Weight Loss Thread


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Do you cut the ice cream while cutting, or just work it into your calorie and fat calc for the day?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm cutting right now and eating ice cream. Was down to 190 but my sister's birthday, vacation, etc. really fucked things up, not necessarily in terms of weight gain but sodium intake and carb loading led to me peaking at around 205. Keep in mind, I went from 190 to 205 in a matter of about 4 days. Was 200 on Tuesday, 196 yesterday, 194.2 this morning, so my body is finally returning to normal it seems. I also need to take a massive shit, so who knows.

And I ate ice cream every night this week.
It's a matter of fitting it into your macros, yes, but it's also a matter of realizing half a cup is fucking 300 calories. I don't eat a lot of it, I just use it to satisfy my craving at the end of the night.

Other than that I eat a pretty staple diet - eggs and oats for breakfast, some form of protein with rice and broccoli for lunch, another form of protein with sweet potatoes and broccoli for dinner. It's boring, but whatever.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea my diet is pretty similar right now.

Wake up: Protein and Creatine shakes.
Workout: BCAA Shake
Breakfast: 2 whole eggs, 4 egg whites, Oatmeal, Protein and Creatine Shakes
Snack: Banana
Lunch 1: 1/2 lb protein, cup of rice or sweet potato, 1 avocado
Lunch 2: 1/2 lb protein, assorted veggies
Dinner: 1/2 lb protein, assorted veggies

I might need to increase my carb intake.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'd look at your protein and creatine shakes, as those are generally notorious for being loaded with sugars. You might be getting plenty and then some. Also, unless you are huge that seems like a shitload of protein each day. Even stressed your body is only really using like 1gram of protein per pound you weigh, and from a quick glance it looks like you are getting 250+ grams. Just something you might want to keep an eye on, especially if the goal is to lose weight.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
and from a quick glance it looks like you are getting 250+ grams. Just something you might want to keep an eye on, especially if the goal is to lose weight.
High protein intake is not going to hinder any weight/fat loss goals. 225-300g protein is normal for me.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Why so many shakes? And why are you taking BCAAs?
I read recently they are a great during workout drink. Is it just bullshit? Or harm outweigh the good?

I just started Creatine for the first time ever, enjoying it though this load week is pain.

I should clarify, the shakes are just a scoop plus water so the Creatine ones are basically nothing and the protein is only 120 cals. Little to no sugar in either. The Creatine is flavored so I can't drink it with the protein.

Ya protein is a little high since in 6'3" ~195, but the only place to cut are the shakes and I have to have one upon waking up and I like the post workout infusion, so nowhere to really cut without losing a much of cals. Surplus doesn't really matter as long as my cals are in check (roughly 2250 a day right now).

I recently lost a couple of months to a hurt shoulder and said fuck it to my diet for the most part so currently cutting my body fat back down. I'll start bulking again mid summer, no sure where to add clean calorie. I guess lots of peanut butter, nuts, and some ice cream.

Question about Creatine: I've read only one scoop before or after workout is needed but also read one before and one after is ideal. Are there any benefits to before and after or is over 5g pointless after the load week?


Mr. Poopybutthole
High protein intake is not going to hinder any weight/fat loss goals. 225-300g protein is normal for me.
No, but it is unnecessary, and it does up your cals without giving any tangible benefit after a point. That was the only point I was making, really. It doesn't directly hinder, but it is excess and is usually paired with calories of some form, so if looking to cut, that's an area to look at.

Which Foggy apparently doesn't need to, so hey~

With creatine, it really depends on the delivery (yours is apparently powdered creatine) but to be honest, as long as you aren't taking massive amounts with each drink (and it appears you aren't) you will basically get the same benefit regardless of when you take it. If you work out multiple times per day, after the first major workout is probably ideal, but honestly whenever is going to give the same results. Just be careful not to go nuts with it, because it can play havoc with your kidneys if you go too far outside recommended (I believe it's 1 gram per 40lbs per day, but then again that shit is all over the place with medical journals). I'd say capping at 5 per day and just doing it whenever you feel like it will have the same results as taking it at predetermined intervals before/after training periods. Effectively, it isn't going to instantly start repairing shit, that's why you load on it so that the effects are continuous throughout the cycle. Yesterday's creatine helps you today, etc.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You don't need BCAAs unless you train fasted, which according to your diet, you don't. That's literally the only time they're needed.

As for creatine, 5g a day is fine. No need to go over or under that dosage.

Excess protein can lead to kidney problems, but you have dumbasses like Ossoi eating 3-4g per pound so I'm sure you'll be fine. In the end, it's just going to cost you a bit more to maintain your diet adding in that extra 40g+ of protein as opposed to just eating some rice. I personally am sitting at about 180g a day @ 190 lbs, just so I can fit in some extra fats and carbs. I've dipped as low as 160, my strength hasn't budged thankfully.


Molten Core Raider
You don't need BCAAs unless you train fasted, which according to your diet, you don't. That's literally the only time they're needed.
This is the general consensus from all rational sources I've seen.

I wouldn't sweat the nutrient timing stuff. Your body will make use of whatever you give it when you give it to it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't believe in nutrient timing either. Our bodies are way more advanced than "I NEED 40G OF CARBS RIGHT NOW OR IM GOING TO START BURNING MUSCLE."

Hell, I eat a whole avocado post workout most days.


Got something right about marriage
Our bodies are also way more advanced than "Doesn't matter how fat you are I'm going to use your muscle for energy if you try to lose weight!!!". Yet a ton of people here still believe that's true.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, it's only when you get down to the very low body fat percentages that your body starts looking at everything as fuel instead of just fats/sugars. People trying to lose weight almost never fall into that category, and the people at the bottom end of the body fat spectrum already have to be in super control of their diet, so it's basically a non issue.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, it's only when you get down to the very low body fat percentages that your body starts looking at everything as fuel instead of just fats/sugars. People trying to lose weight almost never fall into that category, and the people at the bottom end of the body fat spectrum already have to be in super control of their diet, so it's basically a non issue.
Its a convenient excuse for people who can't stop eating though. "I would lose weight, but I'd lose too much muscle... " gobble donuts


Got something right about marriage
Its a convenient excuse for people who can't stop eating though. "I would lose weight, but I'd lose too much muscle... " gobble donuts
I've never heard anyone use it as an excuse to stay fat. Only idiotic fitness "gurus" claiming overweight people need to make sure to supplement their protein intake or they'll lose all that muscle they've built doing lateral burrito rows.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I saw something on Instagram about "pronuts." They were like 95 calories and had 12g of protein and 4g of fat. So... like 3-4g of carbs?

They probably taste like dog shit, though.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I've never heard anyone use it as an excuse to stay fat. Only idiotic fitness "gurus" claiming overweight people need to make sure to supplement their protein intake or they'll lose all that muscle they've built doing lateral burrito rows.
Not to stay fat per se, but just to not diet. They act like if they aren't 250lbs they aren't strong.


Molten Core Raider
Well, it is true that if a guy like Lyrical (36 BMI) cut down to 25 BMI he'd absolutely lose some weight on his lifts (primarily bench). I think the health/aesthetics matter more in that scenario than the strength, but to each their own.

Wife and I are going to start a 30d-60d cut tomorrow; going to follow the Ossoi diet. 600g protein and 1/2 cup of coconut oil. All day every day.