Oh man, Lori Loughlin could play the mom now - i would still hit it!
I hate to be the one that makes your life even shittier, but...
Oh man, Lori Loughlin could play the mom now - i would still hit it!
I don't put a lot of stock in Rotten Tomatoes, the audience score is the important part, i mean they gave the Omega Code and Howard the Duck a higher rating. Between Lori Loughlin's hotness and the "send me an angel" scene, the movies deserves at least a 10% by any objective standard!
Man, I loved The Girl, The Gold Watch & Everything when I was a kid too. I barely remember anything about it beyond the time stopping, but I know I loved it, and I've always remembered that title./delurk..
two different obscure made for TV movies that struck a cord with me when young:
Where have all the people gone
Where Have All The People Gone? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Girl, the gold watch, and everything
The Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What are u talking about? They already made the best possible remake for that fucking movie:
they used to play that on my local tv channel on sunday afternoons during the 70s with the Doberman gang movies. i think they even made a sequel to that girl, goldwatch movie.Man, I loved The Girl, The Gold Watch & Everything when I was a kid too. I barely remember anything about it beyond the time stopping, but I know I loved it, and I've always remembered that title.