Weight Loss Thread


Registered Hutt
Stop eating is not good advice. Just reduce portion size and try to increase your activity level a little. Take the stairs, take up a hobby that challenges you a little bit, etc. Your brain will fuck you if you try to abstain for long periods, and then you get upset with yourself after you eat something you shouldn't have. Moderation.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Obviously "stop eating" doesn't mean literally stop eating all food. It means exactly what you said: eat a little bit and then stop.


El Presidente
Obviously "stop eating" doesn't mean literally stop eating all food. It means exactly what you said: eat a little bit and then stop.
Yeah it's more of "Hey instead of eating a giant pizza by yourself have some chicken and a salad". Or even "Hey, instead of eating 2 Burgers, eat 1"


Golden Knight of the Realm
Psst, score me some carbs dude?
This is funny to me because going from a Ketogenic / Cutting diet to a Carb / Bulking diet has made me feel like superman. I seem to have way more energy when rolling / lifting, it is absurd. Who needs steroids, just give me some sugar.


Tranny Chaser
This is funny to me because going from a Ketogenic / Cutting diet to a Carb / Bulking diet has made me feel like superman. I seem to have way more energy when rolling / lifting, it is absurd. Who needs steroids, just give me some sugar.
Your first mistake is being on a keto diet for a sustained period of time. Your second mistake is being surprised that extra calories = extra energy


Golden Knight of the Realm
Indeed. It isn't so much being surprised that more calories = more energy. It is being surprised the amount of additional energy from a seemingly small increase. That is why I try things out randomly. I can read on how stuff should work and get an understanding of it, but actually experiencing it is what it takes to truly understand.


Avatar of War Slayer
Your first mistake is being on a keto diet for a sustained period of time. Your second mistake is being surprised that extra calories = extra energy
What mistake? Did you bother watching that video? You ever read those labels of the food you eat? Do you see how much added sugar there is?


Blackwing Lair Raider
What the fuck does him saying keto for a long period is a bad idea have to do with sugar in processed foods?

That doesn't even begin to make sense.


Tranny Chaser
What mistake? Did you bother watching that video? You ever read those labels of the food you eat? Do you see how much added sugar there is?
There is no reason for anyone to be on a keto diet long term. And yes, I track my macros. And yes, I'm leaner than you.

No I didn't bother watching that video, keto-krazy-kultists annoy me. But I did click and read the summary. For fat loss and muscle building purposes then long term keto = full retard. The best approach is fat+protein on rest days and pre workout, and protein+carbs post workout. The carbs can be from whole foods like sweet potato, rice..or in the form of simple sugars.

I love how keto idiots seem to think a diet which says vegetables are bad, is legit, rofl


A Man Chooses....
I have a question about triggers. Not the SJW kind, the food/nutrition chemical kind.

Some evil individual shared this link with me:

Self Freezing Coca-Cola (The trick that works on any soda!) - YouTube

Now, as an Icee aficionado since the age of three this presents me with a dilemma. I have gone cold turkey on soft drinks or any liquid calories for about a year. Yet this is too tempting to ignore. I've legitimately considered dropping $1500 on a restaurant grade Icee machine before. So I buy a 6 pack of 20oz beverages, and limit myself to one a day with this trick.

Interestingly enough, this was just as delicious as anticipated but I did not have that hard a time limiting myself to one a day. What was surprising however was that immediately after drinking my frozen reward I got huge urges to eat literally everything else. Things I hadn't had in months(donuts, pizza, etc) popped into my head. Since I'm doing this intermittent fasting(right at 70 lbs down since May) my body has basically gotten used to being hungry. There are days I get home at 7PM having not ate a thing in 24 hours and I honestly don't even feel hungry. Yet just ingesting this soda made me ravenous in a way I hadn't been in months.

This brings up an interesting consideration. Is it something in the soda that chemically triggers it? Is it a mental link between soda and garbage foods from my past? What would make my brain, which has been conditioned to pretty much ignore food 99.9% of the time the last few months, suddenly want ALL THE FOODS?

I know some of you have bro-scienced the shit out of all this. Explain it to me so I don't have to research it.


Got something right about marriage
I have a question about triggers. Not the SJW kind, the food/nutrition chemical kind.

Some evil individual shared this link with me:

Self Freezing Coca-Cola (The trick that works on any soda!) - YouTube

Now, as an Icee aficionado since the age of three this presents me with a dilemma. I have gone cold turkey on soft drinks or any liquid calories for about a year. Yet this is too tempting to ignore. I've legitimately considered dropping $1500 on a restaurant grade Icee machine before. So I buy a 6 pack of 20oz beverages, and limit myself to one a day with this trick.

Interestingly enough, this was just as delicious as anticipated but I did not have that hard a time limiting myself to one a day. What was surprising however was that immediately after drinking my frozen reward I got huge urges to eat literally everything else. Things I hadn't had in months(donuts, pizza, etc) popped into my head. Since I'm doing this intermittent fasting(right at 70 lbs down since May) my body has basically gotten used to being hungry. There are days I get home at 7PM having not ate a thing in 24 hours and I honestly don't even feel hungry. Yet just ingesting this soda made me ravenous in a way I hadn't been in months.

This brings up an interesting consideration. Is it something in the soda that chemically triggers it? Is it a mental link between soda and garbage foods from my past? What would make my brain, which has been conditioned to pretty much ignore food 99.9% of the time the last few months, suddenly want ALL THE FOODS?

I know some of you have bro-scienced the shit out of all this. Explain it to me so I don't have to research it.
Yes. Fructose. Not all sugar is created equal.

Certain Sugars Stimulate Appetite, Study Finds | L.A. Weekly

Do not drink soda.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
You ever try a ketogenic diet Dandai? Carbs have been the bane of my existence.
I haven't given a ketogenic diet a serious effort, no. A few years ago I was going pretty low carb (~50g/day) and some days I found myself in ketosis, but it wasn't intentional. I just let my appetite guide my eating. As a side note, I went from 245-190 lbs in about 5-6 months eating 50-100g carbs per day, but I slowly gained it all back over the next couple of years when I went back to an unrestricted diet.

Anyway, as others have mentioned, I don't think long term ketosis is a good idea for overall health. It does a good job of shedding body fat quickly, but I'm also trying to build bigger muscles. I'm fine with only losing a pound or two of body fat per week so long as I'm still seeing gains in muscle tone and size. Ketosis is pretty catabolic and thus wouldn't make much sense for me with my goals. Also, I've heard you become insulin sensitive pretty quickly when you're in ketosis - so when you do go back to eating carbs you store body fat even more quickly than before.


Got something right about marriage
It does a good job of shedding body fat quickly, but I'm also trying to build bigger muscles. I'm fine with only losing a pound or two of body fat per week so long as I'm still seeing gains in muscle tone and size. Ketosis is pretty catabolic and thus wouldn't make much sense for me with my goals. Also, I've heard you become insulin sensitive pretty quickly when you're in ketosis - so when you do go back to eating carbs you store body fat even more quickly than before.
All of that is false. There is no magic button your body presses to say "Hey, I've noticed you haven't been eating many carbs, now that you are let me treat them completely differently than I did before! Science!". In just the same way that there is no magic that happens from carbohydrates to turn into protein and build muscle. You eat carbs because they are burned for energy first and give you quicker "boosts" to stamina, not because they are muscle builders, and even in a ketogenic diet you are meant to find your carb equilibrium. The more you exercise the more carbs you eat. You can eat 70-100g of carbs a day and still stay in ketosis if you're exercising a lot. The act of eating is catabolic. Eating anything. People use that term and have no understanding of it.

And most of all. Not being a dick here but you are fat. That big gut of yours is stored energy. You have plenty of reserves to get you through your workouts. I'm not saying that ketogenic diets are the only way to lose weight or that you have to follow one. I'm just saying your ideas about them in regards to muscle growth are completely misguided. In a ketogenic diet you're eating more protein. Does it make sense to you that eating more broccoli would help you gain muscle faster than eating more steak?


Tranny Chaser
In a ketogenic diet you're eating more protein. Does it make sense to you that eating more broccoli would help you gain muscle faster than eating more steak?
Agreed with most of that until the last bit, the keto-kult krazies on reddit think too much protein gets converted into chocolate cake once consumed and encourage increasing fat over protein.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
All of that is false. There is no magic button your body presses to say "Hey, I've noticed you haven't been eating many carbs, now that you are let me treat them completely differently than I did before! Science!". In just the same way that there is no magic that happens from carbohydrates to turn into protein and build muscle. You eat carbs because they are burned for energy first and give you quicker "boosts" to stamina, not because they are muscle builders, and even in a ketogenic diet you are meant to find your carb equilibrium. The more you exercise the more carbs you eat. You can eat 70-100g of carbs a day and still stay in ketosis if you're exercising a lot. The act of eating is catabolic. Eating anything. People use that term and have no understanding of it.

And most of all. Not being a dick here but you are fat. That big gut of yours is stored energy. You have plenty of reserves to get you through your workouts. I'm not saying that ketogenic diets are the only way to lose weight or that you have to follow one. I'm just saying your ideas about them in regards to muscle growth are completely misguided. In a ketogenic diet you're eating more protein. Does it make sense to you that eating more broccoli would help you gain muscle faster than eating more steak?
No offense taken - I wouldn't be in this thread if I wasn't fat.

The source for the info I stated is a professional body builder, pro lifter, and PhD in protein synthesis (Dr. Layne Norton). So, not being a dick here, but I'll trust that he's got a better understanding of the science than a forum bro.



scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Professional bodybuilders are playing a completely different game because they can cut down at will. They don't lack the willpower or habits to be able to do it. They're focused 99% on building muscle.

What almost all of us/you need is to build proper eating/workout habits to be able to cut down to low body fat. The pro BB's kinda ignore that and talk about protein synthesis and meal timing and blah blah.

Eat less, lift more. Build good habits. Stop feeding your pie hole.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It reminds me when novice players try emulating professional Starcraft players by doing all these minute details they see on streams without realizing they need to be focusing on big picture things that the professionals have already worked out


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
It reminds me when novice players try emulating professional Starcraft players by doing all these minute details they see on streams without realizing they need to be focusing on big picture things that the professionals have already worked out
It's fair to say that because I'm still fat that I don't have the basics mastered like the pros. I know body builders are on another level and that video is more instructive for someone needing to work out the minor tweaks that's gonna get them show ready at 3% body fat. In that video he details the "perfect" and what you guys are saying is that I don't need perfect - I just need "good" and that'll be enough to get results.

I whole heartedly agree.

That's why I'm restricting my diet, tracking what I eat, and consistently going to the gym. My weight isn't dropping very fast but my body is slimming down, so I'm gonna keep on doing this until that stops happening. (It occurs to me that I should start taping myself for objective data instead of feels data.)

I only linked the video to address Khane's accusations that I didn't understand what I was talking about. And to be honest, that too is a fair assessment - I'm not an expert (if I was it's unlikely that I'd be this fat). However, Dr. Norton is an expert, so I'll let him do the understanding and hope some of it rubs off on me.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It reminds me when novice players try emulating professional Starcraft players by doing all these minute details they see on streams without realizing they need to be focusing on big picture things that the professionals have already worked out
Always with the craft references.