I'll go to PMs.I used to run one of the biggest military switchboards in the country.
What site are you guys maintaining and why?
I'll go to PMs.I used to run one of the biggest military switchboards in the country.
What site are you guys maintaining and why?
Nice, glad it went well.Easily the most comprehensive interview of my career. Holy shit.
Never felt out of my depth though. At the moment I'm feeling cautious optimism.
Can't see how it would be otherwise. On the topic of interviews, a lot of the interviews conducted for openings at my company happen in this little conference room that that has floor to ceiling glass facing into a group of about 25 cubicles. One of them is mine, and it's pretty amusing to walk by as an interview is going on and to know if that person is going to get hired based on the CEO's face.Well, I assume. The trio i met were all top notch interviewers. If something went wrong i wouldn't know.
The hiring manager complimented me on being the most prepared person he'd ever interviewed in terms of handouts. I assume that's a good thing.
Yeah. Though now that I'm home and spent so long preparing, and genuinely felt like I did well a rejection would be pretty crushing. I canceled weekend plans, spent around 20-30 hours building a presentation for the pre-interview exercise, and haven't really slept since Sunday because I'm having to catch back up on work for the two jobs I currently have.
It's only a 5 minute call, which feels ominous. Especially because I have to get up in front of an audience of around 40 and teach a class less than half an hour later. I did mention that when scheduling, so I'm hoping he'd take a later time slot out of sheer politeness to deliver bad news.
Christ I'm anxious. If I'm out of the running I wish they'd just tell me via email. Having to sleep on it one more night feels terrible.