did legs for the first time in like 5 months Wednesday... today is hell


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I get a pretty bad case of what I call seasonal laziness every winter. I didn't realize I had gotten it so bad this year though... stepped on the scale Sunday and had gained 15 lbs since the holidays so I decided to kick it back into gear.

Did legs for the first time in like 5 months Wednesday... today is hell
The second day is always worse, and I always laughed that going down stairs was worse than going up!


Blackwing Lair Raider
This thread has gone full retard. You guys are arguing about when it's most important to consume carbs and fats? Okay, let's talk about meal timing next, like that's a thing.

Fucking idiots.

EDIT: Ossoi, I hate you.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Thread blew up yesterday, I know dieting is very personal to each person, stick with whatever you can make work, if you can eat low calories eating carbs in the morning, go for it.

I'm a 100% firm believer in leangains (ie intermittent fasting), it's working great for me. I'm leaner than I was in high school (at 32) and I actually started making progress on my lifts again after stalling out for a couple months. It's easier for me to maintain this diet than any other.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Felt like I'd chime in with some progress I've had lately with losing weight, especially since there's a tie-in with gaming. I'm six feet and was up to about 360 pounds not very long ago. However, over the past month, I've been losing almost five pounds a week in a way that I doubt very few people would recommend (especially in this thread) but works really well for me and maybe it'd work for someone else who hates the drudgery of exercise but enjoys gaming.

Willpower to exercise and to exercise regularly has always been an issue with me. So, exercising is kind of boring but... gaming is kind of fun. Thinking about that, I bought a stationary recumbent bike, chopped the top of it off, then built a table over top of it (using terribly warped wood). So, I PC game while cycling; it can be a little sloppy so I wouldn't play anything you're seriously competitive about but I can get by with most games. It can be easy to lack in intensity if you don't pay attention but I found if I remained cognizant of that, I was able to keep a good intensity while having the time go by pretty quickly since I was playing a game.

Naturally, I'm also eating responsibly now without going into a super restrictive diet that I wouldn't want to maintain for life.

Recently I bought a heart rate monitor to keep me more honest about maintaining a consistent intensity. It will alert me when I go under a certain threshold. I do this for about 15-20 hours a week and it doesn't feel like a huge burden because I'm gaming. I don't know that I could physically or mentally keep up with a proportionate amount of HIIT in terms of calories burned (I'm down to 304 pounds now). The last four weeks have been 5, 5, 4.6, and 4.8 pounds lost and I think there's the possibility of doing better now that I have the monitor.

Of course, when I get closer to my goal weight, I will likely stop doing this (certainly the volume of it) and do HIIT and strength training, but this has allowed me to make fast progress without feeling like quitting.
This is great. I like the bike desk. All it takes is finding something you can do and stick with. I definitely feel your pain on not enjoying working out. Maybe think about an activity you like doing for the activity itself which is a workout anyway. I have been doing BJJ for one year now and, even if I gain weight, I still like BJJ and practice to get better. It melting pounds away is just a nice bonus ;>.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Thread blew up yesterday, I know dieting is very personal to each person, stick with whatever you can make work, if you can eat low calories eating carbs in the morning, go for it.

I'm a 100% firm believer in leangains (ie intermittent fasting), it's working great for me. I'm leaner than I was in high school (at 32) and I actually started making progress on my lifts again after stalling out for a couple months. It's easier for me to maintain this diet than any other.
Oh, so you carb cycle too much then?


Log Wizard
Let's totally talk about meal scheduling. I go 15 hours without eating or drinking before the gym. It's based on what crocodiles do and they're strong as fuck.


Got something right about marriage
Let's totally talk about meal scheduling. I go 15 hours without eating or drinking before the gym. It's based on what crocodiles do and they're strong as fuck.
Make sure to tan for a good 4-5 hours after eating to simulate the true crocodile experience.