So I'm wanting to discuss where I am in my career, and solicit some advise.
Been working as an infrastructure admin for about 4 years on various *Nix systems, first in healthcare and now in education. Two months ago, I accepted a position wherein I am supposed to bring my employer into PCI DSS compliance. I am not loving it. I think part of the problem is that, coming from a highly technical work history, I just don't feel productive in the same way every day. I am trying to move these compliance projects forward, which is good experience as it is different, project-management type work, but I am not solving concrete, technical problems everyday like I am used to. I find much of my day is spent allaying the fears of high-level members in my organization, who honestly don't really contribute anything to progress, but just want to have their noses in something that their own bosses know is 'important' (Funny how I never was pestered by these people when migrating critical systems across firewall zones, or some other technical work). I feel like I need to alter the direction of my career.
In the past, I have thought about becoming a contractor, or starting a cloud services LLC, but I am somewhat risk-averse, and if I did make a change to be more 'solo', I would like it to be done as safely as possible. Essentially, my goals for this move would be to achieve more independence and more money, while also maintaining as much of the comforts of my current life as possible (I work from home fulltime currently, which is the chief benefit I would like to keep). My question is, given the goal of striking out to be a contractor, what would be a good first step? Should I go through a contracting agency?