Weight Loss Thread


Golden Knight of the Realm
You still have ear gauges, so you're not quite done.

But seriously, great job. And that origin pic is only ~213 lbs? You look quite a bit heavier than that.
Negative, data presentation problem. The graph is actually just the past 12 months. That pic was around my heaviest about 2 years ago. Tipped the scales around 283, at least that is my first tracked weight.

My waist is definitely going to be my problem area. It isn't bad enough where I would get surgery to remove skin, but it has the potential to be a permanent reminder of some poor life decisions.


Just a Nurse
Aside from the serious weight loss that you did, I love how your alignment is now. You had a slight kyphosis in the second picture, and the third picture it's completely gone. Nice straight back. Congrats man. Get rid of the earrings. =P


Musty Nester
Yeah, that's well done.

The problem with gauged ears, the thing you don't think about when you get them as a dumbass 18 year old, is that you can take the plugs out... but you can't take the holes out. And ears don't heal.

I had an earring when I was 15 (left is right, right is WRONG motherfuckers!). I still have a pinprick scar on that ear.


Trakanon Raider
You all need to quit being prudes. Those are barely gauged, maybe 1/4- 1/2 in? Still very discreet with flesh colored plugs.


Golden Knight of the Realm
But how am I supposed to connect with today's hipster youth without plugs? Also, Fifey is correct on the size. They are 1/2" which can be pretty discrete when they need to be. I haven't had to worry about it in such a long time though as most of the SMB workspace that employs me has gotten super relaxed about it over the past 5 - 10 years.


Golden Knight of the Realm
BJJ is outstanding. I have been a pretty typical nerd for all of my life and this was my first real sport that I stuck with longer than a couple of months. I don't think I will ever be a serious competitor, but I am shooting for the hobbyist level that gives the serious guys a hard time when they are getting ready for competition.

I did injure myself a few times while getting started. Strained some cartilage in my ribs, tweaked some ankles, knees, elbows, etc. Now I am a lot more aware though and can protect myself better. All in all we can go pretty hard without running a high risk of injury.

Though, it is mildly amusing that when I started it was a much better work out. Struggled againsteverything. Now I am learning how to be more efficient and when to use my energy so some days are pretty chill. The best part though is that my mind doesn't directly correlate classes and working out. I get a work out, but it isn't the driving factor.

I will leave it at that, I had to learn to limit my BJJ talk in real life as it is all I wanted to talk about for a while and I didn't want to be 'that guy'.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ok enough of this results and congratulations bullshit, let's get back to the real issue. Carbs, poison or good?


Mr. Poopybutthole
They're not bad for you, and they provide quick energy when you need to do cardio style workouts or supersets. Just don't eat a loaf of bread each day or drink shitloads of soda. If you are trying to lose weight, it is generally accepted that lowering your carb intake is a good thing. The crazy zero-carb stuff is just that: crazy. The reason why it is generally considered good to lower your carb intake is because a shitload of "empty" calories come from that, usually in the form of sodas and white breads and, well, sugar. Fruit has a -ton- of carbs in it, but it also has a lot of healthy stuff. Things like Soda and white breads are basically carbs and not a whole lot else. So you don't have to go zero carb at all, nor should you as you lose a lot of quick energy options from your diet and it will make any sort of physical activity that much more difficult due to the lack of healthy sugars in your system. But if you are someone who drinks a soda/beer or two each day and you aren't working out to burn past those empty calories, removing those beverages and keeping your white bread intake (I'll add white rice here as well, because it is another "empty" calorie) will make weight loss goals a little easier to hit, at least initially.

The only people who should do zero-carb stuff are the ones who are regularly seeing nutritionists to monitor their health, or are spending a substantial amount on food/supplements to sidestep the easy quick carbohydrates. And even then, I personally think the zero-carb stuff is nonsense. Just don't make half of your daily caloric intake carbs from empty calories and you'll probably be alright as long as you are at a caloric deficit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I also eat Haagen Dasz ice cream every night. And I accidentally bought fucking chocolate chip instead of chocolate chip cookie dough last night. Can I return that shit to Target?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I also eat Haagen Dasz ice cream every night. And I accidentally bought fucking chocolate chip instead of chocolate chip cookie dough last night. Can I return that shit to Target?
How do you live with yourself you fat sack of shit? You are poisoning yourself. POISONING.

Also, Haagen over B&J, wtf is wrong with you (other than all the poisoning of course)

Itlan, do you workout mornings or evenings?


Potato del Grande
How do you live with yourself you fat sack of shit? You are poisoning yourself. POISONING.

Also, Haagen over B&J, wtf is wrong with you (other than all the poisoning of course)
You can eat as much Ice Cream as you like. It's negative calories since you burn calories warming yourself up from the cold.


Blackwing Lair Raider
How do you live with yourself you fat sack of shit? You are poisoning yourself. POISONING.

Also, Haagen over B&J, wtf is wrong with you (other than all the poisoning of course)

Itlan, do you workout mornings or evenings?
B&J Cookie Dough sucks ass. Trust me, Haagen > B&J.

I workout in the mornings. Wake up at 4:45 every morning, get to the gym ~5:10, mobility routine until about 5:30-5:45 and then lift until ~7:15.