No, the issue is that you have people like mkopec who admitted he doesn't exercise giving conflicting advice to people like me that read more about nutrition and exercise more than him.
He really has no business trying to give advice, at least not until he sets foot in gym or picks up a dumbbell, but that's the problem with the keto kultists, they refuse to consider the individual and just prescribe keto to anyone and everyone.
Yes keto works but is it optimal for you - no
Is there any reason to be on keto long term - no
What expertise do you have to give advice bro?
Im fucking 43 yrs old and Ive researched shit like this the last 20 yrs or so. I used to be a cyclist, long distance runner, played basketball like a mo fo, Ive lifted weights, fuck I used to play football in the 80s. I probably was in the gym lifting those dumbells while you were sucking your mommas teet. Ive read all kinds of shit, keto, adkins, carb cycling (your holy grail) vegetarian shit, primal, all thatEXTENSIVELYand more. Its what I do every day at my boring ass work. And Ive experienced it in the past 20 yrs while I settled down with family and lived the good life and got fat. Ive done all those fucking diets, all those workouts. And the one thing that ever worked for me was low carb. So yeah, im gonna be an advocate of it. I was in the gym last spring lifting mad weights, except I don't have time for that shit too much to do with family. Im big and strong enough, I have nothing to prove.
So while I might be a lazy fuck now, admittedly, Ive done my share of weights, running, cycling. And im speaking from experience. Now this might not be for everyone, and you know what? I don't give a shit. Do what you want. Im here sharing my experience, the shit that I learned and worked for me over the years. I really don't give two fucks what you do. I really don't. I lost 85 lbs in 6 mos while on the couch, while you were straining your nuts at the gym. You probably were never fat in your life, how can you come here and tell fat dudes how to loose weight?
Im not on keto right now, just low carb and its working to keep me where I want to be. Keto was just a thing I used to get me over a hump at about 220 to get down to 195. I eat everything, except breads, pasta, rice, potato and all the processed carby shit. Fruits, veggies, dairy, fish and meat, lots of meat. Fresh, bro. Its where you wanna be.
But go ahead with your carb cycling cult. And tell me how you can be in ketosis while carb cycling, lol. Remember what you said? Best of both worlds?
From your own web site you linked for proof!...
Most of the time, I advocate a plant-based low-carb Paleo-like diet for health; keto if obese insulin resistant. High[ish] protein for all (ymmv). Seasonal when possible.....
Optimal, harmful, or somewhere in between? You decide (but if you choose harmful, please provide a link! or at least explain why, very clearly.)
Hint: nutritional ketosis isn't harmful. FOR. FIVE. YEARS. 1) that's not cyclical or intermittent ketosis; and 2) five years is probably much longer than the diet you're following has been tested for "safety."
Would ketosis have hindered our ability to hunt prey and avoid predation? My thoughts on our ability to perform high intensity physical activity after ketoadaptation have been thoroughly expressed in the past. And ketosis clearly doesn't hinder cognitive functioning.
So, from both a mental and physical perspective, ketosis, chronic or otherwise, did not stop us from becoming who we are. Indeed, it probably contributed to how we did so. Well, that and seafood.
John Kiefer, an advocate of resistance exercise in the fasted state, mentioned: "the sympathetic nervous system responds quicker to fasted-exercise. You release adrenaline faster. Your body is more sensitive particularly to the fat burning properties of adrenaline and you get bigger rushes of adrenaline."
Much of this is spot on. That is, ketogenic dieting and glycogen depletion increase exercise-induced sympathetic activation and fat oxidation (eg, Jansson 1982, Langfort 1996, & Weltan 1998).
The question is: can this improve nutrient partitioning and physical performance? Magic 8-Ball says: "Signs point to yes." I concur.
Contrary to popular beliefs, glycogen depletion per se doesn't harm many aspects of physical performance. A lot of fuel systems are at play; you don't need a full tank of glycogen.