What do you do?


Age/Education?I just turned 30. I have a BSc in Computer Science from a University in England and a MBA from a decent university here in the USA.

Where do you work?A mid-size (400 employee) manufacturing firm in SW Virginia.

What do you do?Director of IT.

What field/industry?It's a manufacturing firm in the telecommunications industry.

Wages?$130k annually.

Bonuses/SEP?I get a bonus each year dependent upon company performance which is equal to 25% of my salary. This year I made the full $32.5k, bringing my actual monetary compensation to $162.5k for the year. I also get a stock grant each year that has averaged around $40k, and collect dividends on those stocks.

Benefits?401k (with 25%-50% match, no limit), Health, Vision, Dental, etc.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
24 with a BS Civil Engineering from a state school.


Civil EIT doing site designs, lots of cad, civil3d, subcontractor collaboration.


Supposedly 10% bonus (just started)

401k 50% match to 6% salary, health for $160/mo (which pisses me off) and dental.

I feel it's about what i'm worth.
Age/Education? 23, Bachelors Degree in Computer Science

Where do you work? A Train Operating Company in the UK, which has around 6000 staff.

What do you do? I'm a train driver, focusing on long distance and commuter journeys in the UK. Basically, I get to drive choo choo trains at 100mph, for the fun of it. Planning to move on to Management or a Controlling role in a couple years time or so. Shittiest part of the job is getting up at 3am somedays and other days not finishing your shift until 4am, which sucks. A lot.

What field/industry? er..Railways

Wages? Basic is around 80k a year, before tax, for roughly a 37 hour working week, on average.

Bonuses/SEP? What bonuses?

Benefits? Strong unions, average of 3-4% pay rises every year, discounted and free train travel in the UK and Europe. Final Salary pension, basically pay around 9% of my wages to the pension fund and the company matches it.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Age/Education? 23, Bachelors Degree in Computer Science

Where do you work? A Train Operating Company in the UK, which has around 6000 staff.

What do you do? I'm a train driver, focusing on long distance and commuter journeys in the UK. Basically, I get to drive choo choo trains at 100mph, for the fun of it. Planning to move on to Management or a Controlling role in a couple years time or so. Shittiest part of the job is getting up at 3am somedays and other days not finishing your shift until 4am, which sucks. A lot.

What field/industry? er..Railways

Wages? Basic is around 80k a year, before tax, for roughly a 37 hour working week, on average.

Bonuses/SEP? What bonuses?

Benefits? Strong unions, average of 3-4% pay rises every year, discounted and free train travel in the UK and Europe. Final Salary pension, basically pay around 9% of my wages to the pension fund and the company matches it.
I saw your username as the latest post in this thread. Needless to say, I am disappointed.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Something interesting is that alot of the posters here seem to be relatively successful (compared to avg US wages) salary-wise. I bet there is a paper to be written correlating MMO raid success - assuming that the people who end up here were successful at raiding shit in EQ/WOW 10 years ago, and considering this is fohguild, that is probably a pretty fair assumption - with success in life.


2 Minutes Hate
Probably has more to do with the majority of computer gamers are nerds and nerds have better degrees which make them more money over all.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Not to mention the fact that all the people working the cash registers at Taco Bell aren't in a hurry to post in this thread. Results are skewed (much like the real life picture thread).


Actually, half of them probably did post in this thread and are working for six figures in IT...

I'm a DBA for a huge company. I've been with them for 16 years. Every year I expect my job to migrate to India so I can embark on Ice Road Trucking...


Trump's Staff
Very cool, and if single, I bet this is a nice little angle to use in picking up chicks when they ask you what you do. Your job has a better and more artistic explanation than, "I manage stuff" <---- me, but thankfully married.
Surprisingly, the lab scrubs are also very good for this. I would certainly have thought that going to Panera Bread or the grocery store wearing these after work, smelling faintly of sweat and xylene, would turn chicks off, but nope.


Confirmed Male
Surprisingly, the lab scrubs are also very good for this. I would certainly have thought that going to Panera Bread or the grocery store wearing these after work, smelling faintly of sweat and xylene, would turn chicks off, but nope.


Confirmed Male
Too bad IT does not have any special suits. Fucking health care industry, they fuck you in some many ways!!!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Too bad IT does not have any special suits. Fucking health care industry, they fuck you in some many ways!!!
IT does have special suits. Short sleeve dress shirts and poor fitting dockers or cargo pants it seems.



Silver Baronet of the Realm
Something interesting is that alot of the posters here seem to be relatively successful (compared to avg US wages) salary-wise. I bet there is a paper to be written correlating MMO raid success - assuming that the people who end up here were successful at raiding shit in EQ/WOW 10 years ago, and considering this is fohguild, that is probably a pretty fair assumption - with success in life.
I'm sorry, but I'm having a very hard time believing you actually posted this. This forum has several thousand registered users, yet there are only 177 posts in this thread, with maybe 100 or so replies to the OP (and I'm being generous). Then you're assuming everyone is being honest. I'm sorry, but this thread is a joke if you try to gauge anything other than measuring egos and satisfying your curiosity.

I'm not picking on you, but you're like the 3rd? person to have made a similar comment, and it just kinda makes me roll my eyes in a "wtf why are people stupid?" way.

Self-selection bias - google that shit.

Oh, and I should contribute too.

I work at a metal recycling facility. I make $26k/year with no bonuses or benefits. Never went to college.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm sorry, but I'm having a very hard time believing you actually posted this. This forum has several thousand registered users, yet there are only 177 posts in this thread, with maybe 100 or so replies to the OP (and I'm being generous). Then you're assuming everyone is being honest. I'm sorry, but this thread is a joke if you try to gauge anything other than measuring egos and satisfying your curiosity.

I'm not picking on you, but you're like the 3rd? person to have made a similar comment, and it just kinda makes me roll my eyes in a "wtf why are people stupid?" way.

Self-selection bias - google that shit.

Oh, and I should contribute too.

I work at a metal recycling facility. I make $26k/year with no bonuses or benefits. Never went to college.
Yeah, I didn't think that all the way through, for sure. I still personally think there might be a correlation, but it would take a lot more than a few posts on rerolled to suss out, and it would probably have more to do with personality types than anything else.


26 with a BS and MS in Electrical Engineering

Systems engineering and research


Health and dental, flexible hours, and retirement


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I work at a metal recycling facility. I make $26k/year with no bonuses or benefits. Never went to college.
Why do you do this? You don't work there, and you don't work at Walmart either. What's the point of that?


Yeah, I didn't think that all the way through, for sure. I still personally think there might be a correlation, but it would take a lot more than a few posts on rerolled to suss out, and it would probably have more to do with personality types than anything else.
There was a Myers Briggs personality poll on FoH several months back that heavily skewed toward certain personalities. There's no doubt some self-selection bias in this thread but that personality poll was all the evidence I needed to believe what you're saying has some truth to it. The personalities it was skewing toward are exactly the ones the you'd expect to find in a place like this and they also correlate with higher earnings.

As for myself, I had waited posting in this thread because my job situation is radically changing in a couple months but whatever.

Age / Education?26. BA in Geography. Masters in Urban Planning

Where do you work?Work for a mid-size county.

What do you do?Work as an urban planner. I'm also the GIS guy for the office. So I make maps and shit.

Field / Industry?Local Government



Benefits?Vacation, dental, and health insurance. Then some pension plan that I don't get vested in till after 5 years.

As to how my job will change. Got an opportunity to do urban planning in the Balkans for a couple years through the Peace Corps. Was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. So I'll be leaving my current job for that in the very near future.