Whats rustling your jimmies?


Potato del Grande
The argument can be made that your way is less 'efficient' since you would be idling and eating gas while you're playing with mirrors and since oil and vehicle manufacturers have both called warm up periods a myth you and lurkingdirk are just hiding behind superstitions.
Hiding behind superstitions? You sound like you're getting a bit rustled in a very banal discussion where you didn't chose to also quote me saying any concerted effort to warm a car up is unnecessary (unless you're doing it for air temp or to clear windows I suppose). Though I've yet to see anything that says the best practice is to start and drive away as immediately as possible either. What the popular mechanics argument that debunks warming up a car even states is to start the car, then adjust shit, then drive away.

Get in, start the fucking car, adjust your shit starting with the the AC/heat/windows, then drive of.

See also: spouses that will not touch any climate or radio controls while in the passenger seat. You're riding side-kick, do your fucking job!


I'm Amod too!
Hiding behind superstitions?
Yes, if you want to call it a habit I can get behind that. I am very much a person who sticks to habits. Hell, I also get in the car and start it up before I adjust stuff. But to sit here and ignore several links with citations that say warming engines is unnecessary just means you're playing up your superstitions. I'm hardly rustled about it, more amused at what I've perceived to be generally smart people brushing aside those citations because they think they know better than industry experts.


Vyemm Raider
When I start my car I have to "warm up" my phone....
Bluetooth can take 10-20 seconds to fully connect to my music. If I put it drive or reverse to quick it locks out my music and I can't skip songs via my steering wheel controls. BT calls still work. Pretty sure it's a safety feature but rustles me hard. Also clearly a 1wp.


Potato del Grande
But to sit here and ignore several links with citations that say warming engines is unnecessary just means you're playing up your superstitions.
Please demonstrate where I ignored several links to play into my alleged superstitions? I not only didn't ignore a link, but AGREED with it that warming the engine for its own sake is unnecessary.
The rest of us are discussing when to adjust shit. You're trying to win a debate championship over something that isn't even being debated, at least by me, despite your quoting me.

I'm hardly rustled about it, more amused at what I've perceived to be generally smart people brushing aside those citations because they think they know better than industry experts.
You're amused? I say warming an engine is unnecessary. You claim I'm clinging to superstitions that dictate warming an engine. I question your lack of reading comprehension since nowhere did I even come close to making such claims. And instead of re-reading or rethinking your stupid fucking point you double down and try to insinuate I'm being an idiot by going against industry insiders blah blah? The fuck?

I don't know how long you've been spring-loaded and ready to prove some fools wrong on the internet about warming their engine, but I wasn't making nor entering the argument you're so desperate to refute. But how about until you're ready to use reading comprehensions instead of imagination as a springboard for launching into an argument you go ahead and keep my quotes out ya mouth.


I'm Amod too!
It seems to me you're the one awfully rustled here. That post wasn't just directed at you but also lurkingdirk (and Palum). The first part of that post was mostly addressing your 'inefficient' comment. The second part was more at dirk though I did include you. Let's chalk it up too poor wording in my post and calm the fuck down before we have to warm up an ambulance for your impending aneurysm.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
It seems to me you're the one awfully rustled here. That post wasn't just directed at you but also lurkingdirk (and Palum). The first part of that post was mostly addressing your 'inefficient' comment. The second part was more at dirk though I did include you. Let's chalk it up too poor wording in my post and calm the fuck down before we have to warm up an ambulance for your impending aneurysm.
So let's get to the very basic point I wanted to make at the beginning. Do you think, yes or no, that it is a good idea to let your car run as long as it takes for all the dash lights to turn off after starting up to put the car in drive? That's all I'm saying, man. In the time it takes you to adjust your seat and start the radio, the car is ready to go. I'm not asking people to let it run for even 2 minutes. I'm talking 30 seconds. You have not proved me wrong here.


I'm Amod too!
My dash lights go off within 2-3 seconds. Literally before I even have time to disengage the parking brake and put it into drive, so no, I really don't see a point to waiting.

That's also not what you've been saying. You started by claiming that warm up periods make a car work more efficiently and add years to the life of an engine. Every citation I've come across says this is false in modern engines. I'm saying that it's your perception of the situation that is wrong here and getting your jimmies rustled at your wife is misguided.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It rustles my jimmies that you fuckers wont let the man be rustled by it. Who fucking cares if it makes sense. I bet every one of you assholes hits the elevator button multiple god damn times even though it does nothing!


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
It rustles my jimmies that you fuckers wont let the man be rustled by it. Who fucking cares if it makes sense. I bet every one of you assholes hits the elevator button multiple god damn times even though it does nothing!


what Suineg set it to
Once again, people who vape.

I mean, at least cigarette smokers have the common decency to go outside. How fucking pathetic do you have to be to suck on a cell phone size thing hanging around a chain on your neck constantly for hours at a time?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
For those that don't feel like reading:

So, yeah, sitting there for several minutes in a concerted effort to 'warm up' a modern car's engine: unnecessary. Being rustled your wife is inefficient and/or doesn't listen and should adjust shit after she starts the car: very necessary.
Forget how wrong a couple of you are about the necessity of letting the engine warm up, your first job as the driver should be the get the fucking AC on. Where the fuck do you people live that that's not drilled into you from the first day you get your learner's permit?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Do people here not drive diesel? Also "warming up" a car really means two things.....conversationally it means until its warm inside so girls dont cry, and mechanically it means optimal engine operatoring temperature. You should always "warm up"(in the mechanical sense) a car or truck before stressing it. Its the same with immediately shutting off a diesel after running it. People say "its bad", but dont actually know why. The majority of the reason is that the oil in the turbo can burn because once the engine is shut off the pumps stop but you still have oil in a turbo spinnging and very high rpms(potentially 30k+) which can then singe, and of course burnt oil is bad. Generally speaking, i just wait for my egt to drop below idle temp(400ish F) and boost to hit 0.


what Suineg set it to
I would think most modern vehicles with a turbocharger that gets that hot would have a cooling fan that will run with the engine off until it's safe temps?


Molten Core Raider
Hes talking about "coking" the turbos. The car is shut off, the oil pumps stop flowing oil, the hot oil in the turbo is stuck. The fan may be cooling the car down still but the oil isnt circulating. So that oil essentially boils. Modern day synthetics are supposed to be better about that, and from what I understand its mostly a problem when you have run the turbos harder than a normal load. Some cars keep a pump circulating oil after the car has been shut down for a few minutes to prevent the problem.


Vyemm Raider
I think a lot of this thought that says don't warm up your car is a result of environmental concerns and CAFE regulations. An idling car gets zero mpg and spews out CO for no apparent reason, or so the argument goes. From an engineering point of view, warming up an engine makes sense but not from an environmental point of view.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
I pre-ordered a Tesla (cheapo model). ETA of late 2017, which in Tesla years means I should get it before I die of old age, maybe, depending what state I live in.


That guy
When I bounce back and forth between my two vehicles I try and push buttons and use things on the column that are on the other vehicle but not the one I'm in. First world problems.


Trakanon Raider
I pre-ordered a Tesla (cheapo model). ETA of late 2017, which in Tesla years means I should get it before I die of old age, maybe, depending what state I live in.
Make sure to heat up the engine before driving it!

Amazon or Chrome autofilled in an address on my order and I didn't catch it so my package got shipped to my old house, I thought it got stolen cause it was marked for delivery but nowhere to be found, went back to my old place and the guy was cool about it.