Anyone got some good recommendations for apps and/or websites that have good recommendations for meal planning, batch cooking, and the like? Since the girlfriend has moved out I have come to realize that I am barely able to feed myself in an adult fashion. My cooking skills and knowledge are pretty much stunted as a 20 year old, it's pretty bad. For the most part I'm looking for easy, simple, quick type meals oriented towards eating well and designed for a single guy. Once I get up and running with some new meals in my arsenal (right now it's basically chicken/rice, steak/potato, or frozen pizza), then I can worry about actually learning how to cook somewhat sophisticated meals. Breakfast I'm fine with, as I quite enjoy eggs. It's just a matter of resisting the temptation to have toast/butter with them, but lately I've just been doing spinach and feta omelettes and those are pretty good even without toast. Lunch in all honesty I'll likely continue doing fast food or restaurants, but I generally do stuff that's reasonably healthy (sandwiches, burritos, asian take-out etc) and not burger/fries. So mostly I need to get my shit together with dinner. Once that's under control, then I can start improving lunch by bringing stuff to work instead of going out.
The good news is that even just with general laziness and lack of motivation to actually eat due to being a mopey bitch, I've already lost about 5 pounds in the last couple weeks. If I can shed another 15 by summer that will be pretty damn close to my ideal weight. I'm going to start hitting the gym a few times for cardio and eventually some weights, but as everyone here would agree, I need to get my diet figured out most importantly.