Weight Loss Thread


Got something right about marriage
While I'm sure its processed garbage to some of these purists, besides almonds, and apples and bananas that I love, for snack I've been going through a lot of goldfish, reduced fat cheez-its, and these things called delight bites made by a company called life choice, the cinnamon are my favorite. I like those things as snacks because I find you can get your fill in a serving.

I see a lot of fruit hate in this thread also. Maybe if you're trying to get from 10% to 8% body fat that fruit will make the difference, but I've lost 70 pounds this past year just from change of diet/exercise and one of the changes in that diet is my after dinner snack/dessert is almost always some form of fruit. I guess maybe I could have lost more eating something else? But, I'd have been happy losing 20 pounds, was planning on losing 40-50, and instead lost 70. So for those of us that have a ton of weight to lose, I say don't be afraid to eat fruit.
There's nothing wrong with fruit. Many people here just love the low carb (keto actually) lifestyle and most fruit doesn't fit into that. I personally don't eat too much of it because the sugar is something I try not to intake a lot of and it's frigan expensive. Seriously why is fruit so goddamn expensive?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
And if you did that you wouldn't be hungry for quite a while because all that fat would sate your hunger very well and for a good portion of the rest of your day. Anyone who gets sabotaged by avocados would get sabotaged by anything that isn't lettuce. Also, healthy subway sub? The bread alone at subway is terrible for you. If you think subway is healthy you've got bigger problems than worrying about eating too much avocado
Yeah I know Subway isn't really healthy in every meaning of the word, which is precisely why I specified "in terms of calories," meaning it's relatively low calorie, which is all that really matters to most people who are simply trying to lose some weight.

Also, lol at getting filled up on almonds or avocados. Spoken like someone who has never truly been a hambeast with an unending appetite. When I was fat people used to say shit like that to me, "Oh, hey just eat high fat/protein foods because they'll keep you full for a long time, no problem." Bull. Shit. I could down half a package of almonds after finishing off a bag of doritos while waiting for my pizza rolls to cook and still have room to squeeze in a pint of ice cream.

It's the same shit when people say that if you cut down/cut out carbs you'll eventually stop craving them. Nope, that might work for some people but no matter how long I've been on low/no carb (and I've gone months) I still crave the fuck out of some doritos and pancakes.

Everyone's different. There are very few absolutes in weight loss and fitness.


Got something right about marriage
Also, lol at getting filled up on almonds or avocados. Spoken like someone who has never truly been a hambeast with an unending appetite. When I was fat people used to say shit like that to me, "Oh, hey just eat high fat/protein foods because they'll keep you full for a long time, no problem." Bull. Shit. I could down half a package of almonds after finishing off a bag of doritos while waiting for my pizza rolls to cook and still have room to squeeze in a pint of ice cream.
That's your problem man. You don't realize that mixing all that sugar with that fat was spiking your blood sugar and causing you to "feel" like you were still hungry. When you cut out the friggin' doritos, pizza rolls and ice cream your appetite subsides drastically.

I used to be a size 44 waist. I was 5'10" and 280 lbs. I could eat an entire pizza and calzone in one sitting while slamming back beer (granted, lite beer but still). Once I stopped eating like that my appetite plummeted dramatically. I lost 100 lbs in just over 10 months. Then I got into a shitty relationship and I was young and dumb and thought relationships were hard and I just need to power along. I got back up to 250. Then I started eating right and again, lost 80 lbs.

It isn't bullshit. You just mix salt and sweet and spike the shit out of your blood sugar with ridiculous binging and think that you have a normal stomach or that most people can eat the way you do without feeling full. They can't. You're an anomaly man!!! You're a freak of nature!

But you gotta understand the amount of calories in the bread alone in a subway sub is very high and it's all refined flour processed bullshit. So.... lose the bread and eat the avocados instead.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Lol, I love when people say stuff like this. If you really try you can undo A LOT of hard work in a very, very short amount of time. Sure, you're not going to gain 100+ pounds or anything in a week or two, but 10 - 20 pounds (not even counting water retention and bloat weight) is easily doable in a week.
is 10-20 pounds the usual on the mccheese diet?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
But you gotta understand the amount of calories in the bread alone in a subway sub is very high and it's all refined flour processed bullshit. So.... lose the bread and eat the avocados instead.
Subway subs aren't that high in calorie if you get one of their branded "healthy" subs. Sure, the processed carbs probably aren't ideal, but you can get a foot long sub with turkey and as many veggies as you care to cram onto it for around 600 calories. That's pretty damn good for that much food, that would fill most people up nicely (but not a freak of nature like me). For someone counting their calories in an effort to lose some weight that is a pretty damn good food/calorie ratio.

My point was that adding avocado to that sub will up the calorie count by, at a minimum, 100 - 200, which is where average folks go wrong and then complain on blogs about why they can't lose weight despite "eating healthy."

*Edit* And say what you will about me, but even now that I'm in pretty good shape and eat cleanly 80% of the time, fats do fuck all to fill me up. I can still sit down and eat an entire bag of pistachios or whatever no problem, and still not feel completely full. Do they fill me up more than eating a bag of chips? Yeah, of course, but it isn't this incredible feeling of satiety that people like to claim you'll get. Everyone has different appetites, and I highly doubt I'm the only person in the whole world who isn't easily filled up by a couple cups of nuts or whatever. If they do that for you, I'm jealous. It's a curse having an appetite that never seems to end no matter what you eat.


Got something right about marriage
I don't really know how else to say it to you man. The bread is almost the entirety of the calories in those "healthy subs". And the calories from the bread are entirely unhealthy:

Official SUBWAY Restaurants' Nutrition Information;

That 12 inch turkey sub with just salad fixins and no cheese might be 600 calories, but at least 400 of it is just from the bread alone. Get rid of that and replace it with something healthier. If it was actual, real whole grain bread that would be a different story, but it isn't. All of subways breads are made with processed, refined flour.

I don't understand how you can say 600 calories of a shitty subway sandwich is filling yet 1000 calories of nuts isn't. I'm pretty sure you're just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point. Either that or you just eat so fast your brain doesn't have time to catch up with the signals being sent to it.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
In other news, I stumbled upon this the other day:

Hero's Journey

It's a neat idea for a workout program. Each day you do a body weight workout and work your way through a "hero's journey" story. Skimming through it, it has some nice variety of exercises and the continuing story seems like it would keep things somewhat interesting. For example, it looks like you pick a weapon at some point (each weapon being a different exercise) and then periodically train that "weapon" on certain days. Similarly, sometimes you have to make a decision, such as to help a stranger on day 2, with each decision giving you a separate, themed workout and has effects on the workouts you do on future days.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I don't understand how you can say 600 calories of a shitty subway sandwich is filling yet 1000 calories of nuts isn't. I'm pretty sure you're just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point. Either that or you just eat so fast your brain doesn't have time to catch up with the signals being sent to it.
I'm saying 600 calories of a subway sub (that is, an entire footlong sub with turkey and all the veggies) is more filling than 600 calories of almonds, yeah. I think most people would agree with that, especially with all the virtually-calorie-free veggies piled on.

*Edit* I just looked up how many almonds you'd get for about 600 calories, and it looks like just over a cup. So, yeah, I think almost anyone would be more filled up by a 12 inch turkey sub with spinach, onions, lettuce, tomato, peppers, pickles than a cup of almonds. If you're counting calories to lose weight, it's a no brainer to choose the 12-inch sub over a cup of nuts, that's all I'm saying.


Molten Core Raider
I would never pay for a "healthy" sub from Subway. Mayo/cheese/chipotle sauce/bacon...


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Creeping into this thread, so I don't continue to derail the Marriage thread. Finally am taking weight loss seriously for probably the first time in my life. I'm 31 years old, 6'6" , and maxed out at 356lbs, and I'm now down to 321. LONG way to go. I'd love to get to 225, and see what happens from there.

I'm tracking my calories, and being more active. It's challenging, and I fully admit I'm addicted to food. I'm not sure if I'll ever break the addiction, but I hope so.

I go to the gym a couple times a week, and want to add on at least a third day, if not a 4th. Hard to do with work and school but it is possible. I'm doing cardio, which typically is pointless, as I know some in here will say, but it's a good start. I should just cut the cardio "cord" and go with weights 100% of the time.

For some more shaming material, a while back I was tested on one of those body fat things that you hold with both hands out in front of you, and if I remember right I was somewhere around 25%.

See ya guys around!
Nothing wrong with cardio to start off with. I would do HIIT if I was you - max effort 30s, rest, max effort 30s etc


Mr. Poopybutthole
Since your goal is weight loss and not getting big (you are big already) cardio is fine. You can also go with medium-to-light weights and do supersets to keep your heart rate up while still putting in some muscle work. Basically, on different days you hit entirely different muscle groups and on each day you work out you hit stuff consecutively instead of taking breaks between types of lifts. Then you go back to the first motion after a minute or so break and hit the second one immediately after again. Complete til you hit your desired set range. It is also a good idea to split up the heavier "big" lifts onto different days as well, though that will vary by the person giving you the advice. For example, doing a flat bench with 60% of your max, then immediately doing a leg press of some kind(machine or sled). Take a small breather, repeat. You'll cut down your time in the gym and you'll get more out of it. Supersets are a great way to spend 45 minutes working out three days a week around a busy work/school/life schedule. This type of exercise style will most likely not get you swole, as you aren't lifting heavy. But you will definitely burn calories and keep the heart pumping for longer periods of time while getting the benefits of using weights.


<Silver Donator>
I'm with Khane and Rezz. I'd recommend a mix of resistance training and cardio as well as clean eating throughout the day. No fasting bullshit. Eat when you are hungry, within reason, just make sure it is good stuff. Adjust the intake to lose 1-2 pounds per week.

- Diet looks pretty good but I'd say cut out the protein shakes and replace it with eggs or something. If you want to consume a shake, do it around a workout time, if you're lifting. Some people say before, some after, some both.
- Go light carbs with protein at breakfast: some oatmeal, a banana or a piece of whole wheat toast and some eggs. I avoid most carbs the rest of the day, except right after workouts.
- If you can, bump your routine up to three days. Try to do a few basic lifts or resistance training. Mix in some whole body and core stuff: lunges (if your knees can take it), pushups (even if they are initially from your knees or leaning against a well), kettlebell dead lifts.
- Personally think the treadmill or a rowing machine is better than elliptical or a bike.

Also, I'm not exactly into body building, more of a mix of fitness and strength, but this thread is can be pretty inspiring to see what people have accomplished:

**Transformations from FAT to FIT** Part 2 - Bodybuilding.com Forums

This post has the topic of weight loss distilled down fairly well:

How to lose fat for Noobs - Page 147 - Bodybuilding.com Forums

Good luck and keep us up-to-date.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
- Go light carbs with protein at breakfast: some oatmeal, a banana or a piece of whole wheat toast and some eggs. I avoid most carbs the rest of the day, except right after workouts.
lol, no. Stick to protein/fats at breakfast. In fact, the only time you should deviate from a protein/fat meal is after you train, have protein/carbs after training


<Silver Donator>
lol, no. Stick to protein/fats at breakfast. In fact, the only time you should deviate from a protein/fat meal is after you train, have protein/carbs after training
The Best Foods to Eat for Breakfast - Health.com

"You want to aim for a breakfast that combines good carbs and fiber with some protein," says Erica Giovinazzo, MS, RD


It's best to consume carbs in the morning when your body is calorie-deprived from sleeping. Your glucose tolerance is typically at its highest during the morning, so having breakfast with a big portion of your daily carb intake is very important. Obi Obadike, B.A., B.S., M.S., Certified fitness Trainer with ISSA and Certified Nutrition Specialist with ISSA

Protein Rich Breakfast for Weightlifters | Healthy Eating | SF Gate

Breakfasts should also contain carbohydrates, which provide quick energy and allow for strenuous exercise and lifting weights. - Sirah Dubois is currently a PhD student in food science after having completed her master's degree in nutrition at the University of Alberta.


Oatmeal: This is one of the best ways to start the day off. Oatmeal is a great complex carb that provides plenty of fiber to help keep your hunger at bay until lunch. - Shannon Clark holds a degree in Exercise Science and Sport Performance from the University of Alberta in Edmonton. She has been working in the health and fitness field for over 10 years

Pre-Workout Breakfast for Better Results: Fully Loaded Greek Yogurt Mix - MensJournal.com

If you're planning on lifting weights, try a breakfast with a 2:1 mix of carbs to protein... - Matt Kadey, MS, RD


Got something right about marriage
The Best Foods to Eat for Breakfast - Health.com

"You want to aim for a breakfast that combines good carbs and fiber with some protein," says Erica Giovinazzo, MS, RD


It's best to consume carbs in the morning when your body is calorie-deprived from sleeping. Your glucose tolerance is typically at its highest during the morning, so having breakfast with a big portion of your daily carb intake is very important. Obi Obadike, B.A., B.S., M.S., Certified fitness Trainer with ISSA and Certified Nutrition Specialist with ISSA

Protein Rich Breakfast for Weightlifters | Healthy Eating | SF Gate

Breakfasts should also contain carbohydrates, which provide quick energy and allow for strenuous exercise and lifting weights. - Sirah Dubois is currently a PhD student in food science after having completed her master's degree in nutrition at the University of Alberta.


Oatmeal: This is one of the best ways to start the day off. Oatmeal is a great complex carb that provides plenty of fiber to help keep your hunger at bay until lunch.

Pre-Workout Breakfast for Better Results: Fully Loaded Greek Yogurt Mix - MensJournal.com

If you're planning on lifting weights, try a breakfast with a 2:1 mix of carbs to protein... - Matt Kadey, MS, RD
The only problem with this is that we can find articles saying the opposite as well. You're quoting dietitians, and their opinions vary wildly. I think nobody really knows if one or the other is better. Energy is energy, except not really, except maybe, except... ahhhh fuck who the fuck knows.

This is one area where science and studies give a lot of conflicting information and it could just be because a lot of different things are perfectly healthy and work.


<Silver Donator>
No doubt. I agree that there will be differing opinions.

However, from what I have read in books and articles, and in talking with professional trainers, the preponderance if the evidence seems to indicate that some carbs at breakfast is the best way to go.

I can also say that that specific regimen has worked for me, exactly as it said it would, 1-2 pounds per week with gains in strength and muscle.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Had my almonds and greek yogurt for breakfast this morning. I might actually do oatmeal or cream of wheat for my snack this morning. Feeling breakfasty... or a 2 egg veggie omelet... kinda hungry! But I suppose I should eat carbs. I shouldn't eat carbs. Ahhh fuck it. lol

Weekends are my fail point in terms of diet. Always something going on and I want to eat way more than during the week where it's much easier for me to stick to chicken and veggies. During the week I tend to stay around 1500 calories. Weekends shoot closer to 2000, but that's still under my goal, so I guess it's ok.

Pretty sure I finally broke through my first plateau as well. I was 320-325 for about 2 weeks, and I finally broke it today. Excited!

Thanks for all the advice guys, I do really appreciate it, and am trying to figure out when to add a 3rd day at the gym, because it feels so damn good to go. Started ending my gym session with 5-8 minutes in the sauna, and the extra sweat is awesome!


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
You're quoting dietitians, and their opinions vary wildly.
For real, I stopped reading after the 2nd or third link.

However, from what I have read in books and articles, and in talking with professional trainers, the preponderance if the evidence seems to indicate that some carbs at breakfast is the best way to go.
The leading body composition/transformation experts (not the guy at your local gym) are not recommending carbs at breakfast. Carb cycling is the way to go for weight loss, and that means carbs post workout.

The Before'n'After Files - Fredrick Lüthcke - Strength Sensei

The Meat and Nuts Breakfast - Strength Sensei


But please, keep on telling me how good cereal is for body composition.


<Silver Donator>
So Strength Sensei and an Instragram page with lots of pictures of pasta, buns and bagels. Really?

EDIT - Oh, and fucking pancakes.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
So Strength Sensei and an Instragram page with lots of pictures of pasta, buns and bagels. Really?

EDIT - Oh, and fucking pancakes.
Yes, Strength Sensei - aka Charles Poliquin. Plus the first link is an article by a German coach that just happens to be hosted on Poliquins website. I guess reading isn't one of your strengths

Look at the results the bloke on instagram gets. His method is carb cycling; protein/fats for breakfast, protein/carbs postworkout. I'm sorry that reading the words that accompanys the pictures is too hard for you.

And the pancakes are made from whey protein powder you cretin.