Weight Loss Thread


Got something right about marriage
Might as well start on the path to normalcy sooner than later if you can stick with it.


<Gold Donor>
YEah Like i said, I want to get down to like 220 ish and then ill get back up to 2000 calories. To tell you the truth, even during workouts, I have been fine, no loss of energy at all. Sleeping well, all that.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I thought we hit that mark years ago.
It's very possible. I haven't actually read any recent statistics on the number of overweight/obese people in America. Anecdotally, I still see a fair number more normal/fit people on a daily basis than overweight/obese folks. Then again, I live near two large metropolitan cities (DC and Baltimore) so I imagine many of the people I see do a lot more walking than you'd find in many places in America.


Trakanon Raider
I was talking about super obese ppl and fifey's response of "its hard working out" shows how little he understands when using my hill/mountain metaphor. Super obese ppl struggle to walk 1/4 of a mile, if they can do that, saying working out is hard for these ppl is an understatement. Of course ideally you do not want to get to that state, but when you're there its already too late, or so how many ppl feel at the time, so they accept being fat and thus, get fatter.
I'm not saying morbidly obese people need to start doing power cleans and squats but ride a stationary bike or go to a pool and do some water work, you act like once you get hambeast status you are forever stuck. Look at Himeo, he was something like 400 lbs but he decided to take responsibility for himself and lost all that weight along with many other people in this thread. You have the exact victim mentality that drives me insane, yes you have an addiction but that doesn't give you an excuse to shovel McDonald's in your mouth every meal.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm not saying morbidly obese people need to start doing power cleans and squats but ride a stationary bike or go to a pool and do some water work, you act like once you get hambeast status you are forever stuck. Look at Himeo, he was something like 400 lbs but he decided to take responsibility for himself and lost all that weight along with many other people in this thread. You have the exact victim mentality that drives me insane, yes you have an addiction but that doesn't give you an excuse to shovel McDonald's in your mouth every meal.
Sure guy, whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep better at night.


Tranny Chaser
YEah Like i said, I want to get down to like 220 ish and then ill get back up to 2000 calories. To tell you the truth, even during workouts, I have been fine, no loss of energy at all. Sleeping well, all that.
If you want a nutrition and training plan then let me know.

I've been combining hiit cardio with weights in the same session and the fat is literally melting off


Bronze Squire
Whelp, looks like for the first time in my life I need to get aboard the 'time-to-lose-some-weight train." Hit 195 on the scale (I'm 5' 12" tall).

Bunch of TL;DR about why I suck at diet and exercise in the spoiler.
Growing up I was always super scrawny. I was also the kid that could eat anything-and-everything and never pack on a pound. I was about the un-healthiest eater ever too, I'm lucky I didn't put myself into some sort of diabetic coma with the amount of soda, donuts, cinnabons, pizza and terrible grocery store chinese food I lived off of starting in high school. I stayed that way through college and started to fill out in my mid twenties settling in at between 180-185. I stayed that way from my mid twenties till now at 33. It probably helped that I've always been super active. Skiing all winter, mountain biking all summer, plus playing softball, pick up basketball etc. I've always been pretty naturally athletic so I never really needed to do any sort of "training" to be good at any of my activities. For example, I once did the Seattle-to-Portland ride (204 miles over two days) while notching in a grand total of 4 miles of training on the bike. I've completed 2 Tough Mudders without any training beforehand as well. I've always had crazy endurance and metabolism and basically I've never had to diet, exercise or train to do the activities I like to do. But this year I think the combination of getting older, having a baby, and basically no ski season to keep me active in the winter has taken its toll.

I joke that my goal weight is 179, but I'm less concerned about the scale number and more concerned with reducing my beer-gut from "drinks every day" to "drinks every weekend" and hopefully getting my clothes to not fit quite to tightly. As far as diet, the wife and I actually eat pretty good at home, it is the eating out that I need to reign in. Just making some better menu choices and controlling my portions. I'm not willing to give up the beer but I am compromising on trying to mix in some lighter options.

For exercise, right now I'm training for a Mt. Bike race that is at the of this month, so that will be a majority of my exercise. To help encourage my wife to get on board I will supplement with doing some workout videos with her. I have the Insanity program which I like but she has some Jillian Michaels thing that actually is a pretty decent workout for me as well, and has the added benefit of getting her working out as well. In addition, there is a very nice elliptical machine out in the garage which is usually my backup plan when weather doesn't allow me to ride my bike. I'm also open to other suggestions on workouts/exercises provided that they are body-weight only. I do not like lifting weights at all and I know from past history that if I try any routine that involves weight-lifting I'm prone to abandon it.

Another thing I really hate is running but I know I'll have to mix some of that in eventually as the wife convinced me to sign up for one of those stupid 5k color runs later this summer. I know 5k isn't much, but if I'm going to do it I want to do well.

Anyways, thought I'd join the thread for an added level of accountability on my part. I'm already off to a good start with a couple of decent Mt. Bike rides in yesterday and today.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What is with this myfitnesspal premium nonsense? $10/mo or $50/year to track custom macros by gram? To display summary information in a more convenient manner? I am not sure Under Armor realizes an acceptable price scheme for a smartphone app. Or maybe they do and are soon to be rich.
Seriously, what the fuck is up with this. I thought it was odd when they first changed the home screen and obfuscated the method by which you add food, and now this. They really want $10/month or $50/year to get the old summary back?


Molten Core Raider
Sure guy, whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep better at night.
Mures, I appreciated your posts. I know you weren't really trying to play the victim card, and it is a fair claim that someone in the throes of addiction is going to feel differently to a substance than someone who just "tried it occasionally."

I think what perplexes me, personally, is that the overwhelming advantages given to those with a good physique (health, charisma, job opportunities, people literally trust you more) is not more persuasive and we're seeing a rising obesity rate. Being "in shape" is the biggest component to being physically attractive, and being physically attractive has got to be the second best "Life Buff" in the world (first would probably be born to the Rothschilds or some shit). I'm sure Xevy will shout "lol narciscist" but I could cite a study showing that strangers are substantially more likely to respond favorably to attractive people.

So you stating: "You don't understand how the truly obese feel." is very accurate -- not only do I not connect on an emotional level since I've never been addicted to food to that degree... but on a purely rational level its an enormous WTF: you are trading quality AND longevity of life in order to eat more than you need.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Decided to invest a little money into a weight bench and some adjustable dumbbells (50lb hex were going to be expensive anyway, so I just went with the bowflex 10-90 set, should give me more room to grow) the bench should give me a much better range of motion than trying to do a dumbbell bench press in bed.


Got something right about marriage
Do people that are 6'2" still feel the need to round up? I thought it was just the "short" fuckers like me that are 5'10" (well, really 5'9.5")


Blackwing Lair Raider
190 @ 6'0 and he's freaking out? What the fuck? Lol

Also, if you're down to 1500 calories at 260 you're doing major metabolic damage to yourself. I'd reverse diet out of that shit and get a more appropriate number. But that's just me.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
190 @ 6'0 and he's freaking out? What the fuck? Lol

Also, if you're down to 1500 calories at 260 you're doing major metabolic damage to yourself. I'd reverse diet out of that shit and get a more appropriate number. But that's just me.
Its a lot easier to lose 20lbs at 190 than it is to blow it off until he's 250 and have to lose 80.


Got something right about marriage
190 @ 6'0 and he's freaking out? What the fuck? Lol

Also, if you're down to1500 calories at 260 you're doing major metabolic damage to yourself. I'd reverse diet out of that shit and get a more appropriate number. But that's just me.
Oh god here we go...


<Gold Donor>
Metabolic damage? Huh? Those are 1500 GOOD calories, like lean beef, chicken, and hardly any carbs other than some vegies and fruits. Im consuming about 200g of protein daily, thats more than enough to sustain my metabolism. Like I said I feel great. Have way more energy, even when I was consuming 3000+ calories. I dont understand this damage im doing to myself.

For exercise, right now I'm training for a Mt. Bike race that is at the of this month, so that will be a majority of my exercise. To help encourage my wife to get on board I will supplement with doing some workout videos with her. I have the Insanity program which I like but she has some Jillian Michaels thing that actually is a pretty decent workout for me as well, and has the added benefit of getting her working out as well. In addition, there is a very nice elliptical machine out in the garage which is usually my backup plan when weather doesn't allow me to ride my bike. I'm also open to other suggestions on workouts/exercises provided that they are body-weight only. I do not like lifting weights at all and I know from past history that if I try any routine that involves weight-lifting I'm prone to abandon it.

Another thing I really hate is running but I know I'll have to mix some of that in eventually as the wife convinced me to sign up for one of those stupid 5k color runs later this summer. I know 5k isn't much, but if I'm going to do it I want to do well.

Anyways, thought I'd join the thread for an added level of accountability on my part. I'm already off to a good start with a couple of decent Mt. Bike rides in yesterday and today.
Fuck running and fuck cardio. Get to the gym and lift. Here is a great starting program for you...Intermittent Fasting Leangains Guide | RippedBody.jp|You will lose more weight, get ripped at the same time. Its like 80% diet and 10% working out. I have been lifting for 2 weeks now, and already the wife sees the difference, feeling me up and shit. Imagine what it will be like at 12 weeks?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I didn't read the link but the headline sounds like my general routine. I eat lunch and dinner (maybe a banana for breakfast if I'm starving) and do full body workouts 3 days a week (bench, squat, curl, pull up, sit up mostly) and thats it. I've been doing the same basic routine for maybe 10 years now. Time at the gym is maybe 40 minutes per session but that is 40 minutes of doing one of the above workouts constantly with basically no breaks. An issue with some people with doing a weight-based routine is cardio forces you to keep running but if you do weights you can easily sit around on the bench for 5 minutes doing nothing to "catch your breath" and end up doing a shitty workout or having to be there for an hour and a half to get the full routine in.

Though I will say I've pretty much stopped wanting to put on muscle so my experience is a bit different. And I have pretty much no fat to really lose on my body unless I wanted to look really, really strange. Back when I was actually trying to put on muscle I did do some more focused workouts.