Actually keto diets are recommended for me being diabetic. Khane or anyone except himeo can you link me some good reading and diet plans?
If you are a t2 diabetic (fat fuck) keto is pretty good. I functionally cured my T2 diabetes last year doing keto for eight months, my blood sugar readings went from 150 (fasting) to 200+ (post carb heavy meals) to 90-100, all day erryday no matter fasting or post meal. I even cheated a bit around xmas time and ate all the normal shit like pasta, pizza, so many desserts, etc and it didn't go over 140 post meal although I gained 15 lbs
three quick things: (1) your cholesterol levels are going to go up for the first 3-4 months, as fat used for ketones slip into bloodstream. as you level out these go lower than pre keto. basically i wouldn't do any lab type blood tests for the first 4-6 months (2) you can't go back and forth, you gotta stick to keto full time. in 2014 i would have cheat weekends and shit and my blood sugars were all over the damn place (3) drink a lot of water. like... 1 gallon a day a lot.
the diet itself is very trivial, eat fat/protein (should be 50-60% fat, 30-40% protein, 0-5% carbs preferably fiber) to satiation and avoid sugars and carbs. if you live in the usa its fairly easy since everything has carb numbers on it. i eat a lot of salads and eggs, its not just pork and steak every day. after a few weeks your appetite goes down, i eat a lot less than i did last year per meal. no problems going out, i eat stuff like in n out double double animal style protein style (lettuce wrap instead of bun) or steak/eggs or unbreaded chicken wings, etc.
i was about 50 lbs overweight, lost 40 lbs of that (no exercise really) just with keto but i did it more for my T2 diabetes, didn't want to get stuck on using insulin shots every day for the rest of my life like some of my aunts and uncles have to.
its really simple for T2 diabetics : the cause is your kidneys/liver processing carbs/sugar into glucose and not being able to control the insulin to convert one to the other. Well, remove the need to process it and you don't have to worry about T2 diabetes.
T1 diabetics are a whole other ball game, while keto can work for some it may not work for many others. The ketoacidosis that T1 diabetics suffer from has little to do with keto diet though, it just means your kidney/liver is creating uncontrolled amounts of ketones. Keto diet also depends on ketones, but the process is different (you only process the fats you eat, whereas in ketoacidosis the production is out of control). Still, its not as straightforward a diet for T1 diabetics.
i only check this forum once a month or so, so if you have any questions PM me