People who are fat trying to lose weight you fucktard. Not everyone is 6,2 ft and weighs 165 trying to get that last 2% body fat. You are not the typical person to do keto. So quit coming off as some dietician guru because you simply dont know shit.
Keto is the best way to lose substantial weight in least amount of time while doing nothing for exercise. Its also a more sustainable diet in the short term rather than calorie counting because you eat calorie rich foods that satiate better and you dont have to count shit. And im fucking proof of this. 270 down to 195 in less than 6 mos.
Thanks for the stupid angry post, my opinion is not based on my own anecdotal experience but on
A) the thousands of transformations achieved on a carb cycling plan
Transformations / The Body Coach
B) the fact that the whole insulin = obesity hypothesis which is the very basis for keto is no longer as certain as people thought
Try reading the links I posted:
"please consider the modern views of Taubes, Lustig, Gardner, Attia, and others on CarbsT. They're less "Carbs-cause-obesity, keto-for-all, etc.," and more thinking it might not be CarbsT per se, but rather processed and refined foods. "
"Insulin sensitive dieters lost more weight on a high carb diet than a low carb diet (10.4 vs 8.6 kg). Insulin resistant dieters lost more weight on low carb (9.6 vs 7.4 kg). Notably, of all four groups, the most weight was lost on a high carb diet (10.4 kg) despite low carbers consistently getting more protein" = the more weight you lose the less necessary keto becomes
Please remember I only commented to correct someone who said they avoid vegetables.
If you're advocating avoiding vegetables because you'd rather be in keto then you should never post in a weight advice thread again.
Keto is great for the obese and those just starting out, or those that are physically inactive, but most people here are saying they exercise, so maybe you should get off the sofa before you try and argue with someone over the best advice for gym goers?
Someone like brahma who lifts heavier than you and me combined probably, can ABSOLUTELY have some sweet potato or rice post workout.
And no, a diet that bans an entire food group is not sustainable. Rofl, especially one which makes it virtually impossible to enjoy any kind of social activity.
Yeah you lost weight, good for you and your anecdotal fallacy experience. You'd have lost more and looked better at the end with 20 mins hiit and some weights 4x a week
How can you not see that carb cycling is the best of both worlds. Keto days with carbs post workout, no need to restrict anything and no need to feel guilty for eating a fucking bagel.
So yeah, I think I've just categorically destroyed your "I don't exercise and keto worked for me it's the best diet" nonsense