I'll post some up later. It's been about 2 weeks and my strength went up pretty quick. I went from being able to do 40 reps of 80lbs dumbell overhead press to 50 or 55 for my first set until failure and then 4 more sets where I get at least 45 in.pics?
Side effects: first 2 days I had pretty bad back pumps, after googling it I saw that I needed to take Taurine and then all was good for the past two weeks.
The past week or so my sex drive has been completely in-the-shitter / non-existant (pretty much the day I added in 4 Andro to the alpha 1 max), Also started to notice my nipples were getting sensative, but I just started taking an anti-aromatase 2 days ago (eradicate, which I plan to continue through at least the first couple weeks of my PCT now), and I "think" it's working already, At the very least I'm not nearly as bloated and I pissed out about a gallon of water today. I'll post pics sometime later if I think about it, or for sure before I get to the end of my cycle.
I've been trying to eat a shitload of extra food. My go-to meal has been a glass of milk with about 400 calories worth of powdered peanut-butter added to it.

edit: sorry stupid iphone. Not bothering to fix it. I'll upload decent body shot later.