Or go around calling it
See how many clue into it.
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My tickle of the day: A long section of the stretch of road that I drive home each day, has been undergoing road works for several months. Normally a 100kph zone, down to 60kph.
I just accept it, drive on or just slightly over, just use the time to chill and listen to the radio. Always there's the ones who're in a hurry wanting to go faster, it's 2 lanes so they just go by. There's never been a policeman checking speed everyone gotten complacent. Today I see from a long distance standing in a reflective safety vest right next to the road, a tall dude not moving, could be a roadworker, right? They're all around here. But also near him is a powerful road car, positioned ready to go.
Ahh, That's gotta be a cop.
Sure enough it's a policeman with radar gun. He gets the guy alongside me, but no doubt it would have just been one after the other.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't feel bad seeing other people get caught for speeding or whatever, maybe because it'sotherpeople. But I always think of it in another way, that when I'm on the road and see someone do some stupid fast move or aggressive lane change ( whatever ) that that person is the one you're going to see getting pulled over on some other day.