Weight Loss Thread


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Maybe it's my thin privilege but I don't get why its so fucking hard to eat less if you don't want to be fat.


Got something right about marriage
Maybe it's my thin privilege but I don't get why its so fucking hard to eat less if you don't want to be fat.
As a former fat ass it's initially hard because you've gotten yourself into bad habits and breaking habits can be difficult. But once you start it isn't really all that hard, you just have to want it. If you don't want it you're not gonna really care about making the changes you need to make.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
As a former fat ass it's initially hard because you've gotten yourself into bad habits and breaking habits can be difficult. But once you start it isn't really all that hard, you just have to want it. If you don't want it you're not gonna really care about making the changes you need to make.
Seems like people want to make changes but then get derailed by all the fat apologists into believing it isn't their fault somehow and that everyone should just accept them. Like we're the assholes for not liking to look at fat fuckers.


Got something right about marriage
Seems like people want to make changes but then get derailed by all the fat apologists into believing it isn't their fault somehow and that everyone should just accept them. Like we're the assholes for not liking to look at fat fuckers.
That is definitely a part of the problem.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Maybe it's my thin privilege but I don't get why its so fucking hard to eat less if you don't want to be fat.
It's really not different than any other addiction. There's actual chemical/psychological changes that occur that make it harder to break the habit than to simply choose not to do it if you weren't addicted. That's also why it's easier to fall back into it versus someone who's never been like that. That's not to excuse the behavior as okay, just the reality of it. It's why everyone always talks about needing to make lifestyle changes instead of just going on a diet and why people who talk about accepting obesity are also part of the problem. Like any other unhealthy addiction, there's probably some enabling along the way.


Trakanon Raider
Seems like people want to make changes but then get derailed by all the fat apologists into believing it isn't their fault somehow and that everyone should just accept them. Like we're the assholes for not liking to look at fat fuckers.
I hate fat people telling me how it's easy for me to stay skinny. I'd love to go home and smash out a whole row of oreos with ice cream but I don't because I know that I'll have to eat clean for the next week to offset that.


Got something right about marriage
I distinctly remember, back when I ballooned up t 280 lbs, that the only reason it happened is because people kept shoving cheez-its in my mouth.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I liked half of that movie when they discussed big companies and the school lunches and all that but I can't stand the victim mentality of fat people.
Maybe it's my thin privilege but I don't get why its so fucking hard to eat less if you don't want to be fat.
As much as I fucking hate to say it because I hate shit like "white/male privilege", it really is, if you weren't extremely overweight your entire life you couldn't possibly understand.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
As much as I fucking hate to say it because I hate shit like "white/male privilege", it really is, if you weren't extremely overweight your entire life you couldn't possibly understand.
So if I'm not stupid, I can't understand stupidity?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Can you though? Because I have a really hard time relating to stupid people.
I can understand that if they'd stop doing stupid shit they'd be less stupid. Who really gives a fuck why they do what they do.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What kind of question is that? Yes, if you're not a retard then I wouldn't expect you to understand what it is like to live the life of a retard.


Trakanon Raider
As much as I fucking hate to say it because I hate shit like "white/male privilege", it really is, if you weren't extremely overweight your entire life you couldn't possibly understand.
It's addiction which is something I've struggled with so I do know what it's like.


Got something right about marriage
What kind of question is that? Yes, if you're not a retard then I wouldn't expect you to understand what it is like to live the life of a retard.
Bad analogies are bad. Mental retardation is not a self inflicted condition. And just so you know, I was super fucking fat.... twice. So I'm basically an expert.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
The approach of "just brute force willpower it" or "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" to addictions is pretty counterproductive, just like accepting/enabling it is. It's far too simplistic and is not going to work for most people and when they fail they'll end up even less likely to try again.

The reality is that there are actual bodily changes that occur from acquiring an addiction. It actually is objectively harder for people who have habitually done something that results in temporary pleasure to stop than it is someone who hasn't. These are often permanent or at least very long lasting changes, as well (that oftentimes begin during youth). The mind and body simply do not function the same way as a non-addicted person in regards to whatever the person is addicted to. Again, this is not an excuse -- the effects of obesity on society and the individual are wholly negative (as are most behaviors that become addictions). There's no reason to accept obesity or other harmful behavior as something that is okay. Being fat should be a negative. But an inability in understanding how addiction is formed, sustained, and broken is just going to lead to actions that don't produce change and make people less likely to try to improve in the future. It is important to understand how to work with the mind and body if you actually want to lessen the frequency of addictive behavior and that's a lot more involved than "calories in < calories out" or "think of food as fuel". That's why only going on a temporary diet and losing some weight isn't sustainable for most people. If you don't make lasting changes to habits, lifestyle, and environment you're going to eventually fall back into the same poor habits and behaviors.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Bad analogies are bad. Mental retardation is not a self inflicted condition. And just so you know, I was super fucking fat.... twice. So I'm basically an expert.
Hence why I said what kind of question is that? The analogy is bad because the question was bad, equating fat ppl to stupid ppl.

And all your life? So you know that feeling/sense of hopelessness then? Because as someone who has started a lifestyle change I can see why ppl who have been normal to only slightly overweight their entire lives don't understand fat ppl and "why, don't they just do something?" because it bothers me now too; but I also know the feeling of hopelessness that, that fat person has.

Look at it like putting a slightly overweight person in front of Monkey Hill, Monkey Hill's peak is 40ft; and then put a super obese person in front of Mt. Mckinley - peak 20,237 feet and tell them both they have to climb to the top to get in shape. The slightly overweight person is going to say ok, lets go. The super obese person is going to say fuck that. Now, that is no excuse, but its so much easier to judge when you have been fit your entire life or slightly overweight or put on weight in your adult life. Try to imagine standing in front of that 20,000 ft mountain extremely out of shape when you've known nothing else your entire life and why you/that person may think its pointless/hopeless.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I ate an entire red velvet cake last night. Fuck it, I'm going full-Sean. I think the worst part of gaining weight is that time after you cross from chubby to fat, but before you're so big that you can't get disability yet. If you can push through that rough patch and reach the disability goal, you're set.