I'm chipping away at Dragon Quest 6 phone version, after finishing DQ3/4/5 recently on phone. Never thought I'd say this, but phone is by far the most convenient platform for playing games like that (turn-based RPGs). I just get it out whenever I have downtime. I might go all week without ever getting around to turning on my PS5, and log 15-20 hours on a phone game in the same week. What have I become?
Part of me wants to go on to Dragon Quest 7, but I'm hesitant because of how unavailable it is. Basically emulator or wildly-overpriced 3DS version. A digital phone release for $15 like the others would be nice.
I'll probably keep DQ6 going until Metroid Dread comes out. Might do quick Zero Mission and AM2R replays right before Dread (like, Weds and Thurs night respectively) since I've been thinking about the first two games a lot and you can run them in like 2 hours tops.
After Dread and DQ6 are done, I've got a ludicrous backlog to get into until Pokemon Gen 4 remake comes out. The October/November shortlist includes Code Vein, Bloodstained, Death Stranding, Aliens Fireteam. Then Pokemon Gen 4 remake (maybe with a run of Platinum before or after it since I never played that version), then back to the massive backlog. Further shortlist for December/January includes Skyward Sword, Pillars of Eternity, Jedi Fallen Order, Far Cry 6, and finally attempting to beat Cuphead (got about 75% of the way through it and hit a wall). By then it'll be time for Elden Ring.
...I'll probably only get to half of this list at best between my chaotic life and trying to spend more time on EQ.