There is a mentality among some managers that having static shifts leads to complacency, people fucking off, not knowing the job, etc. My answer was, then fucking fire them. Hire people who actually want to do the work and can do the work, pipe the people working shift into permanent spots as the people in those spots rotate out, create your own pipeline. But, well, there are a lot of reasons I don't work there anymore.
I redid my resume, shortened it up, and I have been getting a fuckload of hits lately. That may just be because of the magic words ("security" "engineer") at the top, or who knows, maybe there are just a lot of companies hard up for vulnerability management people now.
But a lot of the calls are shit. Today I got a call for a job doing engineering, vuln management, and compliance auditing/reporting. Those are like 3-4 different jobs. Which is actually ok, but they want to pay 10k less than my current base. At the max. I don't understand these fucking people.
Almost all of the calls are from people who barely speak english, and I don't want to be racist, but if I can't understand you, I don't want to sit around talking about positions with you.
Anyway I'm not even looking now, I just updated my shit so I can be ready if anything happens and started getting inundated. It's like people don't know what they want. They have these urgent requirements for security people but want to pay them shit and work them like dogs.