Whats rustling your jimmies?


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Friday night my co-worker and I stay late to merge some code and it doesn't go so cleanly. We say fuck it and decide we'll both come back in today to finish it up. Other coworker comes in Saturday and fixes it along with some other stuff. I go in today to fix another section of code I was working on and on the way get run out of my lane on the highway by some dumb bitch not paying attention. Get to the office and the guy who works Sundays apparently took off, so there's no one else there. I can't get in because I'm a contractor and don't have the code to disarm the door after going in, so I go home and waste an hour of my day driving. Go to open the blinds and a stink bug flies out of them and hits me in the face. BF isn't home to get rid of it and I'm too big of a pussy to do it myself. Extremely rustled right now.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
I know bad drivers are mentioned hundreds of times in this thread, but every time I'm almost killed by BEYOND SHITTY drivers, it really rustles my jimmies. This happened on my way home today. And it's not even close to the first time. Sorry for the super wide image, the resolution on the cam is stupid large, I have to fix it one day.



Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Heading in to work today and as I turn onto the last street where I park, the guy in front of me slams on his brakes suddenly to try to make a right onto the next immediate street, which is a one way street and currently is filled by a car trying to turn into our street. Guy nearly makes me rear-end his ass and leaves me stuck in the middle of an intersection because he's trying to turn onto a one-way street going the wrong way.

Yesterday I'm in the left lane of a two lane street about to go into the intersection when the car in the right lane making a right hand turn decides to make the widest right hand turn of all time to avoid hitting the people crossing the street instead of just waiting and nearly turns right into me since she shoved her car halfway into my lane.

I fucking hate my commute.


Potato del Grande
Dealing with private insurance. Holy shit. This is all new to me as I've always had the "luxury" of going to the VA. Moved to a new area that doesn't have a VA Hospital and the VA local clinic has a 6 month wait list, so figured I'd just go with private insurance since my work pays the premium anyhow. I don't honestly know how people do it. Nobody will tell me how much anything will cost because if the other side codes/bills it differently they'll be wrong, so I have to wait until it's already been coded and billed to find out. An initial consultation that was 15 minutes of my doctor just saying 'uhuh' 'uhuh' and then scheduling me a followup appointment, plus routine labs that showed my B12 was low as I suspected and had to convince her to test for, plus one B12 shot = $400 out of pocket! Then they wanted me to come in for a shot a day for a week, each visit costs $50 out of pocket. Had to fight with them to at least prescribe the shots and let me do them at home, which cost me $100 again completely out of pocket for the initial month of shots after my insurance telling me on the phone it would be the $10 copay for any month supply; guess it wasn't "medically necessary" which is nice for them to say when I was the one feeling like complete shit for like 3 years now.

Makes me miss getting shitty health care through the VA and having to pay a $9.80 for prescriptions that I realized only cost $3 over the counter. The VA was at least a cheaper level of incompetence.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
You can go to a private lab and get a B12 test for <$50 and they'll give B12 shots without a prescription for $20.


Potato del Grande
You can go to a private lab and get a B12 test for <$50 and they'll give B12 shots without a prescription for $20.
Yeah. Something I definitely recommend people do if they're having general feeling like shit issues for prolonged periods of time as apparently B12 deficiency is getting more common and messes people up even with it just being low and not yet deficient.

The per-shot dose works out to about $10 a shot with prescription. Just expensive initial dosing. And still probably not worth the 2+ hours of back and forth between doctor, insurance and pharmacy trying to get the fuckers to agree on anything. It's the fucking hassle when they have me by the balls and we all know it's going to be expensive and I'm going to pay it, so just tell me my damage so we can move on without all the bullshittery.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
The lab here that's in with the pharmacy will give you a B12 shot for $20 every 4 weeks just walk in. 5 minutes and you are done.


My neighbors dog chewed the lower end of his fence pickets off. Instead of replacing them he nailed up a sheet of plywood. I thought it was a temporary fix but it's been there for weeks. Jimmies rustled each time I look out my back window.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
a/c freezing up on the upstairs unit. Pretty confident it's a refrigerant leak. On the tickle side, still have 30 days left on home warranty.


I remember it now.

As for this. What could possibly go wrong?
You're probably right. I backed off of it although for different reasons. Going back home this weekend but staying at my rapists place instead. As an aside they have the same name so it's a pickle tickler to have people ask if I mean rape or fire heather when I talk about them!

Rustled all week training an intern. Barely know what I'm doing ffs. Guy being retarded doesn't help, bitch I got deadlines to meet.


<Silver Donator>
I'm stopped at light in the left hand turn lane. For some reason, the big water truck in front of me decided to start backing up. I laid on the horn to no avail. He didn't stop until he hit me. Scratched up the entire nose of my car. /rustled