Physical fight or verbal? Don't think I have the stamina last word himNow you have to fight hodj IRL to see who wins a gold title for being psychic.
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Physical fight or verbal? Don't think I have the stamina last word himNow you have to fight hodj IRL to see who wins a gold title for being psychic.
Ford said that Arnold was effectively scrubbed from the history books and their entire partnership was also shrouded in mystery. The scenes that appear to depict Bernard interviewing Dolores are actually showing Arnold with Dolores 30 years prior. He's wearing radically different attire and the interviews are taking place in the same bunker that houses Ford's clandestine robot operation. I never put 2 and 2 together but now we know why there was an empty space in the photo Bernard was shown. They're designed not to detect things that would make them question their reality.
Maeve has all these scenes where she's is supposed to be super intimidating, but I can't take it seriously when the guys she's threatening are the office retards.
I'm almost positive that Ford is a robot though. Otherwise Ford being able to shut down the hosts with his mind makes no sense.I find this to be the most simple and plausible explanation.
I'm not sold on Arnold being a robot. I think he had too many good ideas on how to spark consciousness, that Ford disagreed with. However, Ford has been trying to re-install those ideas into the hosts for some time.
Also - Bernard is in charge of AI, because Ford wants him to become self-aware. It isn't happening, but Ford is patient. Unfortunately The Board has come in and fired Bernard, so Ford has him bring down Theresa - this act gets rid of his opposition, and might spike Bernard's consciousness. Bernard has had memories, but still isn't hearing "The Voice (of God)" - will revealing that he is a robot spark his mind?
Ford must know Maeve is conscious (after all, he knows everything). It's (now) part of his plan. Delores was supposed to be the one, but she still isn't there yet. Bernard still isn't there yet. He's been planning on how to make the hosts conscious for years, and it's only happening sporadically; the new narrative is either the takeover or meant to spark more awareness among more hosts.
The question also remains, what is Ford creating down in his basement? Did he create the chair of the board, as a plot to kill Theresa and reveal to Bernard? Does he have hosts walking around the park, unbeknownst and unnoticed by anyone else? Are they secretly hiding in other lairs, like this one? Has he been slowly replacing human worker bees with hosts?
We have a good general rule though now. Plotting against ford/park? Probably not a robot. Anyone else? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Going to make a left field call. Arnold created ford, ford killed Arnold. Ford is a bot.
Disclaimer, I don't read too much into the theories cause I just like to enjoy the show so maybe this has been floated already.
I love this show. You know when you are thinking about it in the shower or in the car on the way to work, then its great.
So I was doing just that. And the idea of the AI vs Humans keep coming back. What is Ford's or Arnold's ultimate goal? Is Ford a Robot too? Are they creating an Army? Using the sins and worse impulses of humans to fund the building of a force that will eventually get rid of them. How many thousands of deactivated hosts are in those lower floors? They seem to be churning out new ones almost around the clock.
There's a path for everyone. Your path leads you back to me. I know things will work out the way they're meant to. Same as I know my daddy still won't be happy to see you.
Eps5 where MiB has near dead Teddy and Lawrence
You believe in fate, Lawrence?
If the bitch exists, I'd like to kick her in the teeth about now.
Don't be so glib. You'll hurt my feelings. As another old friend of mine likes to say, "There's a path for everyone." Your path leads you back to me. You ever wonder why I've kept you with me this whole journey?
which also brings up this picture that Ford showed Bernard, who assumed it was Arnold on Ford's side - it wasn't, it was his dad (who he replicated in the cabin). There is enough room in the picture though for a THIRD person next to Ford-Dad, which may have been the original Arnold. Who Bernard couldn't see because... he looks exactly like Bernard. Which means the Dolores/Bernard scenes are flashbacks to the original Arnold.
Right? At this point a robot is actively saying she's going to kill you. I get they fear for their jobs, but they know they are going up against a super powerful company and it will end up with them being fired anyway. At this point WHY the fuck wouldn't you call the security team and have her incinerated? Makes no sense. That whole story line looks like its going to be mega disappointing.
"How many times have you died?"
"Never, because I'm not fucking loser--enjoy the incinerator you glorified toaster."
The mind fuck will be if Arnold created Ford as a bot and implanted memories in him to make him think they were partners. Arnold really died 500 years ago, but Ford thinks it was 30.Well, I think Ford is a bot, not sure about Arnold making him. I think part of the core of the park is human singularity. I think that's what Davos is really interested in, some break through in AI that lets human consciousness be transferred. The whole Lazzerus comment in the first episode and how the show deals with loss--its the one thing humans haven't gotten control of yet. But a Host body is perfect. I think the Maze has something to do with that.
That all said--the reason I think For is a Host is because he's displayed many times he has control over the Hosts with no voice interface needed. Pretty sure he has the same kind of hardware implants in his 'wet ware'.
I think both Ford's and Arnold's goal was AI, and maybe human singularity. When they achieved true AI, Arnold was horrified and wanted to free it and stop, Ford saw a path forward for humanity to achieve 'perfection', under his control.
Don't forget too, MIB says "I never got to know you, you always seemed like you were designed by committee"....Logan, when they walked into Pariah said "The rest of the park seems like it was designed by committee" (I forget the exact line but it was the same line the MIB used.) So William is repeating lines through both stories.
I think they are for sure playing with time.
Yeah, the dude is even HOLDING the dev tablet he used to up her intelligence to 20/Remote control other hosts that we see techs doing. Oh you want to kill me? This has gone too far man, intelligence set to 1/seize her motor control.
Fuck you, stupid toaster. Claim defects present. Send to storage. Bye Felicia.