You do it like any other student. Take loans and don't live alone.Honestly, how do people manage to go go to school full time once they're an adult and have mortgages and bill payments? With my GPA and the people I know I could pretty easily go to Pharmacy College and double my salary after 3-4 years of school, but that kind of school is hard enough that you realistically can't work much while you're in school and I have no idea how I'd pay tuition plus pay my mortgage, car, insurance, etc for that long.
I sold a business first and I had a cheap paid off house and paid off cars and my wife worked.Honestly, how do people manage to go go to school full time once they're an adult and have mortgages and bill payments? With my GPA and the people I know I could pretty easily go to Pharmacy College and double my salary after 3-4 years of school, but that kind of school is hard enough that you realistically can't work much while you're in school and I have no idea how I'd pay tuition plus pay my mortgage, car, insurance, etc for that long.
I know 2 people with Forestry degrees that make 150k+ salaries in charge of large parks and recs departments.He has a forestry degree is all I remember.
Exxon paid for part of my graduate degree. I paid for most of my undergrad and had a partial (small) scholarschip from the Sons of the Republic of Texas. BS in forest management with a minor in biology and a MS in wildlife management.B can you just post your life history so I can digest it?
I remember you saying you didn't have a degree, that exxon paid for your degree, and now this.
I did school 2 years full time (5 days a week 7-8 hours a day, 1.5+ hour commute, 1 week break in between terms) and worked around 20 hours a week. It was brutal. I would need full student loan if I had mortgage and bills. One of my classmate worked full time and had to support his family. If the program was any longer I think I would have gone insane.Honestly, how do people manage to go go to school full time once they're an adult and have mortgages and bill payments? With my GPA and the people I know I could pretty easily go to Pharmacy College and double my salary after 3-4 years of school, but that kind of school is hard enough that you realistically can't work much while you're in school and I have no idea how I'd pay tuition plus pay my mortgage, car, insurance, etc for that long.