for me one reason I like keto is that diabetes is a big issue in my family - my dad got T2 late in life, my grandpa had it, and an uncle has it.None of them are obese, so I think our family just got fucked on the genetic lottery. I have a Novamax monitor with strips that I check a few times a year to make sure nothing is going bad, and my blood sugar was slowly creeping up over the last 3 years (from 80 to 100, fasting - 125+ is basically diabetes). Its actually dropped to low 70s now. I enjoyed carbs a lot up until this point in my life but I don't have a real problem rarely eating pasta, rice, potatoes, and other starchy stuff for the rest of my life especially if I can avoid all the complications diabetes brings.
Tuna is great when mixed in with some yogurt and hot sauce too, lived off that stuff as a poor college student. or just thrown on top of some sort of lettuce mixed with some cheese and sunflower seeds.
Eggs smell really bad (sulphurous) if over or undercooked, you can youtube some great hardboiled egg videos to get a flawless cooking technique down. Gordon Ramsay has a great video on scrambled eggs and butter, mix it with some sriracha and spinach and it is heavenly. Bacon, spinach, eggs, and cheese make for awesome omelettes too. I find if I am not perfect in my timing with cooking eggs though they get that sulphur smell that is just gross.
Ramsay has actually a pretty awesome 20 episode UK TV series on just a whole bunch of basic cooking techniques for a range of foods, similar to Good Eats. You can torrent out Ramsay Ultimate Cookery Course, taught me a few nice new ways to cook fish and meats. I'm fortunate in that my wife cooks for the family and since I work at home I cook just for myself, and have a lot of fun learning new stuff and buying awesome new kitchen toys.