Weight Loss Thread


Trakanon Raider
Couldn't decide on whether to have a burrito or Indian food, so I just had both. One day I'll stop my bulk and go back to race weight.


Tranny Chaser
because you need the carbs to replenish the glycogen after each workout. I carb cycle whether cutting to below 10% or adding muscle.


Tranny Chaser
I'm inclined to agree, but I wanted to see what effects eschewing carbs would have on my output instead of just assuming performance would go to shit (I keep fairly detailed logs of my exercises so comparing before and after would be fairly objective).

What kind of carbs would you recommend? Low GI fruit? Or is GI not a consideration, just gross carb intake?
sweet potato, rice, protein pancakes (made with oats), even a bagel can work


tour de salt
Targeted carbs after workouts isn't one size fits all. Carbs have little to no place in my post workout eating when I'm in ketosis. Just going to prevent you from going deeper into keto and lessen your fat burning adaptation. The more you work out in ketosis the more adapted you'll be.

Now if you are trying to do a keto bulk then that's a different story. But for weight loss postworkout carb loading isn't necessary.


Tranny Chaser
Targeted carbs after workouts isn't one size fits all. Carbs have little to no place in my post workout eating when I'm in ketosis. Just going to prevent you from going deeper into keto and lessen your fat burning adaptation. The more you work out in ketosis the more adapted you'll be.

Now if you are trying to do a keto bulk then that's a different story. But for weight loss postworkout carb loading isn't necessary.
Keto is a lifestyle choice, it is far from the optimal solution for fat loss, muscle building and performance

I just did a week of keto to get rid of all the excess water weight from Christmas. The first gym session after re-introducing carbs to my workout was much, much easier compared to my keto workouts.

You refer to ketosis like it's a magic bullet - it isn't.

Fat burning adaptation - oh, you mean the length of time it takes for your body to adjust and for your workouts not to suck.

Carb cycling is the best of both worlds, only carb phobes and keto zealots think otherwise


Blackwing Lair Raider
Lmao you went on keto for a week (meaning you weren't actually doing keto) and you complain it sucks.

Just stop talking about it. Seriously. It's so fucking annoying.


Tranny Chaser
Lmao you went on keto for a week (meaning you weren't actually doing keto) and you complain it sucks.

Just stop talking about it. Seriously. It's so fucking annoying.
It was a short term measure to get rid of the excess water weight from consuming more carbs than usual over Christmas, try reading. I have used keto extensively in the past - carb cycling is the best of both worlds.

The guy I quoted referenced ketosis and fat adaptation without giving any explanation why either is necessary - newsflash - they are not. There is no reason to restrict carbs to lose weight, it just isn't necessary


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
It was a short term measure to get rid of the excess water weight from consuming more carbs than usual over Christmas, try reading. I have used keto extensively in the past - carb cycling is the best of both worlds.

The guy I quoted referenced ketosis and fat adaptation without giving any explanation why either is necessary - newsflash - they are not. There is no reason to restrict carbs to lose weight, it just isn't necessary
Technically just a calorie deficit would cause you to lose weight, but from personal experience, eschewing carbs was the fastest weight loss for me.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Entirely depends on the preceding diet, really. I ate, when I was a little overweight, at pretty balanced levels (no sodas or white bread or whatever, but I do love me some pasta) across the board. Losing weight for me was effectively just reducing caloric intake across the day/week, and had little to do with composition. The people who are drinking 12packs of soda and shit, though... yeah, they might need some weening via low carb/ketosis like diets. I'm still completely against them as any sort of long term solution, but hey, if a diet works for you, it works. Just don't consume 90% of your carbs through soda =p I'm not sure that even fuels the low-carb kiddies' agenda, because that's just plain common sense.

Short term ketosis in an otherwise healthy individual (ossoi, for example) seems like fucking around for fucking around's sake. All the balanced folk know that you just reduce things in %s to reduce weight, be it water or whatever. There's no reason to go keto unless you just enjoy going keto, outside medical reasons. If that's how you attribute weight loss, then fine. But that same weight loss can be hit dozens of different ways, and doesn't require anywhere near the dietary restrictions that ketosis does. Again though, if it works for you, hey, more power to ya. I've had pretty good success with a balanced diet (30/40/30 carbs/protein/fats) and others have had success with super low carb diets. The important aspect is sticking with them and having a caloric deficit.


Got something right about marriage
There's also no reason not to go keto, except for medical reasons. Low fat is just as restrictive, it's just easier for you to swallow (heh) because it's been part of our culture for so long.

And yes, there are a myraid of healthy eating habits that work.


Trakanon Raider
Dear god, just watched a trainer supervise a girl doing bar weight squats and probably the worst form ever and he just kept yelling motivational things at her.

Can resolutioners just leave already?


Trakanon Raider
It's entirely the trainer fault, it's just every time I go now all the new people are using their free one time personal trainer so I'm stuck with some guy yelling through the whole gym.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
There's also no reason not to go keto, except for medical reasons. Low fat is just as restrictive, it's just easier for you to swallow (heh) because it's been part of our culture for so long.

And yes, there are a myraid of healthy eating habits that work.
A few questions for you:

1) Does the persistent metallic taste in my mouth go away after a certain period of time?
2) Have you read anything substantiating what was mentioned above about being "deep" into keto? I guess what I'm really asking is if you've seen any literature that definitively says one way or the other that carb cycling reduces lipolysis efficiency. I am definitely willing to tone down my HIIT if the overall body fat reduction will be increased by not carb cycling for the gym.
3) I've seen some suggestions for taking a whole day to eat mostly carbs (for someone who is 30%+ body fat like me this would be once every 2 weeks at most) to restore leptin levels back to peak (leptin is consumed slowly and only replenished with carbs) then go back to low carb for weight loss. Have you heard of this or done it?

Yes, I'm aware that this is min maxing, but sue me, I enjoy it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
1. That never happened to me while in keto.
2. Deep into keto as in what? I can definitively say that after awhile you can consume more and more carbs and remain in keto. I'm not sure if that's what you're asking, but at one point I was consuming 150g and fine.
3. I never did this. If the literature states its effective, no harm in trying in it.


Got something right about marriage
1) I never had the metallic taste in my mouth. It's more like waking up from a nap after day drinking. That's what my mouth felt/tasted like in the mornings during ketosis. After I drank water and brushed my teeth that was gone for the rest of the day. Everyone is different though obviously. That never went away until I was out of ketosis.

2) There is no definitive literature or scientific study on anything in the nutritional science realm. Anyone who tells you otherwise is only fooling themselves. Ketosis is, ironically, proof of that. When you're eating carbs your body does certain things with the food it ingests and organs act certain ways. When you go into Ketosis your body acts in very different ways. Both ways have been shown to be healthy in various different studies. Both sides of the argument seem to ignore that each way is healthy and rely on theory and crackpot bullshit to try to discredit the other. For whatever reason.

3) I'm not sure that's true but I've never looked into it. My appetite remained subtantially lower the entire 10 months I was losing weight, the first 5-6 of that I never had a single cheat day. In fact when I did have cheat days my appetite went rampant so I believe the opposite may in fact be true. Though that's not entirely a fair assessment. Cheat days involved drinking Arizona Iced Tea and eating burgers on white bread with tater tots and ketchup. It's not like I was "cheating" with real food. All I have for you is anecdotal evidence which is essentially worthless.


Tranny Chaser
There's also no reason not to go keto, except for medical reasons. Low fat is just as restrictive, it's just easier for you to swallow (heh) because it's been part of our culture for so long.
Where did I mention low fat? When in almost 3 years of posting in this thread have I ever advocated anyone going low fat?

There's also no reason not to go keto
The only reasons to go keto:

a) epileptic
b) type 2 diabetic
c) massively obese

The majority of people that have lost weight on keto should gradually start reintroducing carbs. The problem is that it's very easy on keto to develop carb phobia and avoid them altogether.

Now can we stop the keto derail


Tranny Chaser
2) Have you read anything substantiating what was mentioned above about being "deep" into keto? I guess what I'm really asking is if you've seen any literature that definitively says one way or the other that carb cycling reduces lipolysis efficiency. I am definitely willing to tone down my HIIT if the overall body fat reduction will be increased by not carb cycling for the gym.
3) I've seen some suggestions for taking a whole day to eat mostly carbs (for someone who is 30%+ body fat like me this would be once every 2 weeks at most) to restore leptin levels back to peak (leptin is consumed slowly and only replenished with carbs) then go back to low carb for weight loss. Have you heard of this or done it?

Yes, I'm aware that this is min maxing, but sue me, I enjoy it.
It's not worth paying attention to studies, for every study that says one thing there is a study that disproves it. Post a pro keto study on a keto forum and they'll lap it up, post an anti-keto study on a keto forum and they'll spend all day trying to debunk it.

The best way to judge what works or who knows what they're talking about is by results. I've posted this before but there are literally thousands of online results from a carb cycling method hereTransformations / The Body CoachIn fact, 4 of the twelve weeks he has people eating carbs with every meal on days they train, the remaining 8 weeks are carbs only post workout. And that's via an online program that is marketed towards average people.

And if you are carb cycling then you don't need a carb refeed day