Weight Loss Thread


Golden Knight of the Realm
Lunch time, here is the spreadsheet I was talking about.

Weight Loss Estimator v0.5

This is a copy. I left my data in as an example.

I use the Forecast page to keep myself accountable. Just needs weight, height, age, start date, start weight, start BF% and it will take it from there. I average the BF% from my scale / bodpod but you can put in anything. I created the 'Custom' activity level because my weekly activity is generally between low and moderate. That is what the next page is for...

The Data page is used to track start date, start weight, and calories taken in per day. I use myfitnesspal for this. I calculate the amount of weight I should lose in a 1 week / 4 week period based on various activity levels. This allows me to tweak the custom level based on what I am seeing over time. I don't really make any decisions off of the 1 week values, mainly the 4 week values.

The formulas are pretty basic and based off of bits and pieces of research I have done over the past 1.5 years. There are probably improvements that can be made, but it has served me well. It has been especially helpful during this last push of weight loss. I have had to pay more attention to minimum calorie intake as I approach lower body fat levels.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Am I reading this right? You were cutting into 170 territory with 2700 calories?

THE FUCK?! I suppose I need to know what constitutes light, moderate, and high activity but... jesus christ. I'm at 193 and cutting at 2300, and I'm taller than you.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Am I reading this right? You were cutting into 170 territory with 2700 calories?

THE FUCK?! I suppose I need to know what constitutes light, moderate, and high activity but... jesus christ. I'm at 193 and cutting at 2300, and I'm taller than you.
No, sorry. Those activity level values are what is required to maintain weight. I have been targeting 1900 - 2000/day at my custom level vs. the ~2400 needed to maintain. If I actually worked out at a 'high' activity level I would be around 2400 - 2500/day while cutting instead. However, I don't think I could actually physically work out that hard.

These are the descriptions of the levels.

Lightly active. Walking around a good amount, retail jobs. 1-3 hours per week of light exercise.
Moderately active. 3-5 hours a week, e.g. daily 15 minutes biking and 3 times heavy lifting per week.
Very active. Construction workers, hard exercise 6-7 days per week


Blackwing Lair Raider
No, sorry. Those activity level values are what is required to maintain weight. I have been targeting 1900 - 2000/day at my custom level vs. the ~2400 needed to maintain. If I actually worked out at a 'high' activity level I would be around 2400 - 2500/day while cutting instead. However, I don't think I could actually physically work out that hard.

These are the descriptions of the levels.

Lightly active. Walking around a good amount, retail jobs. 1-3 hours per week of light exercise.
Moderately active. 3-5 hours a week, e.g. daily 15 minutes biking and 3 times heavy lifting per week.
Very active. Construction workers, hard exercise 6-7 days per week
Ah okay. Even still, a maintenance of 2800 at 170 pounds is pretty insane. Either your metabolism is a lot better than mine, or I'm fudging my numbers badly.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Friend of mine trying to cut, and get abs. He's in way better shape than myself. He's trying to get his abs going. Anyway, part of why he's able to stay skinny is he has Crohns disease. Can hardly eat much without it causing big problems.

Foods high in fiber really tear him up, but at the same time, he doesn't want to just plow through other foods so quick, because it's not keeping him full. Lack of fiber will do that too you. Any healthy suggestions that are not high in fiber that might work?

This is a battle of dollar bills versus feeling satiated throughout the day.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Fattier foods could help on that front depending on what you count as high fiber. Veggies (green beans, zuchinni, peppers, onions, etc.) cooked in oil feel very filling for me. The fat content takes away the hunger and the bulk of veggies give you the 'full'. Avacados are amazing for feeling full. They happen to be pretty high in fiber though.

I would look into Keto recipes and pick out things under his fiber limit. I almost never feel hungry eating 1800 - 2000 calories / day.

If he can handle the calorie increase on the protein side of things you could go for dark meat chicken or tuna in oil, etc. However, if he is cutting this may not be ideal.

Actually, since you mentioned dollars, look into eggs. Cheap, good balance of fat and protein.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Fattier foods could help on that front depending on what you count as high fiber. Veggies (green beans, zuchinni, peppers, onions, etc.) cooked in oil feel very filling for me. The fat content takes away the hunger and the bulk of veggies give you the 'full'. Avacados are amazing for feeling full. They happen to be pretty high in fiber though.

I would look into Keto recipes and pick out things under his fiber limit. I almost never feel hungry eating 1800 - 2000 calories / day.

If he can handle the calorie increase on the protein side of things you could go for dark meat chicken or tuna in oil, etc. However, if he is cutting this may not be ideal.

Actually, since you mentioned dollars, look into eggs. Cheap, good balance of fat and protein.
Good stuff. Thank you very much. I'll suggest to him to look at Keto recipes and foods. He loves veggies, but only if cooked in olive oil, so that might be the best thing he can do. Start cooking them at home, and bringing them here to work.

Thanks again guys. Hopefully he can stop burning through so much of his other stuff.


Molten Core Raider
Tell him to ask his doctor. I'm no scientist, but google is rife with examples of high fat diets exasperating Crohn's. Most keto diets are pretty high fat.


Lord Nagafen Raider
12 weeks of IF (occasional cheating) progress


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
If you never look happy the chicks take your game more seriously.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Speaking of looking sad, figured I would solicit some responses from other folks who have lost weight. The primary question is how long did it take you to develop a positive self image after weight loss, if ever? Did you do anything specific to help?

I know I have lost a considerable amount of weight. I know I look vastly better than I used to. I just took 2nd in the 'biggest loser' competition at work. I am at the highest level of fitness I have been in my entire life at this point. However, whenever I look at myself in the mirror I still see unfinished work and don't feel much different about myself despite these improvements. I should note, this is all a personal issue. I have very supportive friends, coworkers, wife, etc. throughout this process. I am worried that I will always find something wrong no matter how much progress I make and will end up sabotaging myself.

My first thought was it related to converting from my previous instant gratification lifestyle to goals that take years to unfold. Perhaps learning to let go of week to week failures (not losing expected weight) and concentrating more on the longer term.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Have you updated your wardrobe recently? That would probably be a huge confidence boost, especially if you can buy/wear things that you never could before. Or hell, go get yourself a nice tailored suit if you feel like spending some real money.