Weight Loss Thread


Golden Knight of the Realm
Nothing nearly as fancy as a tripod. Generally involves my smart phone front facing camera balanced semi precariously on one of my wife's boots or a door knob.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
After a few months of squatting consistently I've unified my squat weight to my bench weight. I think now my squat weights are ready to take the lead. I'll probably increase those this coming week and keep my bench the same. But I also want to make sure not to get stuck in a rut where I don't increase those. So I think come hell or high water the week after I'm going to just move both up to 225. I'm also adding like no mass to my calves. I think I'm just stricken with small calf syndrome.


Got something right about marriage
Isn't that so frustrating? I'm the same way and then I see guys who can't even bench half of what they squat and I feel like such a noob.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Might be an issue with skipping leg-centric workouts. Otherwise, your squats should dwarf the shit out of benchpress. Skipping Legs Day? Not Even Once. (if you have a legit medical issue involving motions that would correlate with squats, disregard)

The calf thing is forever going to be a random note in workout forums. That's almost 100% genetic and you can be strong as shit and have tiny chicken-leg calves. Just don't be a douche and get implants. Because then everyone will (rightly) mock you.


Molten Core Raider
For a lot of people squats can be really awkward. Some guys can sink right in but being taught proper technique for your average shitty squatter can help a lot. I'm at that point where I need some coaching. At 6'3 with long legs i have a lot of trouble progressing on it just doing it on my own.

No calves, I feel that pain. I do the work but I've resigned to the fact that they'll never come up much. I could stop pressing today and my chest would still grow from goddamn leg curls but my calves don't budge from direct work.


Trakanon Raider
Might be an issue with skipping leg-centric workouts. Otherwise, your squats should dwarf the shit out of benchpress. Skipping Legs Day? Not Even Once. (if you have a legit medical issue involving motions that would correlate with squats, disregard)

The calf thing is forever going to be a random note in workout forums. That's almost 100% genetic and you can be strong as shit and have tiny chicken-leg calves. Just don't be a douche and get implants. Because then everyone will (rightly) mock you.
Bro, no one can see your legs in shirtless selfies. I've been "blessed" with great calves and it sucks, very few pants will fit comfortably since they taper in and my calves are massive. I also have done leg based things my while life so I have no upper body. I'd probably only be able to bench 125 but I never bench.



Mr. Poopybutthole
Anomalies do exist!

For weightloss concerns, simply putting in time at the gym (and actually lifting, not texting or talking about lifting. For fucks' sake I hate that shit) is going to be a pretty sufficient calorie burner long term. Though I'd stress proper form over even starting to worry about max numbers etc. Especially if you are lifting/at the gym to lose weight. Just concentrate on pushing each time you go, and leave sweaty and drained. Everything else is beyond the scope of simple weightloss.

On squats specifically, my anecdotal experience is that the people who struggle the most with them tend to have a) bad form and b) a very weak core. Or they've developed a dowager's hump while being a tubbo, and they can't physically get their arms behind their head. In which case: Goblet squats! not nearly as effective, but when your option is "or don't," do the goblets. But yeah, I squat 325ish (was my max a month or so ago for 3 reps, not really confident enough with the home weight set to really go too much higher without a spotter) and my bench is 265 (also a month old, but same confidence)atm. I'm also built like a Lord of the Rings dwarf. The range of motion a 6'3" guy has to do makes my little 5'6" shit look like I'm cheating. So there's definitely that being an issue for taller folks. Even so, if numbers are your thing, I would do some serious core workouts to get that up to snuff if it isn't. Planks, medicine ball tossing, etc. It can definitely help a lot if you haven't spent time developing it when it comes to.. well, basically almost all lifts. And yeah, if you aren't sure on your form, get some advice on it. At 225 (no idea your overall body makeup) you're lifting heavy enough to fuck up your back a bit if you are doing it wrong. If you are doing it right, I would recommend the core workouts to shore up that weakness (if it exists!) and then see how quickly you progress. As for Warmuth... stop being tall? =/ JK~ Yeah definitely look into someone of similar build and knows their shit so they can critique your form. I would wager that is a huge part of any difficulties progressing.

Calves: You -can- strain them to get them to grow, but compared to people who are just predisposed genetically in that fashion, it is a retardedly long uphill battle. Only real advice I would give is to use heavy ass weights and do various calf exercises. Don't grab a couple of 30s and start doing calf raises; that's not going to do much for size. Get into one of those sitting sled deals with the knee pads:

and proceed to abuse them. But even then, you are looking at like... -maybe- 1/4 of an inch growth every other week or so. Maybe. Again, it really depends on your specific genetics.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Calves are more genetic based than any other muscle. If you want huge calves, I suggest gaining about 150-200 pounds. Call this the "dreamer bulk" phase. Stay here for about 10 to 15 years. Just walk around a giant fat shit. Then lose all that weight. They'll be fucking massive, I promise.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Calves are more genetic based than any other muscle. If you want huge calves, I suggest gaining about 150-200 pounds. Call this the "dreamer bulk" phase. Stay here for about 10 to 15 years. Just walk around a giant fat shit. Then lose all that weight. They'll be fucking massive, I promise.
Bro you must be like a certified trainer or some shit


Blackwing Lair Raider
Calves are more genetic based than any other muscle. If you want huge calves, I suggest gaining about 150-200 pounds. Call this the "dreamer bulk" phase. Stay here for about 10 to 15 years. Just walk around a giant fat shit. Then lose all that weight. They'll be fucking massive, I promise.
My plan all along!


Golden Knight of the Realm
It would seem I have experienced my first 'major' injury with my new fitness lifestyle. Rolling last night and a grown man tried to jump guard. I posted with my left leg and he was off to the side a bit too much and basically landed on the outside of my knee. I wouldn't call it an immensely painful experience, more the feeling of your leg / knee / knee cap being in positions they were not meant for is disconcerting.

Went to the hospital to get it looked at and have an Orthopedic follow up on Friday. X-ray looked fine, so I guess that is a plus. The knee is basically a grapefruit radiating from the inside, so most likely MCL issue of some sort. Not quite sure what to expect for the moment. My first thought was needing to dial in my diet and figure out what sort of exercise I can still complete without being able to depend on both legs. May go and try out crank cycling at my wife's gym and do some sort of bro split for upper body (nuts to calves!) just so I can keep busy. Definitely too bad, was hitting my stride in the gym and body weight again, just an unfortunate incident.

Anyone deal with similar injuries? How did you stay active?


Molten Core Raider
Easy workaround , just avoid anything that causes pain or would further damage the knee. Now you can do curls every workout with your new built in excuse!

I can count the number of days per year on one hand that I'm not working around some pissed off body part. Biceps tendonitis is all the rage in my right shoulder currently. I just limit pressing and anything else causing pain. Still more than enough options in the gym.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yep. Bicep tendonitis in the left shoulder means no overhead work for me. MORE BENCHING!


Golden Knight of the Realm
Welp, had my initial visit with Orthopedic doctors today. My knee is basically near worst case scenario. Grade III MCL tear, fully torn ACL, maybe some meniscus damage. MRI on Sunday and follow up next week to figure out where I am headed. Most likely surgery time though.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Make sure you get a self-contained, alcohol based cryo/cold cuff post surgery. It'll make life 100* better.

And stay off grass.


Molten Core Raider
I've had the acl surgery. It's not fun but honestly it's better than something like shoulder surgery. You'll be out of exercising for a few weeks and out of jiu