What tickles your pickle


<Silver Donator>
I used "man" and "dude" a few days ago when talking to some troon at another company we work with.

"Yea, man, that's the fastest way to burn up a budget...."

"Just pick up the phone, dude. I could have saved you a few hours..."

A coworker politely confronted me on it yesterday, just to say let me know how hurtful that can be yadda yadda yadda. I told her that's just the way I talk and that I've been calling women and men "dude" for decades, including my GF, mom and sisters. Then I sent her about 30 screenshots of text messages and emails, old and new, and bragged about how I've been using genderless language since before she was born.

Her reply was "....lol. I got nothin'."

Minions Mic Drop GIF

I would have been way more aggressive with this if she hadn't been so nice with the way she brought it up.

Edit: apparently that person was NOT trans and I've never been more confused in my life. I have no idea why it was even mentioned
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  • 3Worf
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