Weight Loss Thread


Molten Core Raider
Opiate, I suggest doing some reading about nutrition and metabolism. That you can say it wouldn't surprise you to find out you're maintaining 6k calories a day means you're missing something. Unless your day to day activity involves hours and hours of intense exercise. At 6'1 200, I'd burn a bit over 6k calories daily... if I ran a marathon daily. People don't just have "fast" 6k calorie metabolisms. Deviation in metabolic activity is like 20% tops on the norm BMR; so from 2k to 2400.

Anecdotal, I had a buddy who said the same thing. Claimed it was literally impossible for him to gain weight, and that he "easily" eats 4k calories a day. Got him to keep a food journal for a week, at the end of the week we added it all into MFP and it gave him a 2100 daily average... he claimed that "must be wrong" and refused to follow it up.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Had this issue with a friend as well. I've seen him eat, what he eats for a meal is about half of what I eat. He's been about 165 pounds all his life, and sure as shit, he was eating like 2k calories while I was consuming 4k. I bumped him up to about 2600 and he's at like 173 pounds at the moment. It was a real "AHA" moment for him.

Anyone who suggests they can't gain weight is either dying of cancer or doesn't eat enough food.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You guys familiar with set point? I think there is something to it. Not to the extremes being listed here but I do think people have different set points to where they gain weight compared to others.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sounds like a bunch of bullshit. Do we have differences in body make-up, how we react to certain foods, and metabolism? Yes. But again, the differences in metabolic rate are not 0-300%.

Does someone eat 6k calories a day and not gain weight? No, unless they're expending more than that.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm sure the 6k figure was an exaggeration, as that is eating like... McDonalds for all three meals, and not skimping on fries or shakes. That is a -shitload- of food. But yeah, if you aren't lifting for 11 hours a day, you aren't burning 4k extra calories. And even if you are lifting 11 hours a day, you still aren't burning 4k calories at your weight/height.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The point is, unless you track your calories, most people have no idea how much they're eating and it works in both extremes. If you can't gain weight, you're not eating enough. Or you have a medical condition.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Food consumption and calorie delusion is in large part why I find the HAES/"I'm fat 'cause of genetics!" such bullshit. I'm sure if any of these "genetically" fat people kept an actual food log they'd be pushing 4-6k on a daily basis. There was a story recently of some obese person in the UK who said he couldn't lose weight despite a healthy diet and his food journal clocked him in at 10k/day. I am well aware the reason I don't gain weight (nor do I want to -- neither fat or muscle) is because I only eat probably 2k calories a day.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
HAES is quite possibly the most infuriating movement I've ever heard of. Sometimes I browse /r/fatlogic and /r/fatpeoplehate and just let my anger boil up and seethe at the sheer stupidity and insanity of the people who actually believe they're healthy at obese weights. It takes a lot to rustle my jimmies these days, but HAES fatties definitely do the trick.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I used to the same McCheese, but a lot of what those idiots say in the comments rustles the shit out of me. A lot shitposting on those subs.


Molten Core Raider
As always the outliers probably skew perception. I've read about the studies that find average people vary by 10-20% as far as metabolism and I don't see any reason to doubt that. There probably are people who for whatever reason have shit genetics that makes them naturally fatter than normal so its easy to just glom on to that bandwagon if you're fat from overeating. Even in most of those cases they could probably largely control it through calorie restriction. Best be coming to the argument with a doctors note or I'm going to assume they're full of shit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Thyroid condishuns do exist, but it's not fucking 10% of the population or anywhere fucking near that.


Got something right about marriage
Speaking of Thyroid conditions I've been having health problems for a while now. I've had tons of tests done, been to a cardiologist and pulmonologist and everything came back fine. Found out a few weeks ago both my mother and maternal grandmother have thyroid problems. My mother's is so grossly underactive that she was on some kind of aggressive medication that gave her heart palpatations and was a huge ordeal. I didn't know this because my entire family is very secretive about health problems because they don't like to burden people with their issues.

So now I have an appt with an endocrinologist on Monday. I'm hoping this is the issue because I haven't really been able to do any kind of strenuous activity for almost two years now. My vision gets blurred, I get terrible headaches, I go completely pale and feel like I'm going to faint. I've never really had trouble losing weight but it's also always been really easy for me to gain weight at enormous clips. I just want to be able to fucking exercise again.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Are you sure you're not diabetic? Or I guess I should ask, did your doctor test you for diabetes?

I've never heard of blurred vision or headaches as symptoms of a thyroid issue. Interesting. Hope you figure it out man.


Got something right about marriage
No I have never been tested for diabetes. I'm just going on family history at this point. There are 0 diabetics in my family and while I was excessively overweight twice in my life both were short lived. I've also had a ton of bloodwork done that showed everything as being normal. Though I don't know how they test for diabetes.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well blurred vision, headaches, and feelings of feinting is basically describing low blood sugar. You could be diabetic, I would ask your doctor about it.

I remember I had this happen once. I freaked out, but then I realized I had been drinking and then jumped on a plane. Then the stewardess fed me chocolate chip cookies. Mm.


Karazhan Raider
I have been trying to pick up running the past couple of months, and I have been having a couple of problems. First, after about 2 miles my left knee starts to get a pretty sharp pain that feels like it is right behind the kneecap. It doesn't seem to get worse after it starts really, but it will stick around for a couple of days to a lesser degree.

The other issue is after about 3-3.5 miles my stomach just starts to hurt. I generally don't drink water at all more than a sip or two, not sure what is causing it. My stomach will continue to feel "sour" for lack of a better term for at least the rest of the day and all of the next day.

Anyone have these types of problems? Before I started this up the most I had ever really ran was like a mile at a time, so no real experience with it


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
My advice is to stop running because it is awful and boring and there are much more enjoyable ways to get exercise.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Running is awful. Also, sounds like PFPS, which has so many fucking causes you'd need to see a PT who can run you through a gauntlet of mobility courses. Typically knee pain is triggered by something above or below it failing aka your hips or your ankles.


Bronze Squire
Speaking of injuries I tweaked a hammy last night playing softball. Nothing specific happened to cause it, it just kind of went when I was running the bases. Hoping it doesn't knock me off my routine too much but considering I have a race in two weeks I need it to be better by then.

That leads me to a question, what is people's opinions on stretching? I've read so many conflicting reports, it prevents injury, it kills explosiveness, you should always stretch, you should never stretch etc. The last thing I read basically said if you are a stretcher you should continue doing so, if you are not a stretcher you shouldn't start.